SEAL @671 (96.5%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 1 ] using sienna
CMC @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=sienn 1.38989 PREFIX=sien 1.38900 SUFFIX=ienna 1.37357 SUFFIX=enna 1.23081 PREFIX=sie 1.19261 LASTSUFFIX=enna 1.18258 PREFIX=si 1.14853 FULL_POS=NN -1.33729 WORDS -3.62836 CHARS -3.87348 ] using sienna
CPL @1104 (73.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "such colors as _" "_ tinted leaves" "Colors like _" "pastel shades of _" "rich shade of _" "Warm tones of _" "It 's light _" "rich shades of _" "_ is a great color" "earth tones like _" "yellow ochre , raw _" "_ washed walls" "_ was discovered here in" "burgundy , deep _" "shade of burnt _" "color such as _" "shades ranging from _" "hues of burnt _" "color is burnt _" "palette of deep _" "colors , such as _" "_ colored text" "wash of burnt _" "background of deep _" "tones of warm _" "stunning shades of _" "_ coloured ones" "wash of raw _" "ochre , burnt _" "brilliant shades of _" "shades of burnt _" "colors of burnt _" "beautiful shades of _" "favorite color is _" "earth turns _" "_ colored sweater" "_ swirling lines" "pallete of _" "Beneficial colours are _" "neutral color such as _" "wash of Raw _" "yellow , deep _" "colors such as _" "_ is n't a color" "hand painted in rich _" "various shades of _" "yellow ochre , burnt _" "elegant tones of _" "ochre , raw _" "manual for toyota _" "wonderful shade of _" "orange , burnt _" "_ is a rich color" ] using sienna
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Camry and arg2" "arg1 has completely redesigned arg2" "arg1 Prius and Toyota arg2" "arg1 specific model like arg2" ] using (toyota, sienna)