CPL @1109 (94.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "She is played by _" "_ stars as" "guest stars including _" "veteran actors like _" "actresses such as _" "characters played by _" "starring role opposite _" "trailers featuring _" "_ love match at" "supporting cast including _" "movie trailers featuring _" "It also stars _" "Shoebunny spotted _" "People feature on _" "_ plays the owner" "film , starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "cast including _" "great supporting cast including _" "girlfriend , played by _" "movie is starring _" "you DO write to _" "_ is a terrific actress" "supporting cast includes _" "_ gives a breakthrough performance" "celebs including _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "same name starring _" "he starred opposite _" "awesome cast includes _" "well-known actors , including _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Actresses such as _" "_ portray in" "thriller also stars _" "members have contacted _" ",aslo include _" "film also starred _" "officer , played by _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "name starring _" "writers such as _" "co-starring with _" "woman , played by _" "Perfect People feature on _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "film also stars _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "wife played by _" "cast also features _" "film stars _" "ensemble cast including _" "people like _" "He stars opposite _" "great supporting cast includes _" "thriller starring _" "U.S. named _" "role opposite _" "movie , starring _" "movie also stars _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "wife , played by _" "it also stars _" "cop played by _" "drama starring _" "_ has the American nationality" "cast also includes _" ] using elizabeth_banks
CPL @1103 (97.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "She is played by _" "_ stars as" "guest stars including _" "veteran actors like _" "_ is a versatile actress" "Disney starring _" "actresses such as _" "stars include _" "_ play the lead roles" "characters played by _" "starring role opposite _" "trailers featuring _" "_ love match at" "_ play the women" "supporting cast including _" "girlfriend is played by _" "superbly by _" "Rachel , played by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "It also stars _" "casting choice was _" "Shoebunny spotted _" "on-screen chemistry with _" "_ plays Beth" "People feature on _" "_ plays the owner" "comedy also starring _" "cast , including _" "Cast members include _" "Hollywood starlet _" "_ play the title roles" "_ plays the love interest" "guest stars , including _" "film , starring _" "PSA starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "journalist , played by _" "cast including _" "_ play the title characters" "_ provides an excellent performance" "great supporting cast including _" "figure is played by _" "girlfriend , played by _" "movie is starring _" "you DO write to _" "_ is a terrific actress" "actor stars alongside _" "such stars as _" "supporting cast includes _" "celebs including _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "same name starring _" "actress named _" "he starred opposite _" "awesome cast includes _" "_ quotes at" "sisters , played by _" "well-known actors , including _" "title role , with _" "role , played by _" "cast includes _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors include _" "Actresses such as _" "_ portray in" "thriller also stars _" "stars such as _" "members have contacted _" "_ plays the sister" ",aslo include _" "film also starred _" "officer , played by _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "movie also starring _" "name starring _" "_ is a scene-stealer" "co-starring with _" "it stars _" "supporting cast , including _" "woman , played by _" "_ plays the wife" "_ 's birth name" "premiere included _" "actors like _" "Laura , played by _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Jack , played by _" "_ had been cast as" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "_ has officially signed on" "stars including _" "horror thriller starring _" "horror movie starring _" "film also stars _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Cast also includes _" "_ play a couple" "actors , including _" "wife played by _" "cast also features _" "film stars _" "_ has joined the cast" "ensemble cast including _" "such celebs as _" "He stars opposite _" "great supporting cast includes _" "_ is n't given much" "thriller starring _" "U.S. named _" "_ has been cast as" "role opposite _" "movie starring _" "_ walk the red carpet" "movie , starring _" "good cast including _" "movie also stars _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "wife is played by _" "wife , played by _" "_ stars alongside" "mother played by _" "Question regarding _" "movie stars _" "stellar cast including _" "_ has a small role" "it also stars _" "nurse , played by _" "cop played by _" "_ 's gossips" "drama starring _" "assistant , played by _" "_ has the American nationality" "cast also includes _" ] using elizabeth_banks
