french_dressing (condiment)
literal strings: FRENCH DRESSING, French Dressing, french dressing, French dressing
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- visualizableobject(100.0%)
- CPL @1113 (81.8%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "_ topped with" "recipe using _" "salad with _" "_ drizzled on" ] using french_dressing
- CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ PREFIX=dress 3.27928 LASTPREFIX=dress 3.05447 LASTPREFIX=dres 2.78509 PREFIX=dres 2.52216 LAST_WORD=dressing 2.11835 LASTSUFFIX=ssing 2.05579 PREFIX=dr 1.99070 WORDS -1.32760 LASTSUFFIX=ng -1.42088 CHARS -4.16428 ] using french_dressing
- food(100.0%)
- visualizablething(100.0%)
- condiment(100.0%)
- CMC @839 (100.0%) on 19-may-2014 [ FULL_POS=NN_VBG 2.34908 LASTSUFFIX=ng 1.43894 SUFFIX=ing 1.41691 PREFIX=dres 1.38334 PREFIX=dre 1.38201 LAST_WORD=dressing 1.37320 SUFFIX=ssing 1.37300 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.58334 CHARS -4.33620 WORDS -8.30708 ] using french_dressing
- LE @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018
- SEAL @175 (50.0%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using french_dressing