MBL @1009 (93.8%) on 03-aug-2016 [ Promotion of actor:kevin_spacey actorstarredinmovie movie:k_pax ]
SEAL @176 (99.2%) on 10-dec-2010 [ 1234567 ] using kevin_spacey
CPL @1108 (92.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "drama stars _" "Actors such as _" "movie version with _" "movie version starring _" "_ was the right actor" "supporting cast , including _" "actors like _" "_ winning an Oscar" "artist played by _" "actor named _" "film starred _" "such alumni as _" "_ ' pictures Thousands" "_ 's character discovers" "_ also stars as" "_ starred as" "film casts _" "film stars such as _" "major motion picture , starring _" "motion picture , starring _" "movie stars such as _" "He was played by _" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "psychiatrist , played by _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "exclusive biography of _" "film stars , including _" "_ 's charater" "television series , starring _" "_ is a marvelous actor" "_ has been cast as" "role opposite _" "character , played by _" "name stars _" "picture , starring _" "_ plays a psychiatrist" "_ Find rare images" "Hall , starring _" "_ leads a stellar cast" "He is portrayed by _" "Life starring _" "actors such as _" "_ plays a guy" "movie starring _" "documentary , narrated by _" "Trailer starring _" "_ was the original choice" "film really belongs to _" "star cast , including _" "boss played by _" "part ultimately went to _" "_ 's birth chart" "_ sleepwalks through" "great actors , including _" "well-known actors including _" "masterful performance by _" "show , starring _" "She also starred opposite _" "cast lead by _" "character portrayed by _" "movie starred _" "motion picture staring _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series , starring _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "co-stars with _" "favorite actors are _" "him starring _" "professor played by _" "films starring _" "People feature on _" "Beauty , starring _" "_ delivers a strong performance" "he starred with _" "thriller starring _" "cast consisting of _" "dealer , played by _" "personal diary entry for _" "picture staring _" "_ is an excellent actor" "He co-starred with _" "early appearance by _" "expert , played by _" "DVD stars _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "U.S. named _" "TV series starring _" "Poster starring _" "family , played by _" "Richard III starring _" "All-star cast includes _" "_ 's gossips" "It also starred _" "name , starring _" "movie stars like _" "last year starring _" "man , played by _" "creepy performance by _" "_ was named Best Actor" "Hollywood movie stars like _" "Perfect People feature on _" "cast ranging from _" "comedy starring _" "co-starring with _" "stars like _" "such stars as _" "television series starring _" "stellar cast includes _" "actors , including _" "Jack , starring _" "He starred opposite _" "_ gives another great performance" "cast , led by _" "ensemble cast includes _" "stars including _" "cast included _" "Sea , starring _" "actor like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "_ plays the voice" "_ is a fine actor" "celebrities like _" "he starred opposite _" "it , starring _" "he co-starred with _" "film is starring _" "great acting by _" "feature film starring _" "_ plays the lead character" "stellar cast including _" "_ delivered a great performance" "classmates included _" "cast , headed by _" "celebrity personal diary entry for _" "celebs such as _" "available photos of _" "Edition)DDDD reviews _" "movie staring _" "movie posters with _" "Hollywood stars including _" "stars such as _" "she played opposite _" "Movie starring _" "_ 's unforgettable performance" "_ provides the voice" "A-listers including _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "Edition)DD reviews _" "London starring _" "celebrities such as _" "playing opposite _" "_ is well-cast as" "debut opposite _" "cast also includes _" "main character , played by _" "_ is an incredible actor" "impressive cast includes _" "View quotes by _" "Hollywood stars like _" "great cast including _" "she stars with _" "gossip pictures of _" "fine cast headed by _" "_ gives a performance" "biopic starring _" "serial killer played by _" "movie is starring _" "movies stars _" "_ leads a cast" "cast headed by _" "co-starring alongside _" "character played by _" "miracle Starring _" "_ provided the narration" "motion picture starring _" "_ was Narrator" "stellar ensemble cast including _" "_ is a wonderful actor" "ensemble cast including _" "movies starring _" "cops played by _" "original series starring _" "it starring _" "authentic autographed memorabilia of _" "_ 's directorial debut" "_ was a great actor" "famous friends like _" "it stars _" "brilliant performance by _" "he stars opposite _" "actors including _" "good actors like _" "expert played by _" "boss , played by _" "ensemble cast , led by _" "costars like _" "same name , starring _" "she stars alongside _" "such celebs as _" "movie also starred _" "novel , starring _" "movie alongside _" "_ leads the cast" "TV movie featuring _" "He was portrayed by _" "_ has had an acting role" "actors , like _" "_ play the following character" "_ played Joe" "autographed memorabilia of _" "actors ranging from _" "_ plays the title character" "_ plays Trevor" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "husband played by _" "version starring _" "London , directed by _" "Williams , played by _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "film stars _" "great actor like _" "television show starring _" "small role alongside _" "_ is a fantastic actor" "she starred with _" "_ plays a reporter" "He starred with _" "various celebrities including _" "movie stars _" "series stars _" "movie trailers featuring _" "cast , including _" "book , starring _" "cast also including _" "_ stars along with" "_ plays a professor" "_ is a CELEBRITY" "wonderful actors like _" "young actors , including _" "all-star cast includes _" "film starring _" "ensemble cast headed by _" "trailers featuring _" "voice work by _" "veteran actors like _" "political thriller starring _" "teacher played by _" "he is portrayed by _" "friend played by _" "superbly by _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "London , starring _" "He stars alongside _" "_ plays David" "_ stars as" "story , starring _" "killer played by _" "_ 's acting abilities" "year starring _" "own page dedicated to _" "Sam , played by _" "lead performance by _" "favourite actor is _" "son , played by _" "story stars _" "video news clips of _" "star-studded cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "life starring _" "love story starring _" "major film starring _" "directorial debut starring _" "all-star cast including _" "outtakes featuring _" "_ plays a man" "Oscar-winning performance by _" "(voice by _" "Clint Eastwood , starring _" "_ 's acting coach" "film , starring _" "feature starring _" "He is played by _" "He’s played by _" "III , starring _" "_ is not a good actor" "_ sometime credited as" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Movie stills of _" "_ plays a husband" "film staring _" "_ gives an exceptional performance" "Oscar-nominated film starring _" "A-list stars including _" "star-studded cast including _" "VHS featuring _" "President , played by _" "Jamie , played by _" "Eastwood , starring _" "cast includes _" "_ is an American actor" "_ enlarge Share" "hit movie starring _" "rare images of _" "man was played by _" "celebrities including _" "voice talents of _" "villain played by _" "year , starring _" "celebrities , such as _" "_ spends the whole movie" "Hollywood film starring _" "III starring _" "Pictures starring _" "Hollywood actors such as _" "picture starring _" "medical miracle Starring _" "movie , starring _" "play starring _" "Comedy drama starring _" "_ lead the cast" "acting by _" "_ plays the professor" "cast featuring _" "members have contacted _" "series starring _" "teacher , played by _" "starring alongside _" "star alongside _" "drama series starring _" "you DO write to _" "other actors like _" "debut starring _" "_ is a Cast Member" "great cast includes _" "strong cast including _" "film also stars _" "Hollywood icons like _" "Evil starring _" "Sea , directed by _" "great supporting cast including _" "major motion picture starring _" "Dave , played by _" "_ is the only actor" "cast featured _" "favorite actor is _" "movie also stars _" "_ has joined the cast" "it starred _" "_ plays a teacher" "voice acted by _" "wonderful performance by _" "A-listers , including _" "(voice of _" "Broadway play starring _" "_ attacks the role" "_ is a good actor" "_ is an awesome actor" "[VHS]DDD reviews _" "Celebrities such as _" "professor , played by _" "father played by _" "co-stars like _" "celebrity guests like _" "_ chews the scenery" "crime drama starring _" "performance opposite _" "favourite actors are _" "_ is a brilliant actor" "_ is an American stage" "series staring _" "_ portray in" "_ plays Superman" "_ plays the teacher" "_ gives a fantastic performance" "_ gives a superb performance" "fine actor like _" "she starred alongside _" "Recent guests include _" "cast , featuring _" "_ is a great actor" "such guest stars as _" "cast including _" ",aslo include _" "supporting cast including _" "thespians as _" "_ gives a great performance" "quotes involving _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "few quotes involving _" "show stars _" "cast also included _" ] using kevin_spacey
CMC @812 (100.0%) on 12-feb-2014 [ SUFFIX=ey 2.81191 PREFIX=ke 2.50485 LASTSUFFIX=ey 2.06869 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.89483 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.60740 POS=NN 1.46637 POS=VBG 1.23315 PREFIX=sp -2.06417 CHARS -3.31825 WORDS -5.41120 ] using kevin_spacey
SEAL @214 (96.9%) on 22-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using kevin_spacey
CMC @742 (100.0%) on 15-jun-2013 [ PREFIX=ke 3.18086 LASTSUFFIX=ey 2.97173 FIRST_WORD=kevin 2.65339 SUFFIX=ey 2.43633 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.67070 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.53553 SUFFIX=vin 1.50428 CHARS -1.42778 LASTPREFIX=sp -1.94300 WORDS -5.82360 ] using kevin_spacey
Human feedback from bkisiel @900 on 11-feb-2015 [ "kevin_spacey generalizations comedian", Action=(+comedian) (from NELL.08m.900.SSFeedback.csv) ] using kevin_spacey
CPL @1116 (81.0%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "drama stars _" "Actors such as _" "movie version with _" "movie version starring _" "_ was the right actor" "supporting cast , including _" "_ 's upcoming movie" "actors like _" "artist played by _" "actor named _" "film starred _" "such alumni as _" "_ ' pictures Thousands" "_ also stars as" "major motion picture , starring _" "motion picture , starring _" "movie stars such as _" "He was played by _" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "psychiatrist , played by _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "exclusive biography of _" "_ 's new biopic" "television series , starring _" "_ is a marvelous actor" "_ 's Twitter Tweets" "role opposite _" "character , played by _" "picture , starring _" "_ plays a psychiatrist" "_ Find rare images" "_ leads a stellar cast" "Rose interview with _" "He is portrayed by _" "Life starring _" "_ plays a guy" "movie starring _" "documentary , narrated by _" "Trailer starring _" "_ was the original choice" "_ addresses rumors" "star cast , including _" "part ultimately went to _" "Angeles , starring _" "well-known actors including _" "show , starring _" "She also starred opposite _" "_ directed a movie" "cast lead by _" "movie starred _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series , starring _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "co-stars with _" "favorite actors are _" "him starring _" "professor played by _" "films starring _" "People feature on _" "Beauty , starring _" "_ delivers a strong performance" "he starred with _" "guest shots by _" "thriller starring _" "_ was seen backstage" "cast consisting of _" "dealer , played by _" "personal diary entry for _" "_ is an excellent actor" "early appearance by _" "expert , played by _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "U.S. named _" "TV series starring _" "Poster starring _" "television series created by _" "family , played by _" "_ plays a schoolteacher" "All-star cast includes _" "_ 's gossips" "_ making a surprise visit" "directors such as _" "charity event hosted by _" "It also starred _" "name , starring _" "last year starring _" "man , played by _" "_ was named Best Actor" "Perfect People feature on _" "comedy starring _" "co-starring with _" "television series starring _" "stellar cast includes _" "Jack , starring _" "_ 's recent portrayal" "He starred opposite _" "_ gives another great performance" "ensemble cast includes _" "stars including _" "cast included _" "Sea , starring _" "robot (voiced by _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "_ plays the voice" "_ is a fine actor" "celebrities like _" "he starred opposite _" "he co-starred with _" "film is starring _" "great acting by _" "feature film starring _" "_ plays the lead character" "stellar cast including _" "it 's voiced