CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "pints of _" "salad with _" "teaspoon of _" "brussels sprouts with _" "ravioli with _" "orecchiette with _" "_ topped with" ] using walnut_sauce
CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=sau 5.48671 LASTPREFIX=sa 4.45540 SUFFIX=uce 4.38848 LASTPREFIX=sau 4.07587 SUFFIX=ut 3.98448 LASTSUFFIX=uce 3.33758 PREFIX=sauc 3.13508 WORDS -1.18429 PREFIX=wa -1.98804 CHARS -5.19230 ] using walnut_sauce
CPL @1094 (96.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "mushroom ravioli in _" "Chilies in _" "chicken with pomegranate _" "homemade creamy _" "goat cheese ravioli with _" "cheese ravioli with _" "mushroom ravioli with _" "eggplant topped with _" "chicken braised in _" "ravioli with _" "cheese smothered in _" "Grilled asparagus with _" "pumpkin ravioli with _" "wild mushroom ravioli with _" "dumplings served with _" "spinach gnocchi with _" "yolks along with _" "pumpkin gnocchi with _" "spinach ravioli with _" "stewed beef in _" "ricotta ravioli with _" "_ spooned over" "chicken with orange _" "squash gnocchi with _" "pasta with creamy _" "cheese ravioli in _" ] using walnut_sauce
SEAL @152 (54.4%) on 27-sep-2010 [ 123 ] using walnut_sauce
CMC @11 (100.0%) on 14-jan-2010 [ PREFIX=sau 6.92413 PREFIX=sauc 5.75886 SUFFIX=auce 5.16108 SUFFIX=uce 5.13854 LASTPREFIX=sauc 4.42343 LASTSUFFIX=auce 4.41101 LASTPREFIX=sau 4.39521 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.09606 FULL_POS=NN_NN -4.51864 WORDS -7.17954 ] using walnut_sauce
CPL @1114 (96.9%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "