SEAL @179 (93.8%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using richard_gere
CPL @1105 (94.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "Home starring _" "photo cover of _" "Perfect People feature on _" "_ deliver some award-winning performances" "character portrayed by _" "movie posters with _" "comedy starring _" "Hollywood celebrities such as _" "Season , starring _" "agent opposite _" "character played by _" "character is played by _" "starring opposite _" "_ plays Edward" "_ plays a lawyer" "_ is a talented actor" "husband played by _" "Lewis , played by _" "Club starring _" "young actor named _" "_ was the original choice" "she was cast opposite _" "Women , starring _" "spy movie with _" "production starred _" "Actor Search Results list for _" "VHS films starring _" "star opposite _" "drama starring _" "VHS featuring _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "doctor , played by _" "all-star cast , including _" "crime film starring _" "Hollywood actors including _" "film also stars _" "_ Do a love match" "she starred alongside _" "motion picture starring _" "movie alongside _" "astrological interpretation of _" "movie trailers featuring _" "unknown named _" "movie stars like _" "Personal Relationship of _" "Home , starring _" "thriller starring _" "_ is miscast as" "nemesis , played by _" "Chicago , starring _" "Wilson , played by _" "debut alongside _" "celebrities , such as _" "film starred _" "film was narrated by _" "Movie stars such as _" "she co-starred with _" "film stared _" "many celebrities including _" "all-star cast including _" "she plays opposite _" "she starred opposite _" "Jones starring _" "he starred opposite _" "_ is a fine actor" "movie stars _" "_ See Full Cast" "_ Includes fan contributions" "actor called _" "People feature on _" "_ does fine work" "_ currently has no TV shows" "drama staring _" "co-starring with _" "seasoned actors like _" "celebrity guests have included _" "Season starring _" "co-stars with _" "film staring _" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "_ is a Cast Member" "_ played Jack" "Hollywood A-listers such as _" "celebrities ranging from _" "celebrities such as _" "film stars such as _" "film , staring _" "top performers including _" "anything starring _" "movies starred _" "movie starring _" "Tale , starring _" "name , starring _" "trailers featuring _" "belongings give _" "film opposite _" "drama stars _" "cast , including _" "_ also needs a great deal" "_ play a married couple" "musical comedy starring _" "famous faces including _" "drama , starring _" "Hollywood actors like _" "celebrities like _" "star-studded cast including _" "same name starring _" "comedy film starring _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "Broadway production starred _" "York , starring _" "Dance starring _" "role originated by _" "film starring _" "motion picture , starring _" "Edward , played by _" "supporting cast includes _" "Bride starring _" "stellar cast including _" "Stars such as _" "Hollywood celebrities including _" "Apparel Search has selected _" "Story stars _" "Romantic comedy starring _" "_ 's star style" "tycoon played by _" "Dance , starring _" "_ stars in" "_ thoroughly enjoys working with" "Hollywood icons like _" "same name , starring _" "she stars alongside _" "biopic starring _" "relative unknown named _" "psychological thriller starring _" "role ultimately went to _" "Friday , starring _" "Woman , starring _" "Paul , played by _" "Hollywood stars as _" "leading men as _" "she appeared opposite _" "actors like _" "_ plays the father" "Pictures starring _" "all-star cast includes _" "such Hollywood stars as _" "_ plays a doctor" "View quotes by _" "Hollywood starring _" "_ was not the only choice" "movie starred _" "captain , played by _" "movie stars , including _" "stars including _" "thriller , starring _" "Women starring _" "Celebrities such as _" "top stars like _" "partner , played by _" "picture starring _" "_ have no fans" "_ plays a man" "Eddie , played by _" "She also starred opposite _" "_ sometime credited as" "video news clips of _" "actor named _" "man played by _" "intimate is _" "forthcoming film starring _" "major motion picture starring _" "_ delivers a strong performance" "A-listers such as _" "major motion picture , starring _" "feature film starring _" "film is starring _" "reteams with _" "new comedy starring _" "_ appreciates good manners" "_ plays Dylan" "unknown actor named _" "popular film starring _" "_ links offered by" "_ inhabits the role" "thriller starred _" "Knight starring _" "Hollywood stars including _" "_ 's breakout role" "debut starring opposite _" "_ is an American actor" "international stars like _" "new character played by _" "it co-starred _" "major film starring _" "great supporting cast includes _" "actors such as _" "new film starring _" "celebrities including _" "great cast includes _" "film , stars _" "film also starred _" "Other stars include _" "Hollywood stars like _" "Heaven , starring _" "_ was originally considered for" "such