CPL @1115 (77.2%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "separate bowl combine _" "wheat bun with _" "satay with _" "last tablespoon of _" "D-quart saucepan , combine _" "tomatoes with _" "bread , brown _" "bowl , mix _" "soup with _" "D-D/D cups of _" "_ infused with" "egg whites with _" "consistency of thick _" "salad with _" "small bowl , mix _" "_ drizzled on" "gourmet flavored _" "spices , including _" "teaspoon of _" "_ are high" "mustard , red _" "medium saucepan , combine _" "meantime , combine _" "hard roll with _" "spices like _" "toppings , such as _" "acidic foods like _" "Melt butter with _" "skillet , cook _" "vegetables , tomato _" "bottle of fresh _" "cooker , combine _" "dinner dishes with _" "plastic bag , combine _" "_ topped with" "medium-high heat , combine _" "_ flavored potato chips" "cases of bottled _" "cheese , smoked _" "recipe is made with _" "patty , with _" "recipe using _" "medium saucepan combine _" "sauce , combine _" "many foods , such as _" "slow cooker , combine _" "toppings such as _" "pan , add _" "regular bottle of _" "foods such as _" "beef mixed with _" "bag , combine _" "I use bottled _" "whole wheat bun with _" "I had n't eaten _" "pickles , red _" "vegetable other than _" "cheese , organic _" "_ served with" "certain foods like _" "small mixing bowl , combine _" "recipes using _" "juice , along with _" "oil , add _" "ketchup , hot _" "consistency of thin _" "_ based bbq" "kaiser roll with _" "onions , smoked _" "small bowl , blend _" "can of _" "common foods such as _" "chili recipes with _" "stir fried with _" "bowl of hot _" "sesame seed bun with _" "foods like green _" "sauce , green _" "rice fried with _" "saucepan , stir together _" "baking dish , combine _" "food staples such as _" "spices such as _" "seed bun with _" "condiments , such as _" "_ based sauce" "measuring cup , combine _" "apple smoked _" "brown rice , organic _" "_ eating contest" "fruits such as _" "heat , stir together _" "toasted bun with _" "_ based dipping sauce" "cup , combine _" "glass bowl , combine _" "crockpot , combine _" "squirt bottle of _" "foods like _" ] using ketchup
SEAL @129 (100.0%) on 22-jun-2010 [ 123456789101112 ] using ketchup
Human feedback from estevam @807 on 27-jan-2014 [ "ketchup generalizations food", Action=(+condiment) (from NELL.08m.807.SSFeedback.csv) ] using ketchup
CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=up 1.79960 LASTSUFFIX=up 1.74141 SUFFIX=tchup 1.20769 SUFFIX=chup 1.20769 SUFFIX=hup 1.20721 LASTSUFFIX=tchup 1.20265 LASTSUFFIX=chup 1.20265 CHARS -1.09585 WORDS -1.91921 FULL_POS=NN -2.78763 ] using ketchup
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "he spilled _" "half-gallon of _" "ingredients except _" "bacon wrapped _" "whole cup of _" "dish , combine _" "few drops of _" "favorite foods are _" "saucepan combine _" "separate bowl , combine _" "foods , such as _" "bowl , stir together _" "few tablespoons of _" "war was about _" "other ingredients except _" "one-half cup of _" "bread , brown _" "bowl , mix _" "large bowl , combine _" "egg whites with _" "consistency of thick _" "pan with _" "blender , combine _" "_ drizzled on" "gourmet flavored _" "sugar found in _" "small bowl , combine _" "_ dripping down" "cake made with _" "bowl combine _" "medium saucepan , combine _" "mixture , add _" "¼ cup of _" "spices like _" "low , add _" "recipe calls for _" "heat , stir in _" "½ cup of _" "such foods as _" "chocolate cake with _" "skillet , cook _" "recipe called for _" "pint of _" "_ 's sugar" "large mixing bowl , combine _" "tablespoon of _" "large tub of _" "saucepan add _" "? cup of _" "cooker , combine _" "she spilled _" "_ topped with" "large saucepan , combine _" "kitchen , eating _" "home canned _" "_ spills in" "cases of bottled _" "dash of hot _" "cheese , smoked _" "saucepan , add _" "recipe is made with _" "thin film of _" "saucepan , combine _" "medium saucepan combine _" "sauce , combine _" "tablespoons of _" "slow cooker , combine _" "vegetables like _" "ingredients , except _" "tsp of _" "pan , add _" "cheeseburger with _" "medium heat , add _" "ingredients , except for _" "small bowl , stir together _" "small drop of _" "organic materials such as _" "sauce , add _" "_ contain lycopene" "grains , like _" "medium heat , combine _" "food items like _" "recipe for blueberry _" "_ is heated through" "certain foods like _" "I do n't eat _" "bowl , combine _" "pan add _" "recipe made with _" "Chicken of _" "rice noodles with _" "whisk in _" "oil , add _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "I spilled _" "red wine with _" "soft , add _" "bottle of cold _" "stir until _" "tender , add _" "spaghetti with _" "stream of hot _" "terrace with _" "skillet , add _" "apple pie with _" "bowl add _" "processor , combine _" "drizzle with _" "cheese , topped with _" "stir fried with _" "bowl of hot _" "sauce , green _" "_ dipping sauce" "pudding with _" "heat , add _" "saucepan , stir together _" "cup of plain _" "onions with _" "bowl , add _" "bun with _" "couple tablespoons of _" "flour , add _" "D/D cup of _" "foodstuffs such as _" "drizzle of _" "sauce , plain _" "spices such as _" "ingredients except for _" "_ based sauce" "half-cup of _" "_ 's viscosity" "plenty of fresh _" "food processor , combine _" "apple smoked _" "spoonfuls of _" "small saucepan , combine _" "D-D tablespoons of _" "_ was served at" "fire roasted _" "_ eating contest" "heat , combine _" "house made of _" "fruits such as _" "he poured _" "sauce made of _" "dry , add _" "bread soaked in _" "brown , add _" "toasted bun with _" "cup , combine _" "condiments such as _" "large can of _" "medium bowl combine _" "tablespoonful of _" "many gallons of _" "ground beef with _" ] using ketchup
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breasts with arg2" "arg1 tenders with arg2" "arg1 nuggets and arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 Kiev with arg2" "arg1 breast strips served with arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 nuggets with arg2" ] using (chicken, ketchup)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breasts with arg2" "arg1 tenders with arg2" "arg1 nuggets and arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 Kiev with arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 nuggets with arg2" ] using (chicken, ketchup)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and loaves of arg1" "arg2 or a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" ] using (bread, ketchup)