cheddar (cheese)
literal strings: Cheddar , CHEDDAR , cheddar
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visualizableobject (100.0%)CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=ch 1.87883 PREFIX=chedd 1.42594 PREFIX=ched 1.37174 LASTPREFIX=chedd 1.29541 LASTPREFIX=ched 1.29158 SUFFIX=eddar 1.26031 LASTSUFFIX=eddar 1.14542 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A -0.79834 WORDS -1.46434 FULL_POS=NN -1.60763 ] using cheddar CPL @1111 (84.1%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "cancers of _" "cucumber , shredded _" "mushrooms , smoked _" "pears , white _" "apple wood smoked _" "bed of shredded _" "vinegar , white _" "onion , white _" "peppers stuffed with _" "can of _" "wheat bun with _" "cup of grated _" "onions , shredded _" "foods such as _" "onions , smoked _" "pinch of _" "garlic , smoked _" "potatoes , white _" "sprinkle with grated _" "soup with white _" "ground beef , shredded _" "house smoked _" "cheese , jalapeno _" "sliced smoked _" "sole stuffed with _" "_ are high" "bit of grated _" "fruit , white _" "olives , shredded _" "onions , white _" "slice of fresh _" "full head of _" "mushrooms stuffed with _" "large bowl , toss together _" "applewood smoked _" "pepper , white _" "tortilla stuffed with _" "little smoked _" "onion , shredded _" "_ based soup" "recipe for shredded _" "crepes filled with _" "pasta , white _" "patty topped with _" "tortillas filled with _" "I love smoked _" "garlic , white _" "pasta with white _" "side dish with _" "rice , shredded _" "corn tortillas stuffed with _" "butter , white _" "butter , real _" "pepper , smoked _" "carrots , white _" "tomatoes , white _" "_ melt recipe" "thing since sliced _" "large bowl , toss _" "foods like _" "beans , white _" "tomato , shredded _" "cheddar , smoked _" "beans , shredded _" "I used smoked _" "Burger topped with _" "calories of regular _" "_ topped with" "sauce , grated _" "chicken stuffed with _" "soup with _" "potato , white _" "potatoes , smoked _" "bread , white _" "whole wheat bun with _" "onions , yellow _" "beef mixed with _" "tomatoes with _" "onions , grated _" "cucumbers , shredded _" "bacon , smoked _" "cheese , smoked _" "toasted bun with _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "sauce , smoked _" "¾ cup of _" "bowl , toss together _" "soft cheeses like _" "greens , grilled _" "recipe with shredded _" "_ sautéed with" "cream , shredded _" "turkey , smoked _" "salad with _" "pepper stuffed with _" "tomatoes , grated _" "bacon , red _" "_ spread recipe" "hard cheese such as _" "_ cooking spray" "pepper , grated _" "_ infused with" "flour , white _" "salsa , shredded _" "I added diced _" "recipe is made with _" "Applewood smoked _" "onion , grated _" "breast , smoked _" "mozzarella , smoked _" "_ tossed with" "black beans , white _" "tomatoes , smoked _" "toppings such as _" "local smoked _" "salad with shredded _" "sour cream , shredded _" "eggs , white _" "vegetables , white _" "lettuce , grated _" "handful of grated _" "chicken , shredded _" "delicious smoked _" "cheese shredded _" "peppers , shredded _" "apple-wood smoked _" "cream of _" "broccoli , shredded _" "_ served with" "sauce , white _" "apple smoked _" "apple , white _" "pasta , fresh _" "kaiser roll with _" "choice of shredded _" "corn , white _" ] using cheddar OE @875 (92.3%) on 27-sep-2014 [ ] using cheddar
cheese (100.0%)Seed CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=che 3.25241 LASTPREFIX=ch 2.51009 LASTPREFIX=chedd 2.38592 LASTPREFIX=ched 2.27540 LASTSUFFIX=eddar 2.21413 LASTSUFFIX=ddar 2.21413 LASTSUFFIX=dar 2.21324 FULL_POS=NN -0.96063 CHARS -2.65700 WORDS -2.96008 ] using cheddar CPL @1104 (77.