parmesan (cheese)
literal strings: Parmesan , PARMESAN , parmesan
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visualizableobject (100.0%)OE @896 (94.5%) on 23-jan-2015 [ ] using parmesan CPL @1104 (94.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "cup of grated _" "lettuce , fresh _" "bag of frozen _" "sprinkle with grated _" "_ stuffed chicken recipe" "_ really make the dish" "pasta , fresh _" "cheddar cheese , fresh _" "onions , wild _" "rolls stuffed with _" "slices of fresh _" "cream of _" "spinach , shredded _" "eggs , fresh _" "Italian sausage with _" "quick recipes with _" "_ battered cod" "peppers stuffed with _" "spices , including _" "teaspoon of _" "sauce , fresh _" "pesto , fresh _" "_ tossed with" "mushrooms , fresh _" "lots of sliced _" "peas , fresh _" "pinch of _" "salad with shredded _" "small mixing bowl , combine _" "olives , fresh _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "plate , combine _" "sandwich with fresh _" "salmon stuffed with _" "chicken stuffed with _" "milk , low-fat _" "sprinkle with additional _" "_ based dressing" "bag , combine _" "bread crumbs to _" "eggs , sliced _" "onion , fresh _" "red peppers , fresh _" "tomato sauce , fresh _" "mozzarella , fresh _" "broiler until _" "cream , shredded _" "onions , shredded _" "pepper , fresh _" "olives , shredded _" "peppers , fresh _" "pasta , like _" "tomatoes with _" "spinach , fresh _" "last tablespoon of _" "bit of grated _" "bowl , mix _" "_ sauteed in" "dough filled with _" "shallow bowl , combine _" "_ encrusted salmon" "hard cheese such as _" "_ crusted trout" "small bowl , mix _" "pepper , grated _" "Serve garnished with _" "_ served with" "sauce loaded with _" "bowl of shredded _" "sauce with fresh _" "chicken , shredded _" "eggplant stuffed with _" "tomato , roasted _" "eggs with fresh _" "cheese , organic _" "Sprinkle top with _" "onions , fresh _" "red onion , fresh _" "_ drizzled on" "slice of fresh _" "soup with _" "salad with _" "fresh garlic , fresh _" "sauce sprinkled with _" "recipe for veal _" "_ encrusted tilapia" "peppers , shredded _" "garlic , fresh _" "slivers of fresh _" "_ crusted chicken recipe" "_ based sauce" "basil , fresh _" "_ crusted grouper" "sauce , grated _" "lamb stuffed with _" "fresh basil , fresh _" "lettuce , grated _" "garlic , green _" "tomatoes , grated _" "_ is golden brown" "plastic bag , combine _" "garlic , grated _" "oil , fresh _" "orzo with _" "_ crusted tilapia" "handful of grated _" "black olives , fresh _" "_ stuffed with" "brussels sprouts with _" "Serve sprinkled with _" "_ crusted halibut" "sour cream , shredded _" "sprinkle with fresh _" "Beat eggs with _" "sauce topped with fresh _" "can of _" "artichoke hearts , fresh _" "salad with fresh _" "_ crusted filet" "olive oil , fresh _" "onions , grated _" "oil , add _" "_ topped with" "mushrooms stuffed with _" "ravioli with _" "dish with fresh _" "chicken seasoned with _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "butter , diced _" "bacon , fresh _" "dishes like _" "sprinkle with crumbled _" "beat eggs with _" "¾ cup of _" "onion , grated _" ] using parmesan
cheese (100.0%)SEAL @671 (100.0%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 1 ] using parmesan Seed CPL @1104 (75.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "grilled asparagus with _" "romaine , shaved _" "romaine lettuce , grated _" "cup of grated _" "amount of shredded _" "sauce , covered with _" "tomato , shaved _" "lettuce , fresh _" "milk cheeses like _" "mixture , grated _" "sprinkle with grated _" "sprinkle shredded _" "specialty cheeses such as _" "kraft shredded _" "mushrooms topped with _" "chili , grated _" "cup freshly grated _" "mushroom tart with _" "Crisp romaine tossed with _" "Romaine lettuce , shredded _" "Freshly grated _" "Italian cheeses like _" "_ really make the dish" "_ crusted shrimp" "oz fresh _" "pasta , fresh _" "dash of grated _" "she grated _" "large wheel of _" "cheeses similar to _" "Serve garnished with grated _" "top , then sprinkle with _" "vegetables drizzled with _" "pile of grated _" "bruschetta with _" "slices of fresh _" "pizza sauce , grated _" "prosciutto with _" "pasta , shredded _" "marinara sauce , fresh _" "cheese , shredded _" "pasta , sprinkled with _" "mozzarella , imported _" "coating of grated _" "dressing , fresh _" "eggs , grated _" "dishes like veal _" "potato chowder with _" "sauce covered with _" "scallions , fresh _" "red onions , shredded _" "teaspoon of grated _" "spinach , shredded _" "cream sauce , fresh _" "garlic , shredded _" "Butternut squash with _" "Serve , passing _" "carpaccio with _" "butter , shredded _" "blend of grated _" "tomatoes , finished with _" "tomato sauce , shredded _" "creamy polenta with _" "chicken breast covered with _" "cheese including _" "tomatoes , shaved _" "half of grated _" "I also grated _" "Italian sausage with _" "dish of grated _" "cream sauce , topped with _" "cheeses , like _" "croutons , grated _" "pasta with grated _" "tbsp grated _" "peas , grated _" "pasta , grated _" "noodles layered with _" "sauce , fresh _" "pesto , fresh _" "thin layer of shredded _" "_ filled tortellini" "butternut squash risotto with _" "generous helping of grated _" "croutons , shaved _" "dressing , shredded _" "layer of grated _" "little shaved _" "vegetable tart with _" "thin layer of grated _" "spinach , grated _" "cheese reminiscent of _" "_ crusted fish" "provolone for _" "addition of grated _" "bolognese with _" "mozzarella cheese , grated _" "lettuce , shredded _" "mushrooms , fresh _" "mushroom salad with _" "marinara topped with _" "EFFEXOR XR is effexor _" "I was grating _" "olive oil , freshly grated _" "sauce with grated _" "sauce , shaved _" "salad with baked _" "shredded cheddar cheese for _" "casserole topped with _" "baguette slices with _" "hard cheeses such as _" "homemade toasted _" "I used shredded _" "oven , top with _" "salad with shredded _" "pepper grated _" "garlic cream sauce with _" "creamy sauce flavored with _" "butter , then sprinkle with _" "tomatoes tossed with _" "olives , fresh _" "mushroom risotto with _" "steaks , veal _" "potatoes , grated _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "sandwich with fresh _" "ricotta cheese , topped with _" "fondue made with _" "sprinkling of shredded _" "sun-dried tomatoes , fresh _" "cheddar , fresh _" "sauce grated _" "romaine , shredded _" "chicken stuffed with _" "cup of shredded _" "whole-wheat pasta with _" "tomatoes topped with _" "cheese , then sprinkle with _" "sprinkle grated _" "twice-baked potatoes with _" "small amount of grated _" "_ provide just the right accent" "rice , grated _" "pine nuts , fresh _" "ricotta cheese , grated _" "pieces , grated _" "sauce , creamy _" "sauce , shredded _" "garnish of grated _" "generous amount of grated _" "dressing , grated _" "tablespoon of grated _" "thin shavings of _" "sprinkling of grated _" "Sprinkle freshly grated _" "_ roasted cauliflower recipe" "cut pork chop with _" "bread with grated _" "portobello mushrooms stuffed with _" "plum tomatoes with _" "wheat crust with _" "_ encrusted cod" "mushroom ravioli in _" "it was creamy _" "sprinkle with additional _" "soy cheese for _" "swiss chard with _" "block of fresh _" "mushrooms , shaved _" "Top bread with _" "large shavings of _" "pasta , topped with _" "Serve immediately sprinkled with _" "_ encrusted chicken" "stuffed chicken breast with _" "sprinkle with reserved _" "mushrooms , grated _" "white asparagus with _" "tablespoons freshly grated _" "tomato salad with _" "tomato served with _" "tomato sauce topped with _" "breast covered with _" "beef carpaccio with _" "marinara sauce topped with _" "pecorino for _" "onions sprinkled with _" "lamb seasoned with _" "mix of grated _" "soup sprinkled with _" "thin slices of fresh _" "them grated _" "_ contains rennet" "parmesan until _" "onion , fresh _" "small amount of shredded _" "I used grated _" "sauce , sprinkle _" "quantity of grated _" "soup with grated _" "toast , top with _" "red peppers , fresh _" "tomato sauce , fresh _" "feta cheese for _" "mozzarella , fresh _" "generous shavings of _" "entire wheel of _" "grilled eggplant with _" "tomatoes sprinkled with _" "Garlic bread with _" "it , grate _" "basil , grated _" "pinch of grated _" "_ pull apart bread recipe" "salty bite of _" "dusting of fresh _" "bit of shredded _" "cream , shredded _" "_ whipped potato" "arugula , shaved _" "onions , shredded _" "portion of grated _" "pepper , fresh _" "olives , shredded _" "oil , shaved _" "heavy cream , fresh _" "peppers , fresh _" "goat cheese , fresh _" "sauce , finished with _" "salsa , grated _" "dusting of grated _" "tomato , grated _" "bowls , garnish with _" "shavings of fresh _" "slices , shredded _" "cream sauce topped with _" "chicken covered with _" "cheese course of _" "amounts of grated _" "taste of aged _" "tomato tart with _" "bunch of shredded _" "popcorn sprinkled with _" "vinegar , grated _" "_ crusted tofu" "hand grated _" "mix with grated _" "bacon , grated _" "_ baked artichokes" "_ encrusted chicken recipe" "good grating of _" "grape tomatoes , shredded _" "layer of shredded _" "little bit of grated _" "it was shredded _" "pork tenderloin topped with _" "_ dressing recipe name" "salad sprinkled with _" "basil topped with _" "cheese towards _" "little salt if _" "spinach , fresh _" "thin slice of fresh _" "lettuce , crumbled _" "onion baked with _" "mozzarella , aged _" "mozzarella , grated _" "_ baked eggs" "mixture , then sprinkle with _" "jack cheese for _" "chicken breast , shredded _" "cheese , except for _" "bit of grated _" "cheese , like _" "_ grated over" "_ Dried cherries" "soft polenta with _" "almonds , grated _" "top with shredded _" "avocado , fresh _" "bell pepper , fresh _" "handful of shredded _" "we bought organic _" "grating of fresh _" "flakes , grated _" "hunk of fresh _" "cheeses like _" "buffalo mozzarella , fresh _" "Caesar dressing , grated _" "cup grated _" "herbs , grated _" "hard cheese such as _" "greens , shaved _" "fettuccine garnished with _" "sharp flavor of _" "pepper , grated _" "pasta , garnish with _" "pieces coated with _" "Dates stuffed with _" "I had veal _" "red onions , fresh _" "sprinkle with shredded _" "sprinkle of shredded _" "sauce , sprinkled with _" "_ crusted pork chops" "hard cheese , like _" "green olives , fresh _" "hard cheese like _" "powder , grated _" "Meatball recipe with _" "cheese except _" "few tablespoons of grated _" "_ finished the dish" "_ encrusted fish recipe" "fresh shaved _" "emeril recipe for _" "white pizza with _" "tomato cream sauce with _" "_ crusted chicken" "_ crusted Tilapia" "cheese such as _" "bowl of shredded _" "_ stuffed artichoke hearts" "butter , then roll in _" "breast coated with _" "nutmeg , grated _" "sauce with fresh _" "recipe grated _" "chicken , shredded _" "croutons , shredded _" "arugula , fresh _" "handfuls of grated _" "parsley , shredded _" "light grating of _" "balsamic vinaigrette with _" "I added grated _" "Serve hot sprinkled with _" "fresh grated _" "final sprinkle of _" "veal cutlets with _" "figs stuffed with _" "hard cheeses like _" "hunk of aged _" "generous amounts of fresh _" "more freshly grated _" "ingredients , finishing with _" "layers , ending with _" "lasagna , veal _" "hot sprinkled with _" "marinara sauce sprinkled with _" "bowl , sprinkling _" "Serve topped with grated _" "Serve garnished with fresh _" "_ crusted scallops" "eggplant stuffed with _" "spinach blended with _" "eggs with fresh _" "romaine , grated _" "_ encrusted sea bass" "bread crumbs , grated _" "cheese is similar to _" "slices of aged _" "tortellini stuffed with _" "vegetable peeler , shave _" "cream cheese , shredded _" "cover with grated _" "onions , fresh _" "red onion , fresh _" "oil , freshly grated _" "generous grating of _" "beef stuffed with _" "brown butter sauce with _" "_ mashed red potatoes" "Dip made with _" "Sprinkle remaining _" "exotic ingredients as _" "_ is n't too salty" "cheddar , shredded _" "croutons , freshly grated _" "broccoli rabe with _" "cheeses including _" "plenty