CPL @1114 (88.9%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "Taylor , played by _" "_ worked wonderful" "supporting cast includes _" "it starred _" "cast also includes _" "listings results for _" "_ 's birth name" "Woman starring _" "character played by _" "View quotes by _" "debut starring opposite _" "high-profile celebrities like _" "available photos of _" "She is played by _" "Photographic illustrations of _" "film starring _" "actress named _" "_ Find rare images" "Question regarding _" "_ plays Charlie" "film narrated by _" "starlets like _" "cast includes _" "stellar ensemble cast including _" "films starring _" "it stars _" "_ 's Charity Work" "Woman , starring _" "passionate is _" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ played Diane" "intimate is _" "role , played by _" "movie stars , including _" "VHS featuring _" "Hollywood luminaries as _" "_ 's birth chart" "TV , starring _" "cast , including _" "talented cast including _" "_ also has an instinctive rapport" "Hollywood stars such as _" "trailers featuring _" "all-star cast including _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "film starred _" "People feature on _" "stunt double for _" "co-stars were _" "_ avoids heavy" "celebrities like _" "thriller starring _" "rare images of _" "starlets such as _" "role opposite _" "_ 's gossips" "_ 's debut movie" "malevolence by _" "nude celebrities like _" "Zone starring _" "_ have no fans" "other stars such as _" "actors such as _" "cast including _" "VHS films starring _" "remake starring _" "many celebrities , including _" "he played opposite _" "film stars _" "theaters , starring _" "Celebrities such as _" "pilot starring _" "stars such as _" "_ 's wooden performance" "_ has acted in over" "awesome cast includes _" "action movies starring _" "U.S. named _" "well-known actors such as _" "popular nude celebrities like _" "movies starring _" "documentary film narrated by _" "movie narrated by _" "you everything you want about _" "you 're really about with _" "_ has a soft exterior" "Perfect People feature on _" "Intimacy does not come easily to _" "remake , starring _" "flick stars _" "ensemble cast including _" "_ was not the only choice" "_ 's Fan Pages" "comedy also stars _" "_ appreciates aesthetics" "cast members such as _" "astrological interpretation of _" "stars like _" "such stars as _" "supporting performance by _" "lead role opposite _" "_ has a technical bent" "celebrities such as _" "singer , played by _" "movie , starring _" "movie posters with _" "_ cameos as" "movie also starred _" "_ stars as" "he starred opposite _" "such Hollywood luminaries as _" "_ simply does not feel alive" "_ is the cover girl" "celebrities including _" "dreams , played by _" "such actors as _" "celebrity posters of _" ] using daryl_hannah
CPL @1114 (87.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "Taylor , played by _" "_ worked wonderful" "supporting cast includes _" "it starred _" "cast also includes _" "_ 's birth name" "Woman starring _" "character played by _" "View quotes by _" "debut starring opposite _" "available photos of _" "She is played by _" "Photographic illustrations of _" "film starring _" "actress named _" "celebrities , including _" "_ Find rare images" "_ give great performances" "_ plays Charlie" "film narrated by _" "starlets like _" "cast includes _" "stellar ensemble cast including _" "films starring _" "it stars _" "_ 's Charity Work" "Woman , starring _" "film directed by _" "passionate is _" "movie trailers featuring _" "intimate is _" "VHS featuring _" "Hollywood luminaries as _" "_ 's birth chart" "TV , starring _" "cast , including _" "talented cast including _" "_ also has an instinctive rapport" "Hollywood stars such as _" "trailers featuring _" "all-star cast including _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "film starred _" "People feature on _" "stunt double for _" "co-stars were _" "_ avoids heavy" "celebrities like _" "thriller starring _" "rare images of _" "starlets such as _" "role opposite _" "_ 's gossips" "_ 's debut movie" "nude celebrities like _" "_ have no fans" "other stars such as _" "cast including _" "VHS films starring _" "remake starring _" "many celebrities , including _" "he played opposite _" "film stars _" "_ 's new film" "Celebrities such as _" "pilot starring _" "_ 's wooden performance" "_ has acted in over" "awesome cast includes _" "U.S. named _" "well-known actors such as _" "popular nude celebrities like _" "movies starring _" "you everything you want about _" "_ has a soft exterior" "Perfect People feature on _" "Intimacy does not come easily to _" "flick stars _" "ensemble cast including _" "_ was not the only choice" "_ 's Fan Pages" "comedy also stars _" "_ appreciates aesthetics" "cast members such as _" "_ is the only cast member" "astrological interpretation of _" "stars like _" "such stars as _" "supporting performance by _" "lead role opposite _" "_ has a technical bent" "celebrities such as _" "singer , played by _" "movie , starring _" "movie posters with _" "_ cameos as" "movie also starred _" "_ stars as" "he starred opposite _" "such Hollywood luminaries as _" "_ simply does not feel alive" "_ is the cover girl" "celebrities including _" "such actors as _" "celebrity posters of _" ] using daryl_hannah
SEAL @158 (60.6%) on 11-oct-2010 [ 1 ] using daryl_hannah
CMC @896 (100.0%) on 22-jan-2015 [ PREFIX=da 3.30766 SUFFIX=ah 2.74361 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 2.71558 FULL_POS=NN_NN 2.18281 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.95381 SUFFIX=ryl 1.17852 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.04324 WORDS -0.53465 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_a -0.77812 CHARS -2.99818 ] using daryl_hannah