chocolate_fondant (candy)
literal strings: Chocolate Fondant , chocolate fondant
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visualizableobject (99.5%)CPL @1105 (86.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ served with" "cream of _" "_ covered pretzels" "_ topped with" "ravioli with _" ] using chocolate_fondant
visualizablething (99.5%)CPL @1100 (98.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "cake made with _" "_ covered pretzels" "drizzle of _" "_ topped with" "thin piece of _" "thin strip of _" "chocolate cake with _" "_ icing recipe" ] using chocolate_fondant
candy (99.1%)CMC @1095 (97.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=choc 2.65170 PREFIX=choco 2.63716 SUFFIX=late 2.55462 SUFFIX=olate 2.55221 PREFIX=cho 2.49076 PREFIX=ch 2.28158 SUFFIX=ate 1.27455 POS=NN -1.03978 CHARS -3.92195 WORDS -4.17053 ] using chocolate_fondant CPL @1094 (70.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "dessert we had _" "desserts , like _" "recipe for Hot _" "dessert I had _" ] using chocolate_fondant