SEAL @144 (99.8%) on 04-sep-2010 [ 123456789 ] using orlando_bloom
CPL @1115 (86.0%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "British actors including _" "Ridley Scott , starring _" "Kid starring _" "End , starring _" "_ 's early roles" "VHS films starring _" "feature stars _" "Great acting by _" "anything starring _" "celebrities including _" "picture starring _" "strong supporting performances from _" "films starring _" "celebrity posters of _" "movie posters with _" "_ was spotted arriving in" "ensemble cast includes _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "movie stars such as _" "favourite actor is _" "passionate is _" "A-listers like _" "Perfect People feature on _" "favorite actor was _" "stars include _" "movie version with _" "_ is a good actor" "He is played by _" "star alongside _" "Sites Posters of _" "favorite entertainer is _" "co-stars including _" "it starred _" "celebs like _" "cast led by _" "movie starring _" "lord played by _" "_ is a great actor" "wallpaper images featuring _" "fantasy movie starring _" "breakout role for _" "_ 's picture galleries" "_ 's dollpage" "movie , starring _" "hero played by _" "film , starring _" "_ is credited alongside" "drama starring _" "co-starring role opposite _" "feature film starring _" "_ have no fans" "People feature on _" "intimate is _" "_ also stars as" "Film stars _" "_ is a talented actor" "gossip pictures of _" "he doubled for _" "trailers featuring _" "_ plays a bad guy" "movie trailers featuring _" "actor named _" "he 's played by _" "picture stars _" "film played by _" "_ sleepwalks through" "heartthrob like _" "Personal Relationship of _" "actresses such as _" "new quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "Fan site for _" "_ 's Relationships" "film starred _" "_ avatars online" "man , played by _" "astrological interpretation of _" "_ is an English actor" "all-star cast including _" "_ heads an all-star cast" "celebrities like _" "A-list celebrities , including _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "DVD narrated by _" "Movie stills of _" "_ 's Tarot Reading" "Town starring _" "VHS featuring _" "Film also stars _" "Kid , starring _" "celebrities such as _" "You starring _" "actors like _" "epic starring _" "celebrities , including _" "cast including _" "character , played by _" "courtroom drama starring _" "quotes involving _" "scenes are with _" "favorite actors are _" "Scott , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "movie stars _" "cast included _" "A-list celebs like _" "She also starred with _" "_ plays a young" "_ including the main biography" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "videos gratuitos de _" "Heaven starring _" "famous actors such as _" "famous faces including _" "stellar cast includes _" "_ ethnicPosted in" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "interesting links of _" "rare images of _" "_ originally auditioned for" "video news clips of _" "central performance from _" "character played by _" "film , narrated by _" "_ was not the only choice" "Other Sites Posters of _" "Celebrities such as _" "_ 's new movie" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "stars opposite _" "_ idealizes love" "few quotes involving _" "main character , played by _" "celebs such as _" "available photos of _" "other celebrities such as _" "celebs including _" "_ plays the main character" "cameos including _" ",aslo include _" "Other stars include _" "favorite actor is _" "_ is a wonderful actor" "Heaven , starring _" "Hollywood stars like _" "_ stars as" "star studded cast including _" "celebrities , such as _" "View quotes by _" "You , starring _" "role opposite _" "ensemble cast led by _" "new film starring _" "cast includes _" "drama , starring _" "_ Find rare images" "full filmography for _" "_ plays a young man" "I am played by _" "Hollywood stars _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "film stars _" "physical compatibility with _" "Turner , played by _" "Film stars like _" "body double for _" "Movie starring _" "actors including _" "wallpaper Perfect People feature on _" "such followers as _" "_ has joined the cast" "film narrated by _" "heroine , played by _" "own page dedicated to _" "quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "film also stars _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "_ 's Charity Work" "young man , played by _" "it stars _" "other interesting links of _" "_ Provides news links" "celebrities , like _" "remake starring _" "_ Try these FANSITE Search" "supporting performances from _" "she stars alongside _" "U.S. named _" "film starring _" "_ shirtless photos" "character was played by _" "many celebrities , including _" ] using orlando_bloom
SEAL @188 (96.9%) on 14-jan-2011 [ 12345 ] using orlando_bloom
