cream_routers (condiment)
literal strings: cream routers
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- visualizableobject(99.5%)
- CPL @1099 (92.0%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "recipe sour _" "recipes using whipping _" "recipes with sour _" "heavy whipping _" ] using cream_routers
- food(99.5%)
- CPL @1096 (92.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "recipe sour _" "recipes using whipping _" "recipes with sour _" "heavy whipping _" ] using cream_routers
- condiment(99.1%)
- CPL @1094 (99.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "doughnut recipe sour _" "recipe sour _" "potato recipes using whipping _" "recipes using whipping _" "doodle recipes with sour _" "snicker doodle recipes with sour _" "recipes with sour _" "heavy whipping _" ] using cream_routers