SEAL @110 (93.8%) on 24-may-2010 [ 1234 ] using betty_grable
CPL @1114 (87.2%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "film stars _" "_ was an American actress" "_ has a passionate nature" "guest stars include _" "She costarred with _" "name starring _" "stars included _" "stars such as _" "destiny characterize _" "movie stars , like _" "cast includes _" "VHS films starring _" "_ undergoes periodic emotional upheavals" "actresses , including _" "stars including _" "stars include _" "He starred with _" "such talents as _" "musical film starring _" "sister , played by _" "celebrities like _" "U.S. named _" "superficial relationships do not interest _" "film starring _" "_ has powerful magnetic relationships" "relationships do not interest _" "View quotes by _" "_ 's one-to-one relationships" "movie starred _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "celebs like _" "Girl starring _" "astrological interpretation of _" "starlets , such as _" "great stars such as _" "films starred _" "same name starring _" "co-stars with _" "comedy starring _" "movie stars like _" "guest stars , including _" "actresses like _" "_ sometime credited as" "sister played by _" "Perfect People feature on _" "People feature on _" "movie stars including _" "fine cast includes _" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "available photos of _" "_ stars as" "Hollywood stars like _" "objective portrait of _" "actors like _" "Hollywood legends such as _" "_ desires a deep" "security are very important to _" "favorite actors are _" "Photographic illustrations of _" "Me starring _" "_ was originally considered for" "_ thoroughly enjoys working with" "intimate is _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Stars such as _" "it also starred _" "_ ' photos click" "film stars such as _" "_ is often torn with" "_ ' photos Click" "VHS featuring _" "it starred _" "films starring _" "pin-ups like _" "movie stars such as _" "films he made with _" "passionate is _" "Other guest stars include _" "_ have a disciplined mind" "role opposite _" "_ have no fans" ] using betty_grable
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 met actress arg2" "arg1 married actor arg2" "arg1 married actress arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" ] using (james, betty_grable)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 met actress arg2" "arg1 married actor arg2" "arg1 married actress arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" ] using (betty_grable, james)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 met actress arg2" "arg1 married actor arg2" "arg1 married actress arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" ] using (james, betty_grable)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 met actress arg2" "arg1 married actor arg2" "arg1 married actress arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" ] using (betty_grable, james)