CPL @1103 (56.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "he was wearing black _" "comfortable pair of _" "thin pair of _" "pair of thick _" "new pair of blue _" "we were wearing _" "sturdy pair of _" "old pair of _" "white socks with black _" "new pair of _" "clothing , such as _" "pants , waterproof _" "gloves , waterproof _" "good pair of waterproof _" "_ are essential gear" "pair of waterproof _" "jacket , black _" "socks with black _" ] using rain_pants
CMC @1058 (99.9%) on 16-may-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=pan 2.10238 PREFIX=pan 2.05689 PREFIX=pant 1.53471 LASTPREFIX=pant 1.47656 LASTSUFFIX=ts 1.46694 LAST_WORD=pants 1.31444 SUFFIX=ts 1.08309 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.90921 WORDS -1.21800 CHARS -3.89286 ] using rain_pants
SEAL @697 (64.0%) on 12-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using rain_pants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey