cheddar_cheese (cheese)
literal strings: Cheddar cheese , cheddar-cheese , cheddar cheese , Cheddar Cheese , cheddar_cheese , Cheddar-Cheese
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visualizableobject (100.0%)CPL @1099 (95.0%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "foods like _" "recipe with shredded _" "cover with sliced _" "can of _" "dish with shredded _" "green bean casserole with _" "omelet filled with _" "sour cream , shredded _" "butter , raw _" "tomatoes with _" "tomatoes , grated _" "corn , white _" "foods such as _" "eggs , sliced _" "eggs , smoked _" "fresh ingredients like _" "onions , grated _" "broccoli , shredded _" "cheese , processed _" "_ spread recipe" "sprouts , shredded _" "_ infused with" "pasta , grilled _" "hot , add _" "apple , white _" "apple smoked _" "eggs , dried _" "red onion , red _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "recipe using _" "_ flavored potato chips" "turkey , smoked _" "tomato , shredded _" "salad with shredded _" "cream of _" "white omelet with _" "wine served with _" "garlic , white _" "cream cheese , red _" "peppers stuffed with _" "onion , white _" "tortilla with shredded _" "peas , white _" "applewood smoked _" "flour , dried _" "flour , organic _" "cheese , organic _" "_ cooking spray" "onions , smoked _" "tortilla stuffed with _" "black beans , white _" "cheese , raw _" "hard roll with _" "cheese , red _" "cane juice , organic _" "milk , low fat _" "bacon , smoked _" "lettuce , grated _" "beef , raw _" "mixing bowl , beat _" "onion , shredded _" "¾ cup of _" "beans , fresh _" "sprinkle with grated _" "spinach , smoked _" "egg white omelet with _" "cheese , smoked _" "onion , red _" "rice , shredded _" "sauce , white _" "salad with white _" "pepper , grated _" "salad loaded with _" "tomatoes , smoked _" "tortillas filled with _" "_ tossed with" "Burger topped with _" "I used smoked _" "onions , shredded _" "delicious smoked _" "cheese shredded _" "bread , white _" "Serve garnished with _" "_ topped with" "eggs , white _" "breast , smoked _" "beans , white _" "bowl , beat _" "butter , white _" "sprinkle with additional _" "cream , sliced _" "sauce , grated _" "spices such as _" "hoagie roll with _" "_ based sauce" "tomatoes , white _" "chicken , shredded _" "cream , raw _" "cup white _" "cheese , low-fat _" "avocado , diced _" "cheese , fried _" "cheese , jalapeno _" "corn tortillas stuffed with _" "beans , shredded _" "Italian sausage with _" "seed bun with _" "Soup Made with _" "cream cheese , smoked _" "peppers , shredded _" "sesame seed bun with _" "soup with _" "cheddar cheese , red _" "cheese , garlic _" "cucumbers , shredded _" "tomatoes , crumbled _" "soup with white _" "cucumber , shredded _" "salsa , shredded _" "egg whites with _" "ham , smoked _" "honey , fresh _" "juice , organic _" "D-D/D cups of _" "olives , shredded _" "onions , white _" "_ are delicious" "shrimp stuffed with _" "spinach , shredded _" "sun- dried _" "toppings such as _" "milk , low-fat _" "dough filled with _" "Recipe using _" "salad with _" "pepper stuffed with _" "pineapple , white _" "Applewood smoked _" "ground beef , shredded _" "broccoli , yellow _" "Layer half of _" "bit of grated _" "Kaiser roll with _" "handful of grated _" "eggs , organic _" "muffins made with _" "garlic , grated _" "bean casserole with _" "onion , grated _" "pinch of _" "recipes using _" "cup of grated _" "wheat bun with _" "cream , shredded _" "broiler until _" "layer of sliced _" "patty topped with _" "pasta , white _" "recipe is made with _" "_ served with" "Sprinkle top with _" "slices of raw _" ] using cheddar_cheese CMC @821 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2014 [ PREFIX=che 7.32345 PREFIX=ch 6.92451 LASTPREFIX=chees 6.57567 LASTSUFFIX=eese 5.31914 LASTSUFFIX=heese 4.91022 LAST_WORD=cheese 4.89236 PREFIX=chees 4.49504 FULL_WORDSHAPE=AaxAa -0.69206 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.98819 CHARS -7.23500 ] using cheddar_cheese OE @887 (96.1%) on 22-nov-2014 [ ] using cheddar_cheese