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "cream , sharp _" "sandwich with white _" "grilled bun with _" "iceberg lettuce , shredded _" "creamy sauce flavored with _" "cucumber , shredded _" "bacon , sharp _" "burger topped with _" "fondue made with _" "whole-wheat pasta with _" "jalapeno poppers with _" "blend of shredded _" "patty , melted _" "I added shredded _" "pepper , shredded _" "mozzarella cheese for _" "peppers topped with _" "pasta , sprinkled with _" "pineapple , shredded _" "other cheeses such as _" "lots of grated _" "block of mild _" "slice of low-fat _" "soft cheeses such as _" "layers , finishing with _" "hard cheeses , such as _" "ham , sharp _" "flavor resembles _" "peppers , melted _" "mushrooms , smoked _" "pepper topped with _" "vegetables , shredded _" "wedge of sharp _" "cheese , aged _" "cheese called _" "½ cup shredded _" "hickory , white _" "stir in grated _" "fries covered in _" "large wheel of _" "lettuce shredded _" "_ is the only cheese" "sprinkle of shredded _" "scatter remaining _" "sausage , melted _" "grilled beef tenderloin with _" "fresh melted _" "Grilled chicken breast with _" "hard , aged _" "crackers , soft _" "dates stuffed with _" "milk aged _" "pasta with grated _" "onion , white _" "c grated _" "cream cheese , white _" "addition of grated _" "cheeses such as _" "cheese resembles _" "truckles of _" "recipe gruyere _" "bacon , melted _" "bacon , creamy _" "pound burger topped with _" "Mix grated _" "beef burger with _" "beef burger topped with _" "hunk of aged _" "hard cheeses like _" "gold medal award winning _" "sprinkling of shredded _" "shavings of _" "tomatoes , mild _" "ham , melted _" "few grates of _" "amount of shredded _" "cup of grated _" "onions , shredded _" "portion of grated _" "recipes shredded _" "aged cheeses such as _" "_ is another cheese" "romaine lettuce , shredded _" "softer cheeses like _" "sour cream , white _" "jack cheese for _" "mixture , then sprinkle with _" "lettuce , melted _" "_ is a good cheese" "breast sandwich with _" "sprouts , grated _" "sharp flavor of _" "stuffing , topped with _" "provolone for _" "baked tortilla chips with _" "Serve garnished with grated _" "Jack cheese for _" "_ whipped potatoes" "bacon , white _" "Flour tortilla stuffed with _" "refried beans , melted _" "onions , smoked _" "other cheeses like _" "layer of tangy _" "beef , aged _" "almonds , shredded _" "_ is a hard cheese" "cheese , sharp _" "red peppers , shredded _" "red onions , with _" "kraft shredded _" "mushrooms topped with _" "flavors including white _" "garlic , smoked _" "_ was the third product" "bunch of shredded _" "cheese , substitute _" "bubbly melted _" "sprinkle shredded _" "sprinkle with grated _" "tuna melt with _" "ground beef , shredded _" "cheese , jalapeno _" "sirloin burger with _" "small amount of shredded _" "seeds , shredded _" "mayonnaise , shredded _" "mustard , white _" "addition of shredded _" "chicken breast , melted _" "I also grated _" "avocado , shredded _" "tomato , smoked _" "slice of sharp _" "Stuffed chicken breast with _" "_ flavored tablets" "bit of grated _" "mushrooms , melted _" "grilled chicken , melted _" "cheese beyond _" "milk cheeses like _" "mild cheese like _" "olives , shredded _" "onions , white _" "chili topped with _" "_ is a great cheese" "juice , shredded _" "stuffing served with _" "tortilla chips , shredded _" "tetrazzini with _" "sauce grated _" "shell , topped with _" "slices of sharp _" "layer of grated _" "mozzarella , sharp _" "meat with sharp _" "onions topped with _" "Sprinkle remaining _" "onion grated _" "hard cheese , like _" "hard cheese like _" "flour , grated _" "ham , shredded _" "recipe for welsh _" "skins topped with _" "mood stabilizers , such as _" "meat , grated _" "beef , shredded _" "cheeses similar to _" "roast beef topped with _" "applewood smoked _" "chicken , grated _" "cheese is real _" "bowl with shredded _" "D/D cup of shredded _" "Swiss cheese for _" "cheeses , such as _" "chicken , mild _" "chicken breast mixed with _" "_ also pair nicely with" "scallions , shredded _" "half of grated _" "cups shredded _" "sauce topped with shredded _" "soy cheese for _" "package of shredded _" "baby spinach with _" "mozzarella , shredded _" "egg , shredded _" "generous amount of grated _" "garlic , topped with _" "meat sauce , topped with _" "handfuls of grated _" "greens with white _" "sprinkle of grated _" "_ baked eggs" "_ served open face" "cheese such as _" "first cheese was _" "pinch of shredded _" "addition of sharp _" "_ stuffed burgers" "bacon , aged _" "sausage , fresh _" "y has been making _" "maker of award-winning _" "onion , shredded _" "marital recipe for _" "milk cheese such as _" "behavioral recipe for _" "avocado sandwich with _" "beef , melted _" "slices , grated _" "_ baked potato slices" "parts sharp _" "sauce then topped with _" "Place slice of _" "plenty of grated _" "pasta with shredded _" "peppers , smoked _" "_ grilled between" "jalapenos , shredded _" "Maple smoked _" "I added grated _" "Stir in shredded _" "heat , top with _" "milk , sharp _" "patty topped with _" "Hard cheeses such as _" "Hard cheeses , such as _" "Sprinkle half of _" "patty covered with _" "red onions , smoked _" "_ s loaded potato soup recipe" "portion of shredded _" "mix grated _" "Breast topped with _" "generous grating of _" "pile of grated _" "slice of fat-free _" "pepper , topped with _" "raw milk aged _" "rice , shredded _" "cheese is very similar to _" "crisp bacon , melted _" "currants , white _" "_ spread recipe software" "_ stuffed meatloaf recipe" "burger stuffed with _" "cheddar , white _" "Scrambled eggs with _" "burger , topped with _" "cheese , similar to _" "cheeses , including _" "breast mixed with _" "cheese is called _" "egg , white _" "sauce , shredded _" "pound of grated _" "jalapeno peppers stuffed with _" "sprinkle remaining _" "beans , mild _" "mushroom stuffed with _" "pepper , smoked _" "mix with grated _" "cilantro , shredded _" "dish , grate _" "chili , topped with _" "turkey burgers with _" "breast topped with _" "cheese steak with _" "black beans , melted _" "cheese is similar to _" "hard cheeses are _" "scallions , grated _" "tomatoes , white _" "spices , topped with _" "_ s chicken tenders" "apple salad with _" "beans , aged _" "apricots , white _" "bacon strips with _" "spinach blended with _" "softer cheeses such as _" "recipe calls for shredded _" "pork , melted _" "other cheeses , such as _" "grilled chicken breast with _" "flour tortillas , shredded _" "flavor of mild _" "garlic sauce , topped with _" "potatoes with grated _" "prosciutto with _" "ounces grated _" "pasta , shredded _" "fresh pasta , fresh _" "hand grated _" "bacon bits , shredded _" "slices of aged _" "spread made of _" "tomato , shredded _" "shavings of white _" "I used reduced fat _" "_ grated over" "ham , grated _" "cheeses include _" "cheese with shredded _" "cheddar , smoked _" "bowl of grated _" "cheese , white _" "cheeses ranging from _" "beans , shredded _" "grated smoked _" "egg , grated _" "I used grated _" "I used smoked _" "Burger topped with _" "slices , shredded _" "sauce shredded _" "top with grated _" "cheese , tangy _" "chili , shredded _" "medal award winning _" "strong cheeses like _" "sauce , grated _" "sticks stuffed with _" "egg whites , adding _" "cheese , choose _" "chunk of sharp _" "hard cheese , such as _" "cup of sharp _" "cheese include _" "cream cheese , shredded _" "cover with grated _" "grilled flour tortilla with _" "gooey melted _" "half cup of grated _" "combination of tangy _" "chopped onion , grated _" "parsley , shredded _" "onions , melted _" "onions , creamy _" "tenders topped with _" "stir in shredded _" "pound of shredded _" "oz shredded _" "cheeses including _" "cheese I used _" "garlic , shredded _" "_ s queso" "D-ounce package of _" "sauce topped with _" "BBQ sauce topped with _" "I use grated _" "tablespoon of shredded _" "spaghetti with grated _" "strips , shredded _" "bit of aged _" "colonization is to _" "cup of shredded _" "chicken stuffed with _" "chicken , melted _" "chips , grated _" "slices of mild _" "onion , melted _" "cup grated _" "combination of creamy _" "lot of grated _" "cheese , mild _" "veggie sandwich with _" "Burger , topped with _" "strong cheese like _" "potato , white _" "pinch of grated _" "Trevor YASMIN has _" "whole wheat bun with _" "whole wheel of _" "_ crusted chicken" "good grating of _" "goat cheese , smoked _" "ham , white _" "half cup of shredded _" "_ melted over" "hunk of sharp _" "guacamole , shredded _" "turkey wrap with _" "I do like sharp _" "Kraft shredded _" "beef , sharp _" "onions , grated _" "FOSAMAX seems like _" "marble rye with _" "wheel of sharp _" "mayonnaise , grated _" "hard cheeses , like _" "chili , melted _" "chili , white _" "cucumbers , shredded _" "bag of grated _" "bacon , smoked _" "place slices of _" "piece of mature _" "apple wood-smoked _" "Burger is topped with _" "cheese , such as _" "white pizza with _" "pecorino for _" "mix of grated _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "turkey burger with _" "peas , shredded _" "sauce , smoked _" "tortilla strips , shredded _" "cups grated _" "creamy melted _" "seasoning , topped with _" "sprinkle with shredded _" "sauce served with white _" "salsa , melted _" "pizza sauce , grated _" "BBQ sauce , smoked _" "handful of shredded _" "cottage cheese , grated _" "beef , white _" "cup shredded _" "beef , grated _" "tortilla chips smothered in _" "soft cheeses like _" "mound of shredded _" "ground beef topped with _" "cheese , like _" "chicken breast topped with _" "chicken topped with _" "chicken breast , smoked _" "eggs , shredded _" "red onion , grated _" "salt , grated _" "recipe with shredded _" "few gratings of _" "campbell s condensed _" "chicken with shredded _" "bowl , combine shredded _" "fries , topped with _" "bit of shredded _" "breasts stuffed with _" "cream , shredded _" "black beans , shredded _" ] using cheddar OE @799 (99.9%) on 25-dec-2013 [ ] using cheddar SEAL @256 (100.0%) on 19-may-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] using cheddar
food (100.0%)OE @844 (90.9%) on 05-jun-2014 [ ] using cheddar CMC @1111 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=chedd 1.78369 SUFFIX=eddar 1.72185 SUFFIX=ddar 1.71632 PREFIX=ch 1.65931 LASTPREFIX=chedd 1.61573 LASTSUFFIX=eddar 1.57277 LASTSUFFIX=ddar 1.56648 FULL_POS=NN -0.75499 CHARS -1.74938 WORDS -2.54945 ] using cheddar CPL @1108 (77.2%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "grilled bun with _" "cucumber , shredded _" "I added shredded _" "pepper , shredded _" "lots of grated _" "soft cheeses such as _" "hard cheeses , such as _" "tablespoon of _" "pears , white _" "vegetables , shredded _" "cheeseburger with extra _" "bed of shredded _" "vinegar , white _" "peppers stuffed with _" "hard cheeses like _" "cup of grated _" "onions , shredded _" "foods such as _" "sprouts , grated _" "garlic , smoked _" "potatoes , white _" "sprinkle with grated _" "spicy tomato sauce with _" "soup with white _" "handful of diced _" "ground beef , shredded _" "cheese , jalapeno _" "seeds , shredded _" "mustard , white _" "light sprinkle of _" "sole stuffed with _" "rice garnished with _" "bit of grated _" "fruit , white _" "olives , shredded _" "ingredients except _" "foods , such as _" "foods , including _" "layer of grated _" "lettuce , yellow _" "mushrooms stuffed with _" "flour , grated _" "_ seasoned with" "ingredients EXCEPT _" "chicken breast mixed with _" "tortilla stuffed with _" "egg , shredded _" "_ stirred in at" "little smoked _" "sauce with white _" "recipe for shredded _" "pasta , white _" "I love smoked _" "rice , shredded _" "_ stuffed meatloaf recipe" "burger stuffed with _" "butter , white _" "breast mixed with _" "butter , real _" "mushroom stuffed with _" "pepper , smoked _" "cilantro , shredded _" "tortilla filled with shredded _" "apricots , white _" "thing since sliced _" "foods like _" "beans , white _" "tomato , shredded _" "cheddar , smoked _" "bowl of grated _" "beans , shredded _" "I used smoked _" "Burger topped with _" "slices , shredded _" "top with grated _" "_ topped with" "sauce , grated _" "hard cheese , such as _" "fries , white _" "garlic , shredded _" "BBQ sauce topped with _" "strips , shredded _" "chicken stuffed with _" "potato , white _" "bread , white _" "whole wheat bun with _" "onions , yellow _" "strawberries , white _" "onions , grated _" "chips , smoked _" "cucumbers , shredded _" "place slices of _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "peas , shredded _" "sauce , smoked _" "hot add _" "bowl , combine _" "soft cheeses like _" "mound of shredded _" "ciabatta roll with _" "recipe with shredded _" "foods , like _" "chicken with shredded _" "bowl , combine shredded _" "crackers , white _" "breasts stuffed with _" "cream , shredded _" "black beans , shredded _" "_ based gravy" "salad with _" "pepper stuffed with _" "_ covered apples" "tomatoes , grated _" "sauce , topped with _" "red onion , shredded _" "mushrooms , shredded _" "dressing , shredded _" "cream , grated _" "cheddar , red _" "texture than regular _" "hard cheese such as _" "_ cooking spray" "top with shredded _" "pepper , grated _" "Grilled chicken with _" "flour , white _" "salsa , shredded _" "I added diced _" "recipe is made with _" "onion , grated _" "chicken breast , shredded _" "refried beans , shredded _" "_ tossed with" "black beans , white _" "tomatoes , smoked _" "sprinkling of grated _" "baked eggs with _" "heat stir in _" "burgers topped with _" "sour cream , grated _" "carrots , shredded _" "sausage , white _" "pepperoni , red _" "sliced chicken with _" "potatoes stuffed with _" "salad with shredded _" "sour cream , shredded _" "breast , shredded _" "flour tortilla stuffed with _" "lettuce , grated _" "handful of grated _" "chicken , shredded _" "_ were delicious" "chicken breasts stuffed with _" "tortillas filled with shredded _" "peppers , shredded _" "red onions , shredded _" "cream of _" "cups of strong _" "_ smothered in" "cheese , light _" "mixture of grated _" "rice , grated _" "bacon stuffed _" "broccoli , shredded _" "pasta with creamy _" "_ tastes like" "apple , white _" "amount of grated _" "apples , white _" "pasta , fresh _" "recipe , made with _" "chopped onion , shredded _" "choice of shredded _" "cream cheese , sliced _" "kaiser bun with _" "heat , add _" ] using cheddar SEAL @565 (55.0%) on 10-may-2012 [ 1 ] using cheddar MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of mammal:chicken animaleatfood cheese:cheddar ]
visualizablething (100.0%)OE @962 (86.4%) on 05-dec-2015 [ ] using cheddar CMC @1084 (100.0%) on 06-dec-2017 [ PREFIX=ch 1.37739 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.28257 SUFFIX=ar 0.98703 LASTSUFFIX=ar 0.89769 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a 0.69600 FULL_POS=NN 0.64636 LASTPREFIX=ch 0.61488 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.19643 CHARS -0.73409 LASTPREFIX=che -0.78060 ] using cheddar CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "cheese , shredded _" "apple pie with _" "commodities like _" "cheeses , such as _" "chicken breast topped with _" "small block of _" "D/D cup of _" "bun with _" "processor , combine _" "bowl combine _" "heat , stir in _" "_ topped with" "reservation system in _" "hotel list in _" "¼ cup of _" "bacon , smoked _" "whisk in _" "head office in _" "bowl , mix _" "cheeses like _" "heat , add _" "pubs in _" "wood smoked _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "vitamin D-fortified _" "market town of _" "Applewood smoked _" "bowl , combine _" "ingredients except _" "low , add _" "recipe calls for _" "cheeseburger with _" "sprinkle with _" "_ garnished with" "stroll in _" "food processor , combine _" "pudding with _" "cold smoked _" "apple smoked _" "cheese such as _" "hot , add _" "cheeses such as _" "tablespoon of _" "low heat until _" "cheese , smoked _" "computer reservation system in _" "activities available in _" "large bowl , combine _" "_ dipping sauce" "Hotel computer reservation system in _" "heat until _" "½ cup of _" ] using cheddar
inverseofanimaleatfood chicken (100.0%)CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or steak with arg2" "arg1 breast and melted arg2" "arg1 breast mixed with arg2" "arg1 breast topped with smoked arg2" "arg1 breast with melted arg2" "arg1 breast topped with arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 breasts stuffed with arg2" "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 breast topped with melted arg2" ] using (chicken, cheddar) OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (chicken, cheddar)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct inverseofanimaleatvegetable inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage bread CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with melted white arg2" "arg1 filled with whipped arg2" ] using (bread, cheddar)
cracker CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 cheese cup arg1" "arg2 cheese flavored arg1" ] using (cracker, cheddar)
crackers CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 cheese spritz arg1" ] using (crackers, cheddar)
pie CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese and apple arg1" "arg2 cheese apple arg1" ] using (pie, cheddar)
sandwiches CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 cheese on their arg1" "arg2 cheese on your arg1" "arg2 cheese tea arg1" ] using (sandwiches, cheddar)
toast CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese on my arg1" "arg2 cheese on her arg1" "arg2 cheese french arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" ] using (toast, cheddar)
riverflowsthroughcity bristol CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Gorge at arg1" "arg2 Gorge to arg1" "arg2 Gorge near arg1" ] using (bristol, cheddar)