of grated _" "pasta with shredded _" "tablespoons of grated _" "sprinkle of fresh _" "strong cheese like _" "thin curls of _" "mixed baby greens with _" "red onion , grated _" "portabella mushrooms , fresh _" "pear , fresh _" "recipes aged _" "peeler , shave _" "sauce sprinkled with _" "recipe for veal _" "ricotta , grated _" "_ crusted steak" "tomato sauce , grated _" "few shavings of _" "_ crusted cod" "_ give this sauce" "dust with grated _" "half cup of grated _" "plum tomatoes , fresh _" "peppers , shredded _" "rice stuffed with _" "hard cheese , such as _" "garlic , fresh _" "hard cheeses , like _" "fries dusted with _" "_ grilled sourdough bread" "sauce topped with _" "slivers of fresh _" "I use grated _" "_ baked cod recipe" "_ crusted chicken recipe" "green onions , grated _" "final sprinkling of _" "huge wheel of _" "aged cheeses like _" "salad with grated _" "sprinkle with extra _" "sauce , top with _" "pepper jack cheese for _" "hearts , fresh _" "peppers , shaved _" "pesto sauce with _" "Hard cheeses , such as _" "Hard cheeses such as _" "Sprinkle half of _" "sprinkle reserved _" "basil , fresh _" "slice of aged _" "tenderloin" ] using parmesan CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=parm 2.45746 LASTSUFFIX=esan 1.99318 PREFIX=parme 1.97737 LASTPREFIX=parme 1.96946 LASTSUFFIX=mesan 1.96825 SUFFIX=mesan 1.96236 SUFFIX=esan 1.96099 FULL_POS=NN -1.14969 CHARS -1.97379 WORDS -4.85719 ] using parmesan
food (100.0%)SEAL @692 (57.8%) on 01-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using parmesan OE @896 (94.9%) on 23-jan-2015 [ ] using parmesan CPL @1098 (90.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "cup of grated _" "lettuce , fresh _" "sprinkle with grated _" "cup freshly grated _" "_ stuffed chicken recipe" "_ really make the dish" "pasta , fresh _" "cheddar cheese , fresh _" "slices of fresh _" "cream of _" "red onions , shredded _" "spinach , shredded _" "garlic , shredded _" "ingredients except _" "Italian sausage with _" "peppers stuffed with _" "croutons , shaved _" "dressing , shredded _" "_ seasoned with" "layer of grated _" "spinach , grated _" "_ tossed with" "homemade toasted _" "peas , fresh _" "salad with shredded _" "small mixing bowl , combine _" "olives , fresh _" "_ gave the whole dish" "potatoes , grated _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "plate , combine _" "salmon stuffed with _" "sun-dried tomatoes , fresh _" "chicken stuffed with _" "rice , grated _" "sprinkling of grated _" "vegetables , such as _" "bag , combine _" "lamb seasoned with _" "onion , fresh _" "red peppers , fresh _" "mozzarella , fresh _" "heat , add _" "grilled eggplant with _" "cream , shredded _" "arugula , shaved _" "onions , shredded _" "pepper , fresh _" "olives , shredded _" "peppers , fresh _" "shavings of fresh _" "slices , shredded _" "double stuffed _" "pasta , like _" "sprinkling of fresh _" "spinach , fresh _" "thin slice of fresh _" "chicken breast , shredded _" "dishes such as _" "bit of grated _" "½ tablespoon of _" "top with shredded _" "avocado , fresh _" "leaves , fresh _" "hot add _" "dough filled with _" "buffalo mozzarella , fresh _" "shallow bowl , combine _" "hard cheese such as _" "greens , shaved _" "_ crusted trout" "small bowl , mix _" "tablespoon of _" "pepper , grated _" "pasta with fresh _" "red onions , fresh _" "_ has a nutty" "_ completed the dish" "bowl of shredded _" "ingredients EXCEPT _" "such foods as _" "chicken , shredded _" "arugula , fresh _" "hard cheeses like _" "eggplant stuffed with _" "tomato , roasted _" "cheese served on _" "onions , fresh _" "red onion , fresh _" "_ drizzled on" "broccoli rabe with _" "sprinkle of fresh _" "salad with _" "fresh garlic , fresh _" "sauce sprinkled with _" "recipe for veal _" "peppers , shredded _" "hard cheese , such as _" "garlic , fresh _" "sliced chicken with _" "basil , fresh _" "_ dressed with" "top with grated _" "Fold pastry over _" "light sauce of _" "sauce , grated _" "fresh basil , fresh _" "lettuce , grated _" "garlic , green _" "tomatoes , grated _" "sauce , topped with _" "lettuce with fresh _" "amount of grated _" "cream sauce with fresh _" "lots of grated _" "plastic bag , combine _" "garlic , grated _" "oil , fresh _" "_ filling served with" "mixture of grated _" "handful of grated _" "black olives , fresh _" "sauce , topped with fresh _" "Condiments such as _" "sour cream , shredded _" "Swiss chard with _" "sprinkle with fresh _" "peppers with fresh _" "I added shredded _" "light sprinkle of _" "sauce topped with fresh _" "parsley , grated _" "bowl of grated _" "lemon juice , grated _" "nuts , fresh _" "artichoke hearts , fresh _" "_ stirred in at" "_ crusted filet" "oil , grated _" "olive oil , fresh _" "egg noodles topped with _" "onions , grated _" "oil , add _" "_ is the right consistency" "_ topped with" "mushrooms stuffed with _" "chicken with shredded _" "bowl , combine _" "cheese , fresh _" "lettuce , shaved _" "cheese sprinkled with _" "chicken seasoned with _" "hard cheeses , such as _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "butter , diced _" "foods , such as _" "breast , shredded _" "leaves , grated _" "juice , grated _" "Spaghetti squash with _" "sprinkle with crumbled _" "_ then drizzled with" "dressing , shaved _" "Romaine lettuce , fresh _" "onion , grated _" "mushrooms , shredded _" "cream , grated _" ] using parmesan
visualizablething (100.0%)CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "olive oil , fresh _" "_ dipping sauce" "mixing bowl , add _" "_ is browned" "foods , such as _" "sautd with _" "sauce , fresh _" "large bowl , combine _" "oil , fresh _" "bacon wrapped _" "_ then topped with" "ingredients except _" "onions with _" "cheeses like _" "delivery of fresh _" "bowl combine _" "cheeses , such as _" "heat , stir in _" "tablespoon of _" "heat , add _" "lettuce , fresh _" "zucchini with _" "separate bowl , combine _" "different materials like _" "ingredients , except for _" "medium heat , add _" "good pinch of _" "garlic , fresh _" "tablespoons of _" "thin pieces of _" "bowl , stir together _" "recipe for baked _" "pan with _" "pan , add _" "mixture over _" "_ whipped potatoes" "peppers stuffed with _" "planks of _" "oil , add _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "bowl add _" "cheeses such as _" "few tablespoons of _" "dish , combine _" "_ drizzled on" "olives , fresh _" "sauce , add _" "D-D tablespoons of _" "_ grated fresh" "mixture , add _" "risotto with _" "cheese such as _" "_ topped with" "food processor , combine _" "cheese , shredded _" "recipe calls for _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "heat until _" "ravioli stuffed with _" "recipe called for _" "bowl , add _" "thin strips of _" "_ tossed with" "small bowl , stir together _" "large bowl , add _" "new can of _" "minutes , then add _" "skillet with _" "D/D cup of _" "½ cup of _" "other ingredients except _" "lots of fresh _" "stir until _" "potato soup with _" "bit of fresh _" "few minutes , then add _" "bowl , combine _" "cheese , fresh _" "¼ cup of _" "plenty of fresh _" "I used fresh _" "gnocchi with _" "low , add _" "ingredients , except _" "ready , add _" "medium , add _" "tomatoes , shredded _" "dairy products like _" "flavor of fresh _" "ingredients except for _" "yolks with _" "? cup of _" "sprinkle with _" "low heat until _" "slices of fresh _" "spaghetti with _" "tender , add _" "couple tablespoons of _" "small bowl , combine _" "whisk in _" "processor , combine _" ] using parmesan OE @886 (90.7%) on 12-nov-2014 [ ] using parmesan
inverseofanimaleatfood chicken (100.0%)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 recipes like chicken arg2" "arg1 breast wrapped in arg2" "arg1 breast covered with arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 breast on top of arg2" "arg1 stock and fresh arg2" "arg1 cacciatore or arg2" "arg1 breasts with arg2" "arg1 livers and arg2" "arg1 alfredo chicken arg2" "arg1 breasts seasoned with arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" ] using (chicken, parmesan) OE @805 (99.8%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (chicken, parmesan)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofanimaleatfood duck CPL @1100 (50.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 confit and arg2" ] using (duck, parmesan)
inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct black_pepper CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and a good grinding of arg1" "arg2 Salt and freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and plenty of freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and lots of freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and fresh ground arg1" "arg2 and season with salt and arg1" "arg2 and season with freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and a grind of fresh arg1" ] using (black_pepper, parmesan) OE @809 (98.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (black_pepper, parmesan)
dough CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 seasoned with garlic and arg2" ] using (dough, parmesan)
egg CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 yolk and arg2" "arg1 yolks together with arg2" "arg1 yolks with arg2" "arg1 wash and sprinkle with arg2" "arg1 yolks and arg2" ] using (egg, parmesan)
pepper OE @820 (96.8%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pepper, parmesan) CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and fresh black arg1" "arg2 and crushed black arg1" "arg2 and freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and more salt and arg1" "arg2 and sprinkled with black arg1" "arg2 and a little salt and arg1" "arg2 and some salt and arg1" "arg2 and cracked black arg1" "arg2 and ground black arg1" "arg2 Salt and freshly ground black arg1" "arg2 and fresh cracked arg1" "arg2 and fresh ground black arg1" "arg2 and freshly ground black arg1" "arg2 and the freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and plenty of black arg1" "arg2 with a little salt and arg1" "arg2 and the salt and arg1" "arg2 and a touch of black arg1" "arg2 and cayenne arg1" "arg2 and season with salt and arg1" "arg2 and fresh ground arg1" "arg2 with salt and arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" ] using (pepper, parmesan)
potatoes CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 mashed red arg1" "arg2 mashed arg1" ] using (potatoes, parmesan)
inverseofagriculturalproductincludingagriculturalproduct oil CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and half the olive arg1" "arg2 or olive arg1" "arg2 and remaining olive arg1" "arg2 and a bit of olive arg1" ] using (oil, parmesan)
inverseofanimaleatvegetable chicken OE @826 (98.5%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (chicken, parmesan) CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breast wrapped in arg2" "arg1 breast covered with arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 breast on top of arg2" "arg1 stock and fresh arg2" "arg1 cacciatore or arg2" "arg1 breasts with arg2" "arg1 breast breaded with arg2" "arg1 breasts seasoned with arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" ] using (chicken, parmesan)
inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage bread CPL @1100 (93.8%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and half a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and some crusty arg1" "arg2 cheese and serve with arg1" "arg2 cheese onto arg1" ] using (bread, parmesan)
pasta CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese onto arg1" "arg2 cheese on your arg1" "arg2 cheese on my arg1" ] using (pasta, parmesan)
pizza CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cheese on my arg1" "arg2 cheese on your arg1" ] using (pizza, parmesan)
inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage red_wine CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 made from Cabernet arg2" ] using (red_wine, parmesan)
inverseofvegetablecanbeservedwithgrain bean CPL @1095 (50.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 paste in arg2" ] using (bean, parmesan)