CPL @1107 (58.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "salad dressed with _" "pear salad with _" "greens dressed with _" "cheese dressed with _" "salads dressed with _" "apple salad with _" "cheese tossed in _" "greens tossed in _" "mixed greens tossed in _" "sundried tomatoes with _" "spinach tossed with _" "walnuts tossed in _" ] using cranberry_vinaigrette
LE @1088 (80.5%) on 23-dec-2017
CMC @883 (100.0%) on 31-oct-2014 [ PREFIX=cr 1.96236 POS=NN 1.50187 LASTPREFIX=vin 1.48673 PREFIX=vin 1.31648 LASTSUFFIX=rette 1.26130 LASTPREFIX=vi 1.25838 LASTSUFFIX=ette 1.18174 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.24906 CHARS -3.36198 WORDS -4.07080 ] using cranberry_vinaigrette
SEAL @247 (50.0%) on 10-may-2011 [ 1 ] using cranberry_vinaigrette