CPL @1109 (91.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "British actors including _" "Kid starring _" "End , starring _" "_ 's early roles" "VHS films starring _" "flick includes _" "gratuitos de _" "Great acting by _" "anything starring _" "Authentic likeness of _" "celebrities including _" "picture starring _" "strong supporting performances from _" "other actors , like _" "stars including _" "films starring _" "film actors , including _" "celebrity posters of _" "young actor like _" "movie posters with _" "actors , including _" "She also starred alongside _" "_ is horribly miscast as" "ensemble cast includes _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "movie stars such as _" "favourite actor is _" "passionate is _" "A-listers like _" "Perfect People feature on _" "documentary film narrated by _" "favorite actor was _" "stars include _" "movie version with _" "_ is a good actor" "He is played by _" "star alongside _" "Sites Posters of _" "favorite entertainer is _" "co-stars including _" "it starred _" "celebs like _" "cast led by _" "movie starring _" "lord played by _" "_ is a great actor" "wallpaper images featuring _" "fantasy movie starring _" "breakout role for _" "_ 's picture galleries" "_ 's dollpage" "new movie with _" "movie , starring _" "hero played by _" "film , starring _" "_ is credited alongside" "drama starring _" "_ delivered a great performance" "co-starring role opposite _" "_ has a great rapport" "feature film starring _" "_ have no fans" "People feature on _" "intimate is _" "_ also stars as" "Film stars _" "_ is a talented actor" "gossip pictures of _" "celebrity guests such as _" "trailers featuring _" "_ plays a bad guy" "such alumni as _" "movie trailers featuring _" "actor named _" "he 's played by _" "picture stars _" "film played by _" "_ sleepwalks through" "heartthrob like _" "Personal Relationship of _" "actresses such as _" "_ 's first major movie role" "new quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "actors such as _" "_ plays the Duke" "_ 's Relationships" "_ 's first starring role" "film starred _" "well-known actors including _" "_ stars in" "_ avatars online" "actor like _" "man , played by _" "astrological interpretation of _" "_ is an English actor" "all-star cast including _" "_ heads an all-star cast" "celebrities like _" "_ is not only a great actor" "unknown actor named _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "DVD narrated by _" "Movie stills of _" "_ 's Tarot Reading" "Town starring _" "VHS featuring _" "Film also stars _" "Kid , starring _" "celebrities such as _" "characters played by _" "You starring _" "actors like _" "epic starring _" "cast including _" "various celebrities including _" "_ did star" "character , played by _" "courtroom drama starring _" "quotes involving _" "scenes are with _" "favorite actors are _" "Scott , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "movie stars _" "cast included _" "She also starred with _" "_ plays a young" "_ including the main biography" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "videos gratuitos de _" "Heaven starring _" "famous actors such as _" "famous faces including _" "stellar cast includes _" "_ ethnicPosted in" "_ is not a good actor" "Stars such as _" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "rare images of _" "_ originally auditioned for" "video news clips of _" "central performance from _" "costars include _" "character played by _" "film , narrated by _" "_ was not the only choice" "Other Sites Posters of _" "Celebrities such as _" "_ 's Numerology" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "stars opposite _" "_ idealizes love" "few quotes involving _" "main character , played by _" "celebs such as _" "available photos of _" "hotties like _" "other celebrities such as _" "celebs including _" "_ plays the main character" "cameos including _" ",aslo include _" "Other stars include _" "favorite actor is _" "_ is a wonderful actor" "_ is not a great actor" "_ plays this character" "Heaven , starring _" "Hollywood stars like _" "actors , like _" "_ stars as" "star studded cast including _" "celebrities , such as _" "View quotes by _" "physical fanlisting for _" "You , starring _" "role opposite _" "ensemble cast led by _" "new film starring _" "cast includes _" "drama , starring _" "_ Find rare images" "full filmography for _" "_ plays a young man" "I am played by _" "Hollywood stars _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "_ quote Similar Quotes" "film stars _" "physical compatibility with _" "_ has been cast as" "Turner , played by _" "Film stars like _" "_ 's stunt double" "_ quotes at" "_ walk the red carpet" "Movie starring _" "actors including _" "wallpaper Perfect People feature on _" "_ has joined the cast" "film narrated by _" "heroine , played by _" "own page dedicated to _" "quotes frequently so keep checking back for new _" "film also stars _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "_ 's Charity Work" "recent breakup with _" "young man , played by _" "it stars _" "other interesting links of _" "celebrities , like _" "_ 's famous performance" "warrior played by _" "Will , played by _" "remake starring _" "_ Try these FANSITE Search" "supporting performances from _" "she stars alongside _" "U.S. named _" "film starring _" "character was played by _" "_ is really a good actor" "_ is a British actor" "many celebrities , including _" "stars such as _" ] using orlando_bloom
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 began dating actor arg2" "arg1 and husband arg2" ] using (orlando_bloom, kerr)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 began dating actor arg2" "arg1 and husband arg2" ] using (kerr, orlando_bloom)