CPL @1095 (96.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "coffee making _" "cup of thick _" "_ is served at" "_ infused with" "cup of aromatic _" "_ served with" "tiny cups of _" ] using arabic_coffee
CPL @1105 (94.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "cup of _" "more cups of _" "good cup of _" "_ brewed in" "cup of sweet _" "old men drinking _" "pastries served with _" "sip of _" "cup of dark _" "cups of black _" "cups of strong _" "men drinking _" "third cup of _" "cup of traditional _" "delicious cup of _" "cup of thick _" "cups of sweet _" "second cup of _" "guests sipping _" "last cup of _" "aromatic taste of _" "_ brewed on" "free cup of _" "fresh brewed _" "day drinking _" "cup of aromatic _" "strong cups of _" "fresh pot of _" "welcome drink of _" "welcoming cup of _" "sip of black _" "tiny cups of _" "cup of strong _" "cup of fresh _" "traditional cup of _" "cup of good _" "beach , sipping _" ] using arabic_coffee
CPL @1111 (97.6%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "more cups of _" "good cup of _" "cup of sweet _" "coffee making _" "men drinking _" "I never drink _" "_ is served at" "day drinking _" "cup of strong _" ] using arabic_coffee
CPL @1094 (76.3%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "more cups of _" "good cup of _" "cup of dark _" "cups of black _" "cups of strong _" "cup of traditional _" "delicious cup of _" "cup of thick _" "second cup of _" "free cup of _" "fresh brewed _" "cup of aromatic _" "cup of strong _" "cup of fresh _" "cup of good _" "demitasse of _" ] using arabic_coffee
CMC @1095 (94.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=co 1.23226 SUFFIX=ffee 1.02797 SUFFIX=fee 1.02797 PREFIX=coffe 1.00468 SUFFIX=offee 1.00116 PREFIX=coff 1.00005 PREFIX=cof 1.00005 POS=NN -0.46399 WORDS -4.73742 CHARS -7.48097 ] using arabic_coffee
CPL @1103 (92.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "good cup of _" "cups of black _" "cups of strong _" "third cup of _" "cup of traditional _" "second cup of _" "cardamom flavored _" "fresh brewed _" "cup of aromatic _" "fresh pot of _" "welcoming cup of _" "cup of strong _" "freshly brewed _" ] using arabic_coffee