CPL @1095 (96.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "artichoke hearts , roasted red _" "peppers , red _" "tomatoes , roasted red _" "recipe is made with _" "pasta with black _" "recipe using _" "sautd in _" "pickles , red _" "parsley , red _" "gourmet roasted _" "tomatoes , red _" "warm roasted _" "feta cheese , red _" "salt , hot _" "red roasted _" "beans , green _" "broth , green _" "greens with red _" "ground black _" "chicken with black _" "vinegar , red _" "lentils , red _" "mayonnaise , red _" "fire roasted red _" "olive oil , red _" "salt , red _" "onion , hot _" "salad of mixed _" "green pepper , red _" "seeds , red _" "green onions , red _" "honey , hot _" "_ infused with" "jalapenos , red _" "garlic , black _" "recipe for green _" "green onion , hot _" "peppers , hot _" "cream , hot _" "_ stir fried with" "onion , green _" "juices , hot _" "pepper , red _" "mix with hot _" "dish with hot _" "scallops with black _" "lashings of hot _" "eggs , hot _" "sauce , red _" "Stir in hot _" "beef with black _" "recipe for hot _" "steak smothered in _" "seeds , hot _" "beets , red _" "beans , red _" "teaspoon of _" "bowl with hot _" "tablespoons of hot _" "cheese , red _" "cheese , roasted red _" "paste , red _" "potato , green _" "sauce , roasted _" "salad with black _" "rice with black _" "vinegar , hot _" "steak with green _" "pepper , hot _" "oil , add _" "pork with black _" "nuts , red _" "soy sauce , hot _" "hearts , roasted red _" "mustard , red _" "_ are delicious" "sauce , black _" "_ topped with" "juice , hot _" "_ served with" "sour cream , red _" "paprika , red _" "kidney beans , green _" "dishes with hot _" "bottles of hot _" "onions , red _" "cumin , red _" "sauce , green _" "tofu , red _" "jar of hot _" "pepper , green _" "garlic , red _" "_ stuffed with" "foods like _" "braised beef with _" "bowl of hot _" "rice , black _" "egg , red _" "onion , red _" "thyme , red _" "salsa , hot _" "butter , red _" "onion , black _" "ginger , hot _" "ginger , red _" "onions , hot _" "tea , hot _" "black pepper , red _" "beans , hot _" "mayonnaise , green _" "tomato , hot _" "roast red _" "drop of hot _" "cream of _" "beans , black _" "bottle of hot _" "chili , black _" "cookies , hot _" "onion green _" "spinach , red _" "eggplant , red _" "garlic , hot _" "tomatoes , hot _" "_ tossed with" "tomato , red _" "onions in hot _" "lemon juice , hot _" "pasta with red _" "_ drizzled on" "sauce , roasted red _" "coriander , black _" ] using pepper_sauce
CMC @800 (100.0%) on 28-dec-2013 [ POS=NN 3.69887 LASTPREFIX=sa 2.48178 PREFIX=sau 1.89665 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.81682 SUFFIX=uce 1.64034 PREFIX=pep 1.48830 LASTPREFIX=sau 1.45946 SUFFIX=er -0.26214 CHARS -5.39502 WORDS -6.22140 ] using pepper_sauce
CPL @1096 (94.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "artichoke hearts , roasted red _" "peppers , red _" "steak with French _" "tomatoes , roasted red _" "recipe is made with _" "pasta with black _" "pickles , red _" "parsley , red _" "juice , red _" "tablespoon of hot _" "tomatoes , red _" "_ drizzled over" "feta cheese , red _" "salt , hot _" "hot liquids such as _" "red roasted _" "beans , green _" "breast with red _" "broth , green _" "greens with red _" "horseradish , hot _" "ground black _" "chicken with black _" "vinegar , red _" "lentils , red _" "mayonnaise , red _" "fire roasted red _" "white pepper , red _" "olive oil , red _" "tomato sauce , black _" "bowl , combine _" "salt , red _" "salad of mixed _" "green pepper , red _" "seeds , red _" "green onions , red _" "jalapenos , red _" "garlic , black _" "pesto , roasted red _" "green onion , hot _" "chicken broth , green _" "onion , green _" "pepper , red _" "coriander , red _" "mix with hot _" "bread with red _" "mustard , hot _" "Stir in red _" "mint , red _" "dish with hot _" "scallops with black _" "lashings of hot _" "mozzarella , roasted red _" "sauce , red _" "steak with black _" "pine nuts , red _" "recipe for hot _" "teaspoon of red _" "seeds , hot _" "beets , red _" "cayenne pepper , hot _" "beans , red _" "spoonfuls of warm _" "habanero hot _" "bowl with hot _" "tablespoons of hot _" "cheese , red _" "cheese , roasted red _" "paste , red _" "Season with hot _" "chicken with yellow _" "potato , green _" "_ marinated with" "dish with black _" "rice with black _" "vinegar , hot _" "pasta with fresh _" "steak with green _" "pepper , hot _" "oil , add _" "pork with black _" "jars of hot _" "nuts , red _" "hearts , roasted red _" "mustard , red _" "stir-fried beef with _" "seasoning , hot _" "sauce , black _" "_ topped with" "salsa , red _" "sour cream , red _" "lettuce , roasted red _" "paprika , red _" "_ stirred in at" "kidney beans , green _" "dishes with hot _" "bottles of hot _" "onions , red _" "green onions , hot _" "cumin , red _" "sauce , green _" "few tablespoons of hot _" "jar of hot _" "bread , hot _" "soy sauce , red _" "pepper , green _" "garlic , red _" "bowl , combine hot _" "foods like _" "bell pepper , hot _" "bowl of hot _" "rice , black _" "egg , red _" "onion , red _" "thyme , red _" "butter , red _" "shrimp with hot _" "onion , black _" "ginger , hot _" "homemade sweet _" "ginger , red _" "black pepper , red _" "pot full of hot _" "mayonnaise , green _" "cream of _" "beans , black _" "bottle of hot _" "chili , black _" "equal amount of hot _" "chicken sauteed in _" "mix in hot _" "onion green _" "spinach , red _" "eggplant , red _" "pinch of hot _" "salad with red _" "tablespoon of _" "homemade roasted _" "sesame seeds , red _" "recipe roasted red _" "garlic , hot _" "tomatoes , hot _" "salmon with sweet _" "_ tossed with" "beef marinated in _" "beef with green _" "tomato , roasted red _" "tomato , red _" "lamb with green _" "onions in hot _" "lemon juice , hot _" "pasta with red _" "_ drizzled on" "sauce , roasted red _" "coriander , black _" "dash of cayenne _" ] using pepper_sauce
CPL @1105 (71.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "shrimp with red _" "sautd in _" "pepper jelly with _" "fillet mignon with _" "_ drizzled over" "steak with red _" "tartare with _" "salt , hot _" "sliced pork in _" "_ then grilled until" "horseradish , hot _" "chicken with black _" "cayenne , hot _" "vinegar , red _" "noodles with red _" "few drops of hot _" "barbecue sauce , hot _" "sauces such as _" "dashes of hot _" "sprinkle with hot _" "parsley , hot _" "tenderloin medallions with _" "vinegar based _" "sea bass with black _" "beef tenderloin with _" "chops with black _" "paprika , hot _" "green onion , hot _" "mushrooms with black _" "mustard , hot _" "bass with black _" "lime juice , hot _" "_ spooned over" "homemade red _" "few splashes of _" "few tsp of _" "chicken breast with red _" "steak with black _" "beef with black _" "sauce , wasabi _" "cayenne pepper , hot _" "_ is a condiment" "fish stewed in _" "chili sauce , hot _" "chili peppers , hot _" "aji amarillo _" "broth , hot _" "tablespoons of hot _" "Season with hot _" "_ called rouille" "salmon with creamy _" "chicken stewed in _" "powder , hot _" "cakes with creamy _" "tenderloin tips in _" "rice , wasabi _" "sauce , creamy _" "ravioli in red _" "vinegar , hot _" "fillet steak with _" "steak with green _" "chicken with hot _" "pepper , hot _" "tablespoons hot _" "zesty red _" "pork with black _" "jars of hot _" "tofu with black _" "fries with _" "soy sauce , hot _" "chili powder , hot _" "mustard , red _" "octopus in red _" "seasoning , hot _" "tomato paste , hot _" "sauce , black _" "basil , hot _" "juice , hot _" "paste , hot _" "few dashes of _" "teaspoon of hot _" "sauce , yellow _" "shakes of hot _" "splash of hot _" "fillet with black _" "paprika , red _" "_ stirred in at" "beef in red _" "_ gives the chicken" "bottles of hot _" "condiments including _" "olive oil , hot _" "onions , red _" "creamy roasted red _" "rack of lamb with _" "few tablespoons of hot _" "ribs with black _" "beef simmered in _" "jar of hot _" "soy sauce , red _" "cinnamon , hot _" "dollop of hot _" "_ was drizzled on" "squirt of hot _" "fried prawns with _" "recipe for jalapeno _" "dash of hot _" "salsa , hot _" "shrimp with hot _" "fish in red _" "ginger , hot _" "homemade sweet _" "cilantro , hot _" "bass with red _" "beef in black _" "black pepper , red _" "sauces ranging from _" "Roast beef with _" "chicken in black _" "condiments such as _" "drop of hot _" "steak with balsamic _" "spicy red _" "bottle of hot _" "_ adds a kick" "teaspoons of hot _" "sauce , hot _" "cumin , hot _" "chicken sauteed in _" "drops of hot _" "strawberry balsamic _" "Steak marinated in _" "frites with _" "pinch of hot _" "_ Grilled eggplant" "garlic powder , hot _" "wings with hot _" "garlic , hot _" "tomatoes , hot _" "tuna tartare with _" "sprinkling of hot _" "salmon with sweet _" "cheese , then topped with _" "black pepper , hot _" "beef marinated in _" "lamb with green _" "chipotle hot _" "onions in hot _" "lemon juice , hot _" "pasta with red _" "fish sauce , hot _" "_ drizzled on" "sour cream , hot _" "few dashes of hot _" "chili garlic _" ] using pepper_sauce
SEAL @199 (75.0%) on 07-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using pepper_sauce
CMC @172 (100.0%) on 05-dec-2010 [ PREFIX=sau 4.61609 PREFIX=sauc 3.83924 SUFFIX=auce 3.44072 SUFFIX=uce 3.42569 LASTPREFIX=sauc 2.94895 LASTSUFFIX=auce 2.94068 LASTPREFIX=sau 2.93014 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.09606 FULL_POS=NN_NN -3.01243 WORDS -4.78636 ] using pepper_sauce
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "spicy pickled _" "peppers , red _" "potatoes , red _" "tomatoes , roasted red _" "recipe is made with _" "sautd in _" "tomatoes , red _" "_ drizzled over" "heat , stir in _" "red roasted _" "beans , green _" "ground black _" "_ garnished with" "bowl , combine _" "pot of hot _" "salt , red _" "home canned _" "salad of mixed _" "green pepper , red _" "seeds , red _" "vinegar based _" "garlic , black _" "recipe for green _" "onions with _" "green onion , hot _" "peppers , hot _" "onion , green _" "pepper , red _" "recipe red _" "_ recipe Recipe" "sauce , red _" "pan with _" "recipe for hot _" "recipe for black _" "beans , red _" "bowl with hot _" "cheese , red _" "cheese , roasted red _" "few drops of _" "potato , green _" "sauce , roasted _" "_ marinated with" "pepper , hot _" "spaghetti with _" "oil , add _" "drizzle of _" "sauce , black _" "_ topped with" "juice , hot _" "water , hot _" "_ are served at" "onions , red _" "vegetable based _" "pot , add _" "recipe for red _" "sauce , green _" "pepper , green _" "garlic , red _" "amount of hot _" "dash of hot _" "bowl of hot _" "rice , black _" "fire roasted _" "onion , red _" "form of hot _" "small amount of hot _" "onion , black _" "onions , hot _" "tea , hot _" "condiments such as _" "chicken served with _" "beans , black _" "bottle of hot _" "sauce , hot _" "drops of hot _" "spinach , red _" "eggplant , red _" "plenty of hot _" "tablespoon of _" "garlic , hot _" "_ tossed with" "stew with _" "tomato , red _" "pasta with red _" "sprinkle with _" "_ drizzled on" "tsp of _" ] using pepper_sauce
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 powder and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 powder and red arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and roasted bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" ] using (garlic, pepper_sauce)