by _" "_ delivered a great performance" "cast , headed by _" "celebrity personal diary entry for _" "celebs such as _" "available photos of _" "Edition)DDDD reviews _" "movie staring _" "movie posters with _" "Hollywood stars including _" "she played opposite _" "Movie starring _" "Los Angeles , starring _" "_ directs a script" "_ 's unforgettable performance" "_ provides the voice" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "Edition)DD reviews _" "London starring _" "celebrities such as _" "comedy produced by _" "_ is well-cast as" "debut opposite _" "cast also includes _" "main character , played by _" "_ is an incredible actor" "impressive cast includes _" "immediate ancestry of _" "View quotes by _" "Hollywood stars like _" "great cast including _" "he appeared alongside _" "she stars with _" "gossip pictures of _" "fine cast headed by _" "_ gives a performance" "action-thriller directed by _" "serial killer played by _" "movie is starring _" "movies stars _" "_ leads a cast" "cast headed by _" "co-starring alongside _" "character played by _" "_ provided the narration" "motion picture starring _" "dancing talents of _" "_ was Narrator" "stellar ensemble cast including _" "_ is a wonderful actor" "ensemble cast including _" "cops played by _" "biopic with _" "authentic autographed memorabilia of _" "he stars opposite _" "good actors like _" "expert played by _" "boss , played by _" "ensemble cast , led by _" "costars like _" "same name , starring _" "she stars alongside _" "teacher is played by _" "movie also starred _" "novel , starring _" "_ leads the cast" "TV movie featuring _" "He was portrayed by _" "_ has had an acting role" "_ play the following character" "_ played Joe" "autographed memorabilia of _" "_ plays the title character" "_ plays Trevor" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "_ playing Lex Luthor" "husband played by _" "version starring _" "London , directed by _" "Executive produced by _" "Williams , played by _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "film stars _" "great actor like _" "television show starring _" "thriller directed by _" "_ is a fantastic actor" "she starred with _" "various celebrities including _" "movie stars _" "series stars _" "movie trailers featuring _" "cast , including _" "book , starring _" "cast also including _" "other actors while _" "_ plays a professor" "_ is a CELEBRITY" "young actors , including _" "all-star cast includes _" "film starring _" "ensemble cast headed by _" "better villain than _" "veteran actors like _" "political thriller starring _" "teacher played by _" "_ is Keyser Soze" "he is portrayed by _" "friend played by _" "superbly by _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "London , starring _" "He stars alongside _" "_ has optioned the rights" "_ played Jamie" "_ stars as" "story , starring _" "killer played by _" "year starring _" "own page dedicated to _" "Sam , played by _" "lead performance by _" "favourite actor is _" "son , played by _" "video news clips of _" "star-studded cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "_ play a trio" "filmmakers such as _" "life starring _" "major film starring _" "_ plays Richard" "all-star cast including _" "outtakes featuring _" "_ plays a man" "Oscar-winning performance by _" "(voice by _" "_ 's acting coach" "film , starring _" "feature starring _" "He is played by _" "He’s played by _" "III , starring _" "_ sometime credited as" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Movie stills of _" "_ plays a husband" "_ was immediately cast as" "film staring _" "_ does a great impression" "_ gives an exceptional performance" "biopic featuring _" "_ 's wonderful movie" "star-studded cast including _" "VHS featuring _" "President , played by _" "Jamie , played by _" "cast includes _" "_ plays Lex Luthor" "_ is an American actor" "hit movie starring _" "rare images of _" "motion picture produced by _" "man was played by _" "voice talents of _" "villain played by _" "year , starring _" "_ spends the whole movie" "Hollywood film starring _" "Pictures starring _" "Hollywood actors such as _" "picture starring _" "movie , starring _" "Comedy drama starring _" "_ lead the cast" "_ plays the professor" "members have contacted _" "series starring _" "_ is exec producer" "teacher , played by _" "starring alongside _" "star alongside _" "drama series starring _" "you DO write to _" "other actors