SEAL @179 (96.9%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using elizabeth_banks
SEAL @210 (93.8%) on 15-feb-2011 [ 1234 ] using elizabeth_banks
CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ SUFFIX=eth 4.33726 LASTPREFIX=ba 3.20082 PREFIX=el 2.87560 PREFIX=eli 1.72579 SUFFIX=anks 1.42758 LASTSUFFIX=anks 1.34733 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.33176 PREFIX=ba -2.13626 CHARS -3.80577 WORDS -6.17553 ] using elizabeth_banks
CPL @1104 (93.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "She is played by _" "_ stars as" "veteran actors like _" "_ is a versatile actress" "actresses such as _" "stars include _" "characters played by _" "starring role opposite _" "_ love match at" "_ play the women" "supporting cast including _" "superbly by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "It also stars _" "Shoebunny spotted _" "_ plays Beth" "People feature on _" "_ plays the owner" "cast , including _" "Cast members include _" "Hollywood starlet _" "_ play the title roles" "_ plays the love interest" "film , starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "journalist , played by _" "cast including _" "_ provides an excellent performance" "great supporting cast including _" "girlfriend , played by _" "movie is starring _" "you DO write to _" "_ is a terrific actress" "actor stars alongside _" "supporting cast includes _" "many celebs including _" "celebs including _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "same name starring _" "actress named _" "he starred opposite _" "awesome cast includes _" "sisters , played by _" "well-known actors , including _" "title role , with _" "cast includes _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors include _" "Actresses such as _" "_ portray in" "thriller also stars _" "members have contacted _" "_ plays the sister" ",aslo include _" "_ ' production company" "film also starred _" "officer , played by _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "movie also starring _" "name starring _" "co-starring with _" "supporting cast , including _" "woman , played by _" "_ plays the wife" "_ 's birth name" "impressive supporting cast includes _" "actors like _" "Laura , played by _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Jack , played by _" "_ had been cast as" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "_ has officially signed on" "stars including _" "_ — TMDb" "horror thriller starring _" "film also stars _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Cast also includes _" "wife played by _" "cast also features _" "film stars _" "_ has joined the cast" "ensemble cast including _" "He stars opposite _" "great supporting cast includes _" "_ is n't given much" "thriller starring _" "U.S. named _" "role opposite _" "movie starring _" "movie , starring _" "good cast including _" "movie also stars _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "wife , played by _" "movie stars _" "stellar cast including _" "it also stars _" "nurse , played by _" "cop played by _" "_ 's gossips" "drama starring _" "assistant , played by _" "_ has the American nationality" "cast also includes _" ] using elizabeth_banks
CPL @1103 (95.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "She is played by _" "celebrity guests , including _" "_ stars as" "guest stars including _" "veteran actors like _" "actresses such as _" "stars include _" "_ play the lead roles" "starring role opposite _" "trailers featuring _" "_ love match at" "supporting cast including _" "Rachel , played by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "It also stars _" "casting choice was _" "Shoebunny spotted _" "People feature on _" "cast , including _" "Cast members include _" "_ play the title roles" "_ plays the love interest" "guest stars , including _" "film , starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "journalist , played by _" "cast including _" "great supporting cast including _" "girlfriend , played by _" "movie is starring _" "you DO write to _" "_ is a terrific actress" "such stars as _" "supporting cast includes _" "_ gives a breakthrough performance" "many celebs including _" "celebs including _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "same name starring _" "actress named _" "he starred opposite _" "awesome cast includes _" "well-known actors , including _" "_ directed the film" "title role , with _" "cast includes _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors include _" "Actresses such as _" "_ portray in" "thriller also stars _" "members have contacted _" ",aslo include _" "film also starred _" "officer , played by _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "movie also starring _" "name starring _" "_ Shows Off" "co-starring with _" "it stars _" "supporting cast , including _" "woman , played by _" "_ plays the wife" "_ 's birth name" "actors like _" "Laura , played by _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Jack , played by _" "_ had been cast as" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "_ has officially signed on" "horror thriller starring _" "horror movie starring _" "film also stars _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Cast also includes _" "wife played by _" "cast also features _" "film stars _" "_ has joined the cast" "ensemble cast including _" "such celebs as _" "He stars opposite _" "great supporting cast includes _" "_ is n't given much" "thriller starring _" "U.S. named _" "role opposite _" "movie starring _" "movie , starring _" "good cast including _" "movie also stars _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "wife is played by _" "wife , played by _" "mother played by _" "movie stars _" "stellar cast including _" "it also stars _" "nurse , played by _" "cop played by _" "_ 's gossips" "drama starring _" "assistant , played by _" "_ has the American nationality" "cast also includes _" ] using elizabeth_banks
SEAL @215 (96.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using elizabeth_banks
CPL @1114 (89.5%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "She is played by _" "_ stars as" "guest stars including _" "veteran actors like _" "actresses such as _" "characters played by _" "starring role opposite _" "trailers featuring _" "_ love match at" "supporting cast including _" "Rachel , played by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "It also stars _" "Shoebunny spotted _" "People feature on _" "_ plays the owner" "comedy also starring _" "guest stars , including _" "film , starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "journalist , played by _" "great supporting cast including _" "girlfriend , played by _" "movie is starring _" "you DO write to _" "_ is a terrific actress" "actor stars alongside _" "supporting cast includes _" "celebs including _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "same name starring _" "he starred opposite _" "awesome cast includes _" "well-known actors , including _" "_ directed the film" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Actresses such as _" "_ portray in" "thriller also stars _" "members have contacted _" ",aslo include _" "film also starred _" "officer , played by _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "name starring _" "co-starring with _" "woman , played by _" "_ 's birth name" "Perfect People feature on _" "Jack , played by _" "_ had been cast as" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "_ has officially signed on" "film also stars _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "wife played by _" "cast also features _" "film stars _" "_ has joined the cast" "ensemble cast including _" "He stars opposite _" "great supporting cast includes _" "U.S. named _" "movie starring _" "movie , starring _" "movie also stars _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "wife , played by _" "stellar cast including _" "it also stars _" "cop played by _" "_ 's gossips" "drama starring _" "assistant , played by _" "_ has the American nationality" "cast also includes _" ] using elizabeth_banks
CPL @1099 (62.9%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "She is played by _" "celebrity guests , including _" "_ stars as" "guest stars including _" "veteran actors like _" "_ is a versatile actress" "Disney starring _" "_ love match at" "_ play the women" "supporting cast including _" "girlfriend is played by _" "Rachel , played by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "casting choice was _" "Shoebunny spotted _" "_ plays Beth" "People feature on _" "comedy also starring _" "Hollywood starlet _" "_ play the title roles" "_ plays the love interest" "guest stars , including _" "PSA starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "cast including _" "great supporting cast including _" "girlfriend , played by _" "you DO write to _" "such stars as _" "supporting cast includes _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "actress named _" "he starred opposite _" "awesome cast includes _" "title role , with _" "cast includes _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors include _" "_ portray in" "members have contacted _" "_ plays the sister" ",aslo include _" "film also starred _" "officer , played by _" "upcoming movies featuring _" "movie also starring _" "supporting cast , including _" "_ 's birth name" "Laura , played by _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Jack , played by _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "horror thriller starring _" "film also stars _" "Cast also includes _" "wife played by _" "cast also features _" "_ has joined the cast" "ensemble cast including _" "He stars opposite _" "great supporting cast includes _" "U.S. named _" "good cast including _" "movie also stars _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "wife is played by _" "wife , played by _" "cop played by _" "_ 's gossips" "assistant , played by _" "_ has the American nationality" "cast also includes _" ] using elizabeth_banks
SEAL @215 (93.8%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 1234 ] using elizabeth_banks