cheese (100.0%)CPL @1104 (70.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "cups grated _" "slice of sharp _" "tomato , smoked _" "onion , grated _" "_ has a piquant" "butter , grated _" "beans , grated _" "chicken breast topped with _" "cheese , like _" "cheese such as _" "mixture of grated _" "_ melted over" "_ has a rind" "onion , shredded _" "bacon , melted _" "Serve , sprinkled with _" "turkey , shredded _" "cheese , shredded _" "BBQ sauce , melted _" "mix , shredded _" "piece of aged _" "ham , shredded _" "chicken breast , melted _" "layer of shredded _" "green onion , shredded _" "olives , shredded _" "top with shredded _" "layer of grated _" "cheeses including _" "pepper , grated _" "sprinkle with grated _" "sprinkle shredded _" "skins loaded with _" "cheeses such as _" "half-pound burger with _" "lettuce , shredded _" "breast smothered with _" "piece of mature _" "cup finely grated _" "shredded lettuce , grated _" "slices of sharp _" "Jack cheese for _" "lettuce , grated _" "oven baked with _" "onions , grated _" "cup grated _" "thick layer of shredded _" "sour cream , grated _" "sauce , smoked _" "_ has a protected designation" "olives , sharp _" "diced tomatoes , shredded _" "ounce of grated _" "sauce , topped with _" "amount of grated _" "rice , grated _" "peas , grated _" "chicken breast , topped with _" "fries loaded with _" "chili , grated _" "sprinkling of shredded _" "sprinkle with shredded _" "spices , topped with _" "salad with grated _" "chopped onions , shredded _" "handfuls of shredded _" "bowl of grated _" "beans , shredded _" "cheese , white _" "beef burger with _" "beef burger topped with _" "green onions , shredded _" "potato skins stuffed with _" "Chicken Breasts with _" "Serve topped with shredded _" "BBQ sauce , smoked _" "large wheel of _" "onions , melted _" "egg , white _" "sauce , shredded _" "pound of grated _" "_ is a hechsher" "scallions , grated _" "pepper , shredded _" "sour cream , shredded _" "bacon , sharp _" "burger topped with _" "chicken breast , shredded _" "cup of grated _" "breast , shredded _" "butter , shredded _" "½ cup shredded _" "turkey topped with _" "vegetables , shredded _" "? cup grated _" "cheeses , including _" "bacon , shredded _" "beans , melted _" "patty topped with _" "_ served open face" "sauce topped with _" "Tortilla chips topped with _" "Stir in shredded _" "chicken breast smothered with _" "chili topped with _" "Burger topped with _" "tomato sauce , topped with _" "peppers , shredded _" "lots of grated _" "sprinkle of shredded _" "sausage , shredded _" "Breasts with _" "avocado , shredded _" "patty covered with _" "ham , grated _" "_ is the only cheese" "tomato , shredded _" "sausage , melted _" "sprinkle of grated _" "chicken , shredded _" "corn , shredded _" "cup of shredded _" "eggs , shredded _" "chicken topped with _" "tortilla chips , shredded _" "handful of grated _" "D/D cup shredded _" "final sprinkling of _" "scallions , shredded _" "Sprinkle shredded _" "cups shredded _" "breast , melted _" "_ is a semi-hard" "tablespoon of grated _" "sprinkling of grated _" "tablespoon of shredded _" "top with grated _" "chili , melted _" "slices , shredded _" "mixture , then sprinkle with _" "pinch of shredded _" "breast topped with _" "cream cheese , shredded _" "cover with grated _" "guacamole , shredded _" "hunk of sharp _" "jalapeno peppers stuffed with _" "D/D cup of shredded _" "Swiss cheese for _" "cheese like _" "shredded lettuce , shredded _" "shells stuffed with _" "soup with grated _" "cheeses like _" "cilantro , grated _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "turkey burger with _" "cream , sharp _" "grilled chicken breast topped with _" "truckles of _" "_ is separating k" "sprinkle grated _" "cream sauce , topped with _" "dip is made with _" "potato skins loaded with _" "cream , shredded _" "bit of shredded _" "black beans , shredded _" "tortillas , shredded _" "_ is a hard cheese" "bacon , smoked _" "corn chips topped with _" "soup , shredded _" "refried beans , melted _" "onions , smoked _" "yogurt , grated _" "cream , grated _" "burgers are topped with _" "variation made with _" "chili with shredded _" "BBQ sauce , topped with _" "Broccoli soup with _" "bowls , garnish with _" "little bit of shredded _" "mushrooms topped with _" "medium rare with _" "bacon , white _" "cup shredded _" "breast , topped with _" "onions , shredded _" "onions topped with _" "cheese as opposed to _" "vegetables , grated _" "cream sauce topped with _" "cheese , sharp _" "layers , finishing with _" "bacon , grated _" "squash casserole with _" ] using cheddar_cheese CMC @316 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2011 [ LASTPREFIX=che 9.19546 PREFIX=che 7.76595 LASTSUFFIX=heese 5.77656 LASTPREFIX=chees 5.50284 LASTSUFFIX=eese 5.49396 LASTPREFIX=chee 5.41571 LASTPREFIX=ch 5.35882 CHARS -3.13993 FULL_POS=NN_NN -4.93704 WORDS -16.60177 ] using cheddar_cheese SEAL @287 (99.8%) on 05-jun-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] using cheddar_cheese
food (100.0%)OE @887 (91.9%) on 22-nov-2014 [ ] using cheddar_cheese Seed CMC @533 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2012 [ PREFIX=ch 7.34461 LASTPREFIX=ch 3.51488 SUFFIX=heese 2.81489 PREFIX=che 2.25913 SUFFIX=eese 2.24409 PREFIX=chees 2.21187 PREFIX=chee 2.09551 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.71818 CHARS -7.88659 WORDS -8.50789 ] using cheddar_cheese CPL @1099 (91.3%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "flour tortilla stuffed with _" "foods like _" "recipe with shredded _" "sour cream , grated _" "cover with sliced _" "bun with sliced _" "dish with shredded _" "broccoli , chopped _" "breast , shredded _" "green bean casserole with _" "_ are tender" "sour cream , shredded _" "butter , raw _" "cream , grated _" "oatmeal , dried _" "tomatoes , grated _" "sauce , topped with _" "foods such as _" "zucchini along with _" "onions , grated _" "broccoli , shredded _" "bowl , combine _" "cheese , processed _" "sprouts , shredded _" "slices , shredded _" "parsley , grated _" "hot , add _" "cheddar cheese , shredded _" "mushrooms , shredded _" "apple , white _" "_ tastes like" "garlic , jalapeno _" "toasted Kaiser roll with _" "red onion , red _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "BBQ sauce topped with _" "tomato , shredded _" "salad with shredded _" "potatoes stuffed with _" "cream of _" "wine served with _" "mixture of grated _" "cream cheese , red _" "peppers stuffed with _" "mound of shredded _" "tortilla with shredded _" "few slices of raw _" "peas , white _" "vegetables , such as _" "rice , grated _" "egg , shredded _" "garlic , shredded _" "flour , organic _" "_ drizzled over" "_ cooking spray" "tortilla stuffed with _" "black beans , white _" "avocado , sliced _" "potatoes , grated _" "sausage , white _" "top with grated _" "hard roll with _" "cheese , red _" "cane juice , organic _" "red onion , shredded _" "organic onion , organic _" "lettuce , grated _" "_ were delicious" "pepper , shredded _" "foods , including _" "sprinkle with grated _" "black beans , fresh _" "cilantro , shredded _" "eggs , low-fat _" "peas , shredded _" "onion , red _" "rice , shredded _" "such foods as _" "strips , shredded _" "chicken with shredded _" "pita halves with _" "soft cheeses such as _" "corn tortilla with _" "heat , add _" "salad with white _" "pepper , grated _" "tomatoes , smoked _" "lemon juice , grated _" "_ dressed with" "_ tossed with" "Burger topped with _" "I used smoked _" "onions , shredded _" "good cup of _" "cream , crumbled _" "chicken breasts stuffed with _" "cup freshly grated _" "bread , white _" "_ simmered in" "_ topped with" "beans , white _" "butter , white _" "lots of grated _" "teriyaki sauce with _" "amount of grated _" "canola oil , organic _" "cream , sliced _" "sauce , grated _" "spices such as _" "ground turkey with _" "chicken , shredded _" "certain vegetables , such as _" "egg , fresh _" "cheese , low-fat _" "avocado , diced _" "_ seasoned with" "ingredients EXCEPT _" "cheese , jalapeno _" "chopped onion , shredded _" "beans , shredded _" "bowl of grated _" "red onions , shredded _" "Italian sausage with _" "(eggs with _" "carrots , sliced _" "carrots , shredded _" "tortillas with shredded _" "dressing , shredded _" "peppers , shredded _" "sour cream , sliced _" "cheddar cheese , red _" "light sprinkle of _" "cucumbers , shredded _" "tomatoes , crumbled _" "soup with white _" "cheese , yellow _" "cucumber , shredded _" "salsa , shredded _" "bun with shredded _" "juice , organic _" "olives , shredded _" "shrimp stuffed with _" "spinach , shredded _" "steak smothered with _" "refried beans , shredded _" "tablespoon of _" "dough filled with _" "salad with _" "pepper stuffed with _" "chicken breast , shredded _" "pineapple , white _" "ground beef , shredded _" "bun topped with _" "broccoli , yellow _" "red peppers , sliced _" "bit of grated _" "I added shredded _" "handful of grated _" "ingredients except _" "cottage cheese , low-fat _" "top with shredded _" "layer of grated _" "garlic , grated _" "sprinkling of grated _" "onion , grated _" "juice , grated _" "leaves , grated _" "foods , such as _" "burger stuffed with _" "ciabatta roll with _" "cup of grated _" "beef sausage with _" "cream , shredded _" "crackers , white _" "black beans , shredded _" "breasts stuffed with _" "pasta , white _" "recipe is made with _" "soup with shredded _" "oil , grated _" ] using cheddar_cheese SEAL @629 (100.0%) on 29-aug-2012 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ] using cheddar_cheese
visualizablething (100.0%)CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "bowl combine _" "D/D cup of _" "chicken breast topped with _" "grits with _" "cheese such as _" "Kaiser roll with _" "dairy products such as _" "cheese , shredded _" "medium bowl combine _" "ingredients , except _" "heat , stir in _" "cheeses such as _" "heat until _" "low heat until _" "toasted bun with _" "roast beef with _" "low , add _" "bowl , mix _" "_ scrambled with" "peppers stuffed with _" "ingredients except _" "_ topped with" "sprinkle with _" "onions , chopped _" "bake until _" "beans , white _" "recipe calls for _" "small bowl , stir together _" "onions , sliced _" "apple pie with _" "cheese , topped with _" "cheeses like _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "processor , combine _" "food processor , combine _" "minute , then add _" "_ grilled with" "heat , add _" "bacon , smoked _" "cheeseburger with _" "bowl , stir together _" "cheese , smoked _" "other ingredients except _" "bun with _" "spaghetti with _" ] using cheddar_cheese OE @887 (87.1%) on 22-nov-2014 [ ] using cheddar_cheese CMC @838 (100.0%) on 15-may-2014 [ PREFIX=ch 7.79624 PREFIX=che 7.18581 PREFIX=chees 3.08611 PREFIX=chee 2.87426 LASTPREFIX=chees 2.72504 LASTPREFIX=chee 2.48645 LASTSUFFIX=se 2.44478 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.77167 WORDS -1.04478 CHARS -2.19804 ] using cheddar_cheese
inverseofanimaleatfood chicken (100.0%)
turkey (93.8%)CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breast with melted arg2" "arg1 breast topped with melted arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" ] using (turkey, cheddar_cheese)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct egg CPL @1109 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 yolks and arg2" ] using (egg, cheddar_cheese)
onions CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and diced green arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (onions, cheddar_cheese)
potatoes CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and bacon mashed arg1" "arg2 mashed arg1" ] using (potatoes, cheddar_cheese)
inverseofagriculturalproductincludingagriculturalproduct powder CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and nonfat milk arg1" "arg2 and milk arg1" "arg2 and skim milk arg1" ] using (powder, cheddar_cheese)
products CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and many other food arg1" "arg2 and other dairy arg1" ] using (products, cheddar_cheese)
inverseofanimaleatvegetable chicken
turkey CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" ] using (turkey, cheddar_cheese)