like _" "debut starring _" "_ is a Cast Member" "_ plays a school teacher" "great cast includes _" "strong cast including _" "film also stars _" "Evil starring _" "Sea , directed by _" "great supporting cast including _" "major motion picture starring _" "_ 's Luthor" "cast featured _" "favorite actor is _" "movie also stars _" "_ has joined the cast" "it starred _" "_ plays a teacher" "_ plays Eugene" "voice acted by _" "executive produced by _" "A-listers , including _" "(voice of _" "Broadway play starring _" "professor , played by _" "father played by _" "co-stars like _" "_ chews the scenery" "crime drama starring _" "performance opposite _" "favourite actors are _" "_ is a brilliant actor" "_ is an American stage" "series staring _" "_ portray in" "_ plays Superman" "_ plays the teacher" "_ gives a fantastic performance" "_ gives a superb performance" "_ 's Lex Luthor" "fine actor like _" "she starred alongside _" "Recent guests include _" "Charlie Rose interview with _" "cast , featuring _" "_ is a great actor" "such guest stars as _" "cast including _" ",aslo include _" "supporting cast including _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "few quotes involving _" "cast also included _" ] using kevin_spacey
CPL @1112 (89.6%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "drama stars _" "Actors such as _" "movie version with _" "movie version starring _" "_ was the right actor" "supporting cast , including _" "actors like _" "costar with _" "actor named _" "film starred _" "_ ' pictures Thousands" "_ also stars as" "film stars such as _" "major motion picture , starring _" "motion picture , starring _" "movie stars such as _" "He was played by _" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "psychiatrist , played by _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "exclusive biography of _" "film stars , including _" "television series , starring _" "_ is a marvelous actor" "role opposite _" "character , played by _" "picture , starring _" "_ plays a psychiatrist" "_ leads a stellar cast" "He is portrayed by _" "Life starring _" "_ plays a guy" "movie starring _" "documentary , narrated by _" "Trailer starring _" "star cast , including _" "boss played by _" "part ultimately went to _" "well-known actors including _" "show , starring _" "She also starred opposite _" "_ directed a movie" "cast lead by _" "character portrayed by _" "movie starred _" "motion picture staring _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series , starring _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "co-stars with _" "favorite actors are _" "him starring _" "films starring _" "People feature on _" "_ delivers a strong performance" "he starred with _" "thriller starring _" "cast consisting of _" "dealer , played by _" "picture staring _" "_ is an excellent actor" "He co-starred with _" "early appearance by _" "DVD stars _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "U.S. named _" "TV series starring _" "Poster starring _" "family , played by _" "Richard III starring _" "_ 's gossips" "directors such as _" "It also starred _" "name , starring _" "movie stars like _" "man , played by _" "directorial debut of _" "_ was named Best Actor" "Hollywood movie stars like _" "Perfect People feature on _" "comedy starring _" "co-starring with _" "television series starring _" "stellar cast includes _" "terrific performances by _" "Jack , starring _" "_ directs the film" "He starred opposite _" "_ gives another great performance" "cast , led by _" "ensemble cast includes _" "Sea , starring _" "actor like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "_ is a fine actor" "he starred opposite _" "fine performance by _" "feature film starring _" "_ plays the lead character" "stellar cast including _" "classmates included _" "cast , headed by _" "available photos of _" "Edition)DDDD reviews _" "movie staring _" "Hollywood stars including _" "she played opposite _" "Movie starring _" "_ directs a script" "_ 's unforgettable performance" "_ provides the voice" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "Edition)DD reviews _" "[DDDD] by _" "_ is well-cast as" "debut opposite _" "cast also includes _" "main character , played by _" "_ is an incredible actor" "impressive cast includes _" "View quotes by _" "movie is being directed by _" "great cast including _" "he appeared alongside _" "she stars with _" "gossip pictures of _" "fine cast headed by _" "_ gives a performance" "biopic starring _" "action-thriller directed by _" "serial killer played by _" "movie is starring _" "_ leads a cast" "cast headed by _" "co-starring alongside _" "character played by _" "_ provided the narration" "motion picture starring _" "_ was Narrator" "stellar ensemble cast including _" "_ is a wonderful actor" "ensemble cast including _" "movies starring _" "original series starring _" "it starring _" "authentic autographed memorabilia of _" "_ 's directorial debut" "_ was a great actor" "famous friends like _" "it stars _" "he stars opposite _" "good actors like _" "expert played by _" "boss , played by _" "biopic directed by _" "costars like _" "same name , starring _" "she stars alongside _" "movie also starred _" "novel , starring _" "It directed by _" "_ leads the cast" "TV movie featuring _" "He was portrayed by _" "_ play the following character" "autographed memorabilia of _" "actors ranging from _" "_ plays the title character" "_ 's inauguration" "_ plays Trevor" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "husband played by _" "version starring _" "London , directed by _" "Executive produced by _" "Williams , played by _" "early role for _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "film stars _" "great actor like _" "television show starring _" "thriller directed by _" "_ is a fantastic actor" "she starred with _" "He starred with _" "movie stars _" "movie trailers featuring _" "cast , including _" "book , starring _" "_ stars along with" "wonderful actors like _" "young actors , including _" "all-star cast includes _" "film starring _" "ensemble cast headed by _" "better villain than _" "veteran actors like _" "political thriller starring _" "he is portrayed by _" "sci-fi thriller starring _" "London , starring _" "_ plays David" "_ stars as" "story , starring _" "year starring _" "Sam , played by _" "lead performance by _" "favourite actor is _" "son , played by _" "story stars _" "video news clips of _" "star-studded cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "filmmakers such as _" "life starring _" "love story starring _" "all-star cast including _" "_ plays a man" "Oscar-winning performance by _" "(voice by _" "film , starring _" "feature starring _" "He is played by _" "He’s played by _" "III , starring _" "_ sometime credited as" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Movie stills of _" "_ plays a husband" "_ gives an exceptional performance" "Oscar-nominated film starring _" "star-studded cast including _" "VHS featuring _" "President , played by _" "It 's directed by _" "cast includes _" "man named _" "_ is an American actor" "hit movie starring _" "man was played by _" "voice talents of _" "villain played by _" "year , starring _" "Hollywood film starring _" "III starring _" "Pictures starring _" "Hollywood actors such as _" "_ directed movie" "picture starring _" "movie , starring _" "play starring _" "production directed by _" "_ lead the cast" "_ plays the professor" "series starring _" "star alongside _" "drama series starring _" "_ is a Cast Member" "great cast includes _" "strong cast including _" "film also stars _" "Evil starring _" "great supporting cast including _" "major motion picture starring _" "cast featured _" "favorite actor is _" "movie also stars _" "_ has joined the cast" "_ plays a teacher" "executive produced by _" "A-listers , including _" "(voice of _" "_ is an awesome actor" "[VHS]DDD reviews _" "professor , played by _" "father played by _" "co-stars like _" "celebrity guests like _" "_ chews the scenery" "crime drama starring _" "performance opposite _" "favourite actors are _" "_ 's new film" "_ is a brilliant actor" "series staring _" "_ portray in" "_ plays Superman" "fine actor like _" "she starred alongside _" "cast , featuring _" "_ is a great actor" "such guest stars as _" "cast including _" ",aslo include _" "ensemble cast featuring _" "few quotes involving _" "cast also included _" ] using kevin_spacey
CMC @1064 (100.0%) on 23-jun-2017 [ PREFIX=ke 2.68794 SUFFIX=ey 1.94513 SUFFIX=vin 1.90383 LASTSUFFIX=ey 1.71874 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.37426 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.32552 SUFFIX=evin 1.31581 LASTPREFIX=sp -0.75994 CHARS -5.61892 WORDS -5.68871 ] using kevin_spacey
SEAL @204 (75.0%) on 11-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using kevin_spacey