SEAL @174 (50.0%) on 08-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using garlic_cream_sauce
CPL @1116 (50.4%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "red onions tossed in _" "saut ed in _" "bowtie pasta with _" "ravioli tossed in _" "peppers covered in _" "pasta baked in _" "fettuccine in _" "mushroom ravioli with _" "vegetables tossed in _" "ravioli covered in _" "cheese ravioli in _" "cake , drizzled with _" "penne pasta in _" "wild mushroom ravioli with _" "spaghetti topped with _" "ravioli served in _" "rack of lamb with _" "Penne pasta in _" "fettuccine tossed in _" "bowtie pasta in _" "onions tossed in _" "mushrooms tossed in _" "creamy roasted _" "noodles tossed in _" "shrimp saut ed in _" "fettuccine tossed with _" "basil tossed in _" "meatballs served in _" "tortellini tossed in _" "ravioli with _" "potatoes baked in _" "mashed potatoes with _" "_ based sauce" ] using garlic_cream_sauce
CMC @45 (100.0%) on 03-feb-2010 [ PREFIX=sau 3.46206 PREFIX=sauc 2.87943 SUFFIX=auce 2.58054 SUFFIX=uce 2.56927 PREFIX=crea 2.37538 LASTPREFIX=sauc 2.21171 LASTSUFFIX=auce 2.20551 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa_Aa -0.24770 CHARS -0.60020 WORDS -5.38466 ] using garlic_cream_sauce
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 enchiladas in arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 breast topped with arg2" ] using (chicken, garlic_cream_sauce)