CPL @1113 (97.2%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "tablespoons of _" "tablespoon of _" "_ were tasty" "pudding with _" "_ drizzled over" "_ garnished with" "garlic , fresh _" "few tablespoons of _" "mixture over _" "skewers in _" "_ drizzled on" "chocolate cake with _" ] using coconut_sauce
CPL @1113 (50.5%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "tender chicken in _" "chicken in green _" "_ is spooned over" "flour , served with _" "fish in creamy _" "chicken swimming in _" "_ drizzled over" "chicken marinated in _" "chicken stewed in _" "Boneless chicken cooked in _" "mahimahi with _" "teaspoon prepared _" "lime cake with _" "breast covered in _" "fish simmered in _" "chicken with sweet _" "breast prepared in _" "cup prepared _" "banana fritters with _" "cakes with creamy _" "sauces like _" "onions simmered in _" "cubes cooked in _" "chicken breast covered with _" "strips cooked in _" "Shrimp simmered in _" "chicken breast covered in _" "_ drizzled on" "sauce is called _" "pancakes smothered in _" ] using coconut_sauce
CMC @13 (100.0%) on 14-jan-2010 [ LASTPREFIX=sa 3.55558 LASTSUFFIX=uce 3.37220 LASTPREFIX=sauc 3.37165 LASTSUFFIX=auce 3.37165 LAST_WORD=sauce 3.37165 LASTSUFFIX=ce 2.41019 LASTPREFIX=sau 2.35034 PREFIX=sau -1.33706 CHARS -1.98877 WORDS -7.19670 ] using coconut_sauce
SEAL @42 (50.0%) on 02-feb-2010 [ 1 ] using coconut_sauce
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey