CPL @1097 (94.7%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "lamb stuffed with _" "beet salad with _" "_ served with" "chicken stuffed with _" "quick recipes with _" "_ topped with" "_ tossed with" "foods such as _" "mushrooms stuffed with _" "salad with _" "pastries filled with _" "soup with _" ] using roquefort_cheese
CMC @1085 (100.0%) on 08-dec-2017 [ PREFIX=ch 2.62452 PREFIX=ro 2.34450 PREFIX=chee 2.29814 PREFIX=chees 2.18969 SUFFIX=eese 2.13335 SUFFIX=heese 2.13023 LASTPREFIX=chee 1.97704 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.48911 WORDS -1.74169 CHARS -5.00317 ] using roquefort_cheese
CMC @439 (100.0%) on 22-oct-2011 [ LASTPREFIX=che 2.65059 PREFIX=che 2.60670 LASTSUFFIX=heese 2.56124 LASTSUFFIX=eese 2.45362 LASTPREFIX=chee 2.41224 LASTPREFIX=chees 2.41157 LAST_WORD=cheese 2.33992 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.34693 WORDS -10.80857 CHARS -17.13438 ] using roquefort_cheese
SEAL @293 (75.0%) on 09-jun-2011 [ 12 ] using roquefort_cheese
LE @1094 (73.5%) on 01-jan-2018
CPL @1094 (91.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "pear salad with _" "chicken stuffed with _" "cranberries , crumbled _" "dates stuffed with _" "chicken breast stuffed with _" "homemade potato chips with _" "breast stuffed with _" "salad with crumbled _" ] using roquefort_cheese
CPL @1111 (97.6%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "soft , add _" "recipe called for _" "sprinkle with _" "gnocchi with _" "chicken stuffed with _" "spinach salad with _" "spoonfuls of _" "_ topped with" "_ producing country" "_ tossed with" "_ garnished with" "cheeseburger with _" "cake made with _" ] using roquefort_cheese
CMC @1016 (100.0%) on 14-sep-2016 [ PREFIX=che 2.44583 SUFFIX=ort 2.37371 PREFIX=ro 2.19335 PREFIX=chee 1.96152 PREFIX=chees 1.95976 PREFIX=ch 1.91977 LASTPREFIX=ch 1.75577 LASTPREFIX=che -0.57001 WORDS -0.59899 CHARS -1.95154 ] using roquefort_cheese