CPL @1107 (87.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "Return to main _" "page top of _" "hand menu on _" "us Print _" "Return to previous _" "you bookmark _" "left hand menu on _" "page Add _" "list Top of _" "footer of _" "printer friendly _" ] using page_click
CMC @1116 (100.0%) on 05-sep-2018 [ PREFIX=pag 6.17518 FIRST_WORD=page 3.71445 PREFIX=pa 1.89263 SUFFIX=age 1.65120 SUFFIX=ick 1.24857 POS=NN 1.22794 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.02435 PREFIX=clic -0.89083 CHARS -1.60990 WORDS -2.14664 ] using page_click
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CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 on your browser back arg1" "arg2 the Add to Cart arg1" "arg2 on the proceed arg1" "arg2 on your BACK arg1" "arg2 the SUBMIT arg1" "arg2 on your browsers back arg1" "arg2 the order arg1" "arg2 on Buy Now arg1" "arg2 the Unsubscribe arg1" "arg2 the OK arg1" "arg2 the Back arg1" "arg2 on the Join Now arg1" "arg2 on the buy now arg1" "arg2 the CANCEL arg1" "arg2 on the Register Now arg1" "arg2 on the OK arg1" "arg2 the Get Started arg1" ] using (button, page_click)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey