CPL @1099 (97.2%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "salad with _" "Serve garnished with _" "soup with _" "can of _" "sprinkle with grated _" "onion , shredded _" "handful of grated _" "_ topped with" "pinch of _" ] using parmesean_cheese
CMC @1022 (100.0%) on 19-oct-2016 [ POS=NN 3.69887 PREFIX=ch 2.52675 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.27102 SUFFIX=ean 2.04930 PREFIX=chees 1.69665 PREFIX=chee 1.39199 SUFFIX=heese 1.36334 PREFIX=par -0.85873 WORDS -6.22140 CHARS -7.19337 ] using parmesean_cheese
CMC @956 (100.0%) on 20-oct-2015 [ SUFFIX=ean 3.04853 PREFIX=ch 2.59875 PREFIX=che 2.39527 PREFIX=chees 2.05741 PREFIX=chee 1.91617 LASTPREFIX=chees 1.81670 LASTPREFIX=chee 1.65763 WORDS -0.69652 PREFIX=par -1.22056 CHARS -1.67470 ] using parmesean_cheese
CPL @1114 (97.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "pudding with _" "chicken soup with _" "ingredients except _" "risotto with _" "tablespoon of _" "sprinkle with _" "zucchini with _" "_ topped with" ] using parmesean_cheese