CPL @1094 (99.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "second king of _" "islands of _" "capital city of _" "shores of _" "imperial city of _" "citizens of _" "_ became the capital" "city of _" "governor of _" "internal affairs of _" "town of _" "old city of _" "cities like _" "cities of _" "ancient lands of _" "island of _" "capital of _" ] using tenochtitlan
CPL @1114 (95.4%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "second king of _" "trip to _" "island city of _" "_ was the capital" "historic city of _" "village of _" "imperial city of _" "north of _" "population centers such as _" "beautiful city of _" "cities such as _" "Mexican city of _" "famous march on _" "city of _" "large urban areas like _" "residents of _" "cities , such as _" "suburb of _" "hotels in _" "first siege of _" "homes in _" "_ 's sister city" "cities including _" "town of _" "central city of _" "large cities , such as _" "nearby city of _" "seige of _" "site of ancient _" "suburbs of _" "sprawling city of _" "bustling capital city of _" "ancient walls of _" "old city of _" "cities like _" "capital was at _" "cities of _" "cities , like _" "siege of _" "city limits of _" "entire city of _" "resident of _" "_ was the capital city" "stay in _" "final siege of _" ] using tenochtitlan
OE @802 (92.6%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using tenochtitlan
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey