MBL @1116 (99.2%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of city:wichita citylocatedinstate geopoliticallocation:kansas ] using concept:city:wichita
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of televisionstation:kwch organizationheadquarteredincity city:wichita ] using concept:televisionstation:kwch
MBL @1103 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of city:wichita cityliesonriver river:little_arkansas ]
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of person:george_tiller persondiedincity city:wichita ] using concept:person:george_tiller
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of sportsteam:wichita_state teamplaysincity city:wichita ] using concept:sportsteam:wichita_state
Human feedback from bkisiel @702 on 24-feb-2013 [ "dr__george_tiller persondiedincity wichita", Action=(+persondiedincity) (from NELL.08m.702.SSFeedback.csv) ] using wichita
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of company:kmuw organizationheadquarteredincity city:wichita ] using concept:company:kmuw
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of televisionstation:kake organizationheadquarteredincity city:wichita ] using concept:televisionstation:kake
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of person:dr__george_tiller persondiedincity city:wichita ] using concept:person:dr__george_tiller
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of hospital:via_christi hospitalincity city:wichita ] using concept:hospital:via_christi
SEAL @1039 (53.8%) on 02-feb-2017 [ 1 ] using wichita
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River near downtown arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River north of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" ] using (wichita, little_arkansas)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Garage Door in arg1" "arg2 Dental Insurance in arg1" "arg2 Maxillofacial Specialists in arg1" "arg2 Prosthodontists in arg1" ] using (wichita, kansas)
SEAL @154 (50.0%) on 28-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (wichita, kansas)
Sempasre @932 (75.0%) on 05-jun-2015 [ "During the war Chisholm resided at the site of Wichita , Kansas ; Chisholm Creek in the present city is named for him ." ] using (wichita, kansas)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity" "Y~_z-concept:country:usa~concept:geopoliticallocationcontainsstate,concept:statecontainscity" "Y~_X0~concept:hasofficeincity" "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity,concept:citycontainsbuilding,concept:subpartof" "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity,concept:citycontainsbuilding,concept:locationlocatedwithinlocation" ] using (kmuw, wichita)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity" "Y~_z-concept:country:usa~concept:geopoliticallocationcontainsstate,concept:statecontainscity" "Y~_X0~concept:hasofficeincity" "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity,concept:citycontainsbuilding,concept:subpartof" "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity,concept:citycontainsbuilding,concept:locationlocatedwithinlocation" ] using (kake, wichita)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 television station arg1" "arg2 TV station arg1" ] using (kake, wichita)
CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Channel DD in arg2" ] using (kwch, wichita)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity" "Y~_z-concept:country:usa~concept:geopoliticallocationcontainsstate,concept:statecontainscity" "Y~_X0~concept:hasofficeincity" "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity,concept:citycontainsbuilding,concept:subpartof" "Y~X0~concept:hasofficeincity,concept:citycontainsbuilding,concept:locationlocatedwithinlocation" ] using (kwch, wichita)
Human feedback from bkisiel @702 on 24-feb-2013 [ "dr__george_tiller persondiedincity wichita", Action=(+persondiedincity) (from NELL.08m.702.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (dr__george_tiller, wichita)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (dr__george_tiller, wichita)
Human feedback from bkisiel @702 on 24-feb-2013 [ "dr__george_tiller personhasresidenceincity wichita", Action=(+personhasresidenceincity) (from NELL.08m.702.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (dr__george_tiller, wichita)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 University at arg2" "arg1 University located in arg2" "arg1 Invitational in arg2" "arg1 University is located in arg2" "arg1 University in arg2" "arg1 University and the city of arg2" "arg1 University and living in arg2" "arg1 University School of Music in arg2" "arg1 University is in arg2" ] using (wichita_state, wichita)
SEAL @529 (75.0%) on 11-mar-2012 [ 12 ] using (wichita_state, wichita)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Regency Hotel in arg2" "arg1 Hotels and Resorts in arg2" "arg1 Regency hotel in arg2" "arg1 Regency in arg2" ] using (hyatt, wichita)
Sempasre @1046 (75.0%) on 31-mar-2017 [ "A memorial to Dorado has been constructed in the Veterans Memorial Park in Wichita , Kansas on the Arkansas River ." ] using (wichita, arkansas_river)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River north of arg1" "arg2 River Basin near arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River that winds through arg1" "arg2 River near downtown arg1" "arg2 river between arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River above arg1" "arg2 River Valley near arg1" "arg2 River in the heart of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 Valley south of arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River north of arg1" "arg2 River Basin near arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River that winds through arg1" "arg2 River near downtown arg1" "arg2 river between arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River above arg1" "arg2 River Valley near arg1" "arg2 River in the heart of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 Valley south of arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River north of arg1" "arg2 River Basin near arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River that winds through arg1" "arg2 River near downtown arg1" "arg2 river between arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River above arg1" "arg2 River Valley near arg1" "arg2 River in the heart of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 Valley south of arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River north of arg1" "arg2 River Basin near arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River that winds through arg1" "arg2 River near downtown arg1" "arg2 river between arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River above arg1" "arg2 River Valley near arg1" "arg2 River in the heart of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 Valley south of arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River north of arg1" "arg2 River Basin near arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River that winds through arg1" "arg2 River near downtown arg1" "arg2 river between arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River above arg1" "arg2 River Valley near arg1" "arg2 River in the heart of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 Valley south of arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 River north of arg1" "arg2 River Basin near arg1" "arg2 River below arg1" "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River that winds through arg1" "arg2 River near downtown arg1" "arg2 river between arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River at arg1" "arg2 River to arg1" "arg2 River near arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" "arg2 River from arg1" "arg2 River above arg1" "arg2 River Valley near arg1" "arg2 River in the heart of arg1" "arg2 river at arg1" "arg2 Valley south of arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Garage Door in arg1" "arg2 Dental Insurance in arg1" "arg2 Maxillofacial Specialists in arg1" "arg2 Prosthodontists in arg1" ] using (wichita, kansas)
SEAL @154 (50.0%) on 28-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (wichita, kansas)
Sempasre @932 (75.0%) on 05-jun-2015 [ "During the war Chisholm resided at the site of Wichita , Kansas ; Chisholm Creek in the present city is named for him ." ] using (wichita, kansas)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Garage Door in arg1" "arg2 Dental Insurance in arg1" "arg2 Maxillofacial Specialists in arg1" "arg2 Prosthodontists in arg1" ] using (wichita, kansas)
SEAL @154 (50.0%) on 28-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (wichita, kansas)
Sempasre @932 (75.0%) on 05-jun-2015 [ "During the war Chisholm resided at the site of Wichita , Kansas ; Chisholm Creek in the present city is named for him ." ] using (wichita, kansas)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 River and downtown arg1" "arg2 River in downtown arg1" "arg2 River from downtown arg1" ] using (wichita, arkansas)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 area code DDD in arg1" "arg2 Music Educators Convention in arg1" "arg2 a suburb of arg1" "arg2 by MapQuest Map search for arg1" "arg2 and adjacent towns forming arg1" ] using (wichita, ks)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Wichita arg2" "arg1 State University and Oklahoma arg2" "arg1 University and Wichita arg2" ] using (wichita, state_university)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Wichita arg2" "arg1 State University and Oklahoma arg2" "arg1 University and Wichita arg2" ] using (state_university, wichita)