actors as _" "television stars such as _" "Hollywood types such as _" "Search Results list for _" "businessman , played by _" "airheads like _" "_ plays Bob" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "cast includes _" "movie adaptation with _" "passionate is _" "_ eventually landed the role" "starring are _" "co-star with _" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "_ plays the professor" "acting by _" "Hollywood celebrities , such as _" "Heaven starring _" "Results list for _" "_ plays a surgeon" "stars opposite _" "celebs like _" "_ gives a fine performance" "International stars such as _" "A-list celebrities such as _" "production starring _" "many celebrities such as _" "movie stars such as _" "cast including _" "_ Find rare images" "re-teams with _" "cop played by _" "_ wants an intellectual peer" "_ plays Billy" "last year , starring _" "name starring _" "_ has always been a great actor" "frequent visitors include _" "DVD starring _" "_ plays the cop" "_ is a much better actor" "cast , headed by _" "celebs such as _" "available photos of _" "_ plays a businessman" "picture , starring _" "film stars _" "_ is a terrible actor" "biographical drama starring _" "thriller stars _" "period drama starring _" "client , played by _" "main character played by _" "melodrama starring _" "political thriller starring _" "actor like _" "films starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "rare images of _" "German voice of _" "_ gives a chilling performance" "Graham , played by _" "movie , staring _" "it stars _" "drama film starring _" "Knight , starring _" "businessman played by _" "_ enacts the role" "Award-winning film starring _" "_ 's gossips" "_ gives a good performance" "she co-starred opposite _" "famous celebrities like _" "Party , starring _" "actors including _" "co-stars , such as _" "_ plays the lawyer" "_ plays a college professor" "gangster , played by _" "glitterati like _" "she stars with _" "film , narrated by _" "it starred _" "veteran stars like _" "couple played by _" "_ played Sgt" "Clark , played by _" "_ is a great actor" "_ plays the male lead" "cast such as _" "erotic thriller starring _" "Story , starring _" "_ is convincing as" "_ heading the cast" "Woman starring _" "love match with _" "book , starring _" "works starring _" "visuals while _" "HBO movie starring _" "Search has selected _" "major movie starring _" "_ plays a journalist" "_ played David" "_ possesses the gifts" "_ plays Eddie" "veteran actors like _" "young actor called _" "_ stars as" "Bride , starring _" "she starred with _" "dettagliata di _" "new movie with _" "movie , starring _" "_ play the following character" "_ played a guy" "role went to _" "version stars _" "year , starring _" "_ enlarge Share" "patient played by _" "remake starring _" "_ starred as" "several stars including _" "version starred _" "Jones , starring _" "film biography of _" "good cast with _" "feature starring _" "physical compatibility with _" "white guy named _" "wonderful performance by _" "– starring _" "_ 's character talks" "stars such as _" "lawyer played by _" "cast was led by _" "notable actors such as _" "_ have already been cast in" "New York , starring _" "cast featuring _" "costars included _" "cop drama starring _" "role opposite _" "romantic drama stars _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "own page dedicated to _" "_ narrates the film" "veteran played by _" "U.S. named _" "Story starring _" "you 're really about with _" "version starring _" "_ leads an all-star cast" "story , starring _" "adaptation starring _" "Tale starring _" "stars include _" "well-known actors like _" "pilot , played by _" "upcoming movie with _" "_ plays a reporter" "film , starring _" "_ quote Similar Quotes" "_ portray in" "_ plays a professor" "various actors including _" "favourite actor is _" "version , starring _" ] using richard_gere
CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=ric 5.22080 POS=NN 3.77620 PREFIX=richa 2.66960 PREFIX=ger 2.54294 PREFIX=rich 2.37561 SUFFIX=chard 2.35604 FIRST_WORD=richard 1.98823 SUFFIX=re -2.06765 WORDS -8.65630 CHARS -9.37324 ] using richard_gere
CPL @1112 (89.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "Home starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "big-name stars like _" "_ deliver some award-winning performances" "character portrayed by _" "movie posters with _" "comedy starring _" "Hollywood celebrities such as _" "Season , starring _" "character played by _" "character is played by _" "starring opposite _" "_ plays a lawyer" "_ is a talented actor" "film debut of _" "husband played by _" "Lewis , played by _" "Club starring _" "decent acting by _" "young actor named _" "_ was the original choice" "she was cast opposite _" "Women , starring _" "production starred _" "Actor Search Results list for _" "VHS films starring _" "star opposite _" "drama starring _" "VHS featuring _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "doctor , played by _" "all-star cast , including _" "Hollywood actors including _" "film also stars _" "_ Do a love match" "she starred alongside _" "motion picture starring _" "astrological interpretation of _" "movie trailers featuring _" "movie stars like _" "Personal Relationship of _" "Home , starring _" "thriller starring _" "_ is miscast as" "Chicago , starring _" "Wilson , played by _" "debut alongside _" "celebrities , such as _" "film starred _" "film was narrated by _" "Movie stars such as _" "Famous actors like _" "she co-starred with _" "film stared _" "many celebrities including _" "all-star cast including _" "she starred opposite _" "Jones starring _" "he starred opposite _" "_ is a fine actor" "movie stars _" "_ See Full Cast" "_ Includes fan contributions" "People feature on _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "drama staring _" "co-starring with _" "seasoned actors like _" "celebrity guests have included _" "Season starring _" "co-stars with _" "film staring _" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "_ is a Cast Member" "_ played Jack" "Hollywood A-listers such as _" "celebrities ranging from _" "celebrities such as _" "film stars such as _" "film , staring _" "top performers including _" "anything starring _" "movies starred _" "movie starring _" "Tale , starring _" "name , starring _" "trailers featuring _" "belongings give _" "film opposite _" "drama stars _" "cast , including _" "_ also needs a great deal" "_ play a married couple" "musical comedy starring _" "famous faces including _" "drama , starring _" "Hollywood actors like _" "celebrities like _" "star-studded cast including _" "same name starring _" "comedy film starring _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "Broadway production starred _" "York , starring _" "Dance starring _" "role originated by _" "all-star lineup including _" "film starring _" "motion picture , starring _" "supporting cast includes _" "Bride starring _" "stellar cast including _" "Hollywood celebrities including _" "Apparel Search has selected _" "Story stars _" "Romantic comedy starring _" "_ 's star style" "Dance , starring _" "_ thoroughly enjoys working with" "Hollywood icons like _" "same name , starring _" "she stars alongside _" "biopic starring _" "relative unknown named _" "psychological thriller starring _" "role ultimately went to _" "A-list actors such as _" "Friday , starring _" "Woman , starring _" "Hollywood stars as _" "leading men as _" "she appeared opposite _" "actors like _" "_ plays the father" "Pictures starring _" "all-star cast includes _" "such Hollywood stars as _" "_ plays a doctor" "View quotes by _" "Hollywood starring _" "_ was not the only choice" "movie starred _" "captain , played by _" "thriller , starring _" "Women starring _" "Celebrities such as _" "top stars like _" "partner , played by _" "picture starring _" "_ have no fans" "_ plays a man" "Eddie , played by _" "She also starred opposite _" "celebrity names such as _" "_ sometime credited as" "video news clips of _" "actor named _" "man played by _" "intimate is _" "forthcoming film starring _" "major motion picture starring _" "A-listers such as _" "major motion picture , starring _" "feature film starring _" "film is starring _" "new comedy starring _" "_ appreciates good manners" "popular film starring _" "_ links offered by" "_ inhabits the role" "Hollywood stars including _" "debut starring opposite _" "_ is an American actor" "international stars like _" "it co-starred _" "major film starring _" "great supporting cast includes _" "new film starring _" "celebrities including _" "great cast includes _" "film , stars _" "film also starred _" "Other stars include _" "Hollywood stars like _" "Heaven , starring _" "Celebrity guests such as _" "programs starring _" "_ was originally considered for" "such actors as _" "television stars such as _" "Hollywood types such as _" "Search Results list for _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "cast includes _" "passionate is _" "starring are _" "co-star with _" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "_ plays the professor" "Heaven starring _" "Results list for _" "stars opposite _" "celebs like _" "_ gives a fine performance" "International stars such as _" "A-list celebrities such as _" "production starring _" "many celebrities such as _" "Hollywood personalities such as _" "celebrity clients , including _" "movie stars such as _" "cast including _" "_ Find rare images" "cop played by _" "_ wants an intellectual peer" "_ plays Billy" "name starring _" "DVD starring _" "_ plays the cop" "_ is a much better actor" "cast , headed by _" "celebs such as _" "available photos of _" "_ plays a businessman" "picture , starring _" "film stars _" "biographical drama starring _" "thriller stars _" "period drama starring _" "main character played by _" "melodrama starring _" "political thriller starring _" "films starring _" "campaign starring _" "rare images of _" "German voice of _" "_ 's new movie" "movie , staring _" "it stars _" "drama film starring _" "Knight , starring _" "celebrities , including _" "Award-winning film starring _" "Academy Award-winning film starring _" "_ 's gossips" "_ gives a good performance" "famous celebrities like _" "Party , starring _" "actors including _" "_ plays the lawyer" "gangster , played by _" "glitterati like _" "she stars with _" "film , narrated by _" "it starred _" "veteran stars like _" "couple played by _" "_ played Sgt" "_ is a great actor" "erotic thriller starring _" "Story , starring _" "_ heading the cast" "Woman starring _" "_ was last" "love match with _" "book , starring _" "visuals while _" "HBO movie starring _" "Search has selected _" "_ plays a journalist" "_ possesses the gifts" "_ plays Eddie" "veteran actors like _" "_ stars as" "Bride , starring _" "she starred with _" "dettagliata di _" "movie , starring _" "_ play the following character" "role went to _" "version stars _" "year , starring _" "patient played by _" "remake starring _" "several stars including _" "version starred _" "Jones , starring _" "feature starring _" "physical compatibility with _" "wonderful performance by _" "_ 's character talks" "lawyer played by _" "notable actors such as _" "New York , starring _" "cast featuring _" "costars included _" "role opposite _" "romantic drama stars _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "own page dedicated to _" "role playing opposite _" "U.S. named _" "Story starring _" "version starring _" "_ leads an all-star cast" "story , starring _" "adaptation starring _" "Tale starring _" "stars include _" "well-known actors like _" "pilot , played by _" "year she starred opposite _" "upcoming movie with _" "film , starring _" "_ portray in" "_ plays a professor" "favourite actor is _" "version , starring _" ] using richard_gere
CMC @1048 (100.0%) on 10-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=rich 4.24336 PREFIX=richa 4.09858 PREFIX=ge 3.72313 PREFIX=ric 3.53519 SUFFIX=hard 3.51117 FIRST_WORD=richard 3.43553 SUFFIX=chard 3.36183 SUFFIX=re -2.82997 POS=JJ -2.99648 WORDS -9.60833 ] using richard_gere
SEAL @179 (62.9%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using richard_gere
CPL @1116 (80.0%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "Home starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "_ deliver some award-winning performances" "chemistry she had with _" "cousin , played by _" "movie posters with _" "comedy starring _" "Hollywood celebrities such as _" "Season , starring _" "character played by _" "starring opposite _" "_ plays Edward" "_ plays a schoolteacher" "_ plays a lawyer" "_ is a talented actor" "husband played by _" "Lewis , played by _" "Club starring _" "young actor named _" "Billy , played by _" "_ was the original choice" "Women , starring _" "spy movie with _" "production starred _" "Actor Search Results list for _" "VHS films starring _" "star opposite _" "drama starring _" "VHS featuring _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "_ narrates the program" "_ plays a federal agent" "doctor , played by _" "all-star cast , including _" "crime film starring _" "Hollywood actors including _" "film also stars _" "_ Do a love match" "she starred alongside _" "motion picture starring _" "astrological interpretation of _" "movie trailers featuring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "Home , starring _" "thriller starring _" "_ is miscast as" "nemesis , played by _" "Chicago , starring _" "Wilson , played by _" "debut alongside _" "film starred _" "film was narrated by _" "Famous actors like _" "she co-starred with _" "film stared _" "all-star cast including _" "she starred opposite _" "Jones starring _" "he starred opposite _" "_ is a fine actor" "movie stars _" "_ See Full Cast" "_ Includes fan contributions" "People feature on _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "drama staring _" "co-starring with _" "seasoned actors like _" "Season starring _" "co-stars with _" "film staring _" "_ is a Cast Member" "_ played Jack" "Hollywood A-listers such as _" "celebrities such as _" "top performers including _" "anything starring _" "movie starring _" "Tale , starring _" "name , starring _" "belongings give _" "drama stars _" "cast , including _" "_ play a married couple" "musical comedy starring _" "drama , starring _" "Hollywood actors like _" "_ See also Gry" "celebrities like _" "star-studded cast including _" "same name starring _" "comedy film starring _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "Broadway production starred _" "York , starring _" "Dance starring _" "role originated by _" "film starring _" "motion picture , starring _" "Edward , played by _" "supporting cast includes _" "Bride starring _" "stellar cast including _" "Apparel Search has selected _" "Story stars _" "_ 's star style" "Dance , starring _" "_ thoroughly enjoys working with" "same name , starring _" "she stars alongside _" "psychological thriller starring _" "role ultimately went to _" "Friday , starring _" "Woman , starring _" "Paul , played by _" "leading men as _" "restrained performance from _" "she appeared opposite _" "actors like _" "Pictures