colby_jack_cheese (cheese)
literal strings: Colby jack cheese, colby-jack cheese, Colby-Jack cheese, colby jack cheese, colby_jack_cheese, Colby Jack cheese, Colby-Jack Cheese
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- visualizableobject(100.0%)
- food(100.0%)
- cheese(100.0%)
- SEAL @287 (75.0%) on 05-jun-2011 [ 1 2 ] using colby_jack_cheese
- CPL @1094 (86.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "cream , shredded _" "quesadilla made with _" "sour cream , shredded _" "greens with shredded _" ] using colby_jack_cheese
- LE @1051 (75.7%) on 20-apr-2017
- CMC @1048 (100.0%) on 10-apr-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=che 4.63852 PREFIX=che 4.56172 LASTSUFFIX=heese 4.48217 LASTSUFFIX=eese 4.29384 LASTPREFIX=chee 4.22142 LASTPREFIX=chees 4.22025 LAST_WORD=cheese 4.09485 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.73531 WORDS -28.37249 CHARS -31.85924 ] using colby_jack_cheese