CPL @1094 (94.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "cake layered with _" "vanilla cake with _" "vanilla cupcake with _" "cupcakes with white _" "chocolate cake with white _" "cake with dark _" "_ topped with" ] using chocolate_buttercream_frosting
CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=chocolate 2.38564 SUFFIX=ream 2.02203 PREFIX=choc 1.40562 PREFIX=choco 1.40426 SUFFIX=olate 1.40040 PREFIX=cho 1.20497 PREFIX=butte 1.12202 SUFFIX=ate -0.54623 WORDS -2.79071 CHARS -5.95092 ] using chocolate_buttercream_frosting
CMC @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ream 2.54285 SUFFIX=eam 2.51563 SUFFIX=am 1.50825 FULL_POS=NN_NN_NN 1.31546 PREFIX=butt 1.14945 PREFIX=butte 1.14924 CHARS 1.13445 SUFFIX=ate -0.07720 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.10720 WORDS -10.31428 ] using chocolate_buttercream_frosting
CPL @1097 (69.1%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "vanilla cake with white _" "yellow cake with _" "food cupcakes with _" "vanilla cake with _" "vanilla cupcake with _" "chocolate cake covered in _" "cupcakes topped with _" "cake with white _" "vanilla cake topped with _" "vanilla cake filled with _" "Chocolate cake topped with _" "cupcakes with creamy _" "cupcakes with white _" "Yellow cake with _" "banana cupcakes with _" "chocolate cake with white _" "cake topped with rich _" "strawberry cake with _" "Chocolate cupcakes with _" "chocolate cake with dark _" "cake with dark _" "cake cupcakes with _" "cheesecake with white _" "chocolate cupcakes with _" ] using chocolate_buttercream_frosting