starring _" "all-star cast includes _" "_ plays a doctor" "View quotes by _" "Hollywood starring _" "_ was not the only choice" "movie starred _" "captain , played by _" "stars including _" "thriller , starring _" "Women starring _" "Moore , played by _" "top stars like _" "partner , played by _" "picture starring _" "_ have no fans" "_ plays a man" "Eddie , played by _" "She also starred opposite _" "_ sometime credited as" "video news clips of _" "actor named _" "man played by _" "forthcoming film starring _" "major motion picture starring _" "_ delivers a strong performance" "A-listers such as _" "major motion picture , starring _" "feature film starring _" "film is starring _" "reteams with _" "new comedy starring _" "_ appreciates good manners" "_ plays Dylan" "popular film starring _" "_ links offered by" "Knight starring _" "Hollywood stars including _" "debut starring opposite _" "_ is an American actor" "international stars like _" "new character played by _" "it co-starred _" "major film starring _" "great supporting cast includes _" "new film starring _" "great cast includes _" "film , stars _" "film also starred _" "Other stars include _" "Grease starring _" "Hollywood stars like _" "Heaven , starring _" "Celebrity guests such as _" "_ was originally considered for" "such actors as _" "Search Results list for _" "businessman , played by _" "airheads like _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "cast includes _" "passionate is _" "starring are _" "co-star with _" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "_ plays the professor" "Heaven starring _" "Results list for _" "stars opposite _" "_ gives a fine performance" "movie stars such as _" "cast including _" "_ Find rare images" "outstanding cast , including _" "cop played by _" "_ wants an intellectual peer" "name starring _" "frequent visitors include _" "DVD starring _" "_ plays the cop" "cast , headed by _" "celebs such as _" "available photos of _" "_ plays a businessman" "picture , starring _" "film stars _" "biographical drama starring _" "thriller stars _" "period drama starring _" "main character played by _" "melodrama starring _" "political thriller starring _" "films starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "rare images of _" "_ gives a chilling performance" "Graham , played by _" "drama film starring _" "Knight , starring _" "businessman played by _" "_ 's gossips" "_ gives a good performance" "she co-starred opposite _" "famous celebrities like _" "Party , starring _" "_ plays a college professor" "gangster , played by _" "she stars with _" "film , narrated by _" "it starred _" "veteran stars like _" "couple played by _" "_ played Sgt" "Clark , played by _" "_ is a great actor" "_ plays the male lead" "erotic thriller starring _" "Story , starring _" "_ heading the cast" "Woman starring _" "book , starring _" "works starring _" "visuals while _" "HBO movie starring _" "Search has selected _" "_ possesses the gifts" "_ plays Eddie" "veteran actors like _" "_ stars as" "Bride , starring _" "she starred with _" "dettagliata di _" "movie , starring _" "_ play the following character" "role went to _" "version stars _" "year , starring _" "role eventually played by _" "patient played by _" "remake starring _" "version starred _" "Jones , starring _" "feature starring _" "physical compatibility with _" "white guy named _" "_ 's character talks" "lawyer played by _" "notable actors such as _" "_ have already been cast in" "New York , starring _" "costars included _" "cop drama starring _" "executive produced by _" "nuanced performance from _" "role opposite _" "romantic drama stars _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "own page dedicated to _" "U.S. named _" "Story starring _" "version starring _" "_ leads an all-star cast" "story , starring _" "adaptation starring _" "Tale starring _" "Party starring _" "stars include _" "well-known actors like _" "pilot , played by _" "upcoming movie with _" "film , starring _" "_ portray in" "_ plays a professor" "favourite actor is _" "version , starring _" ] using richard_gere
CMC @1054 (100.0%) on 29-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=richa 6.12012 FIRST_WORD=richard 5.02935 SUFFIX=chard 5.00662 SUFFIX=hard 4.89719 PREFIX=ge 3.52330 PREFIX=ric 3.14123 SUFFIX=rd 2.20015 SUFFIX=re -3.49931 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -3.92440 WORDS -8.73541 ] using richard_gere
SEAL @236 (75.0%) on 16-apr-2011 [ 12 ] using richard_gere
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and wife arg2" "arg1 brought his wife arg2" "arg1 and his wife arg2" "arg1 and his girlfriend arg2" ] using (richard_gere, carey_lowell)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and wife arg1" "arg2 brought his wife arg1" "arg2 and his wife arg1" "arg2 and his girlfriend arg1" ] using (carey_lowell, richard_gere)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and wife arg2" "arg1 brought his wife arg2" "arg1 and his wife arg2" "arg1 and his girlfriend arg2" ] using (richard_gere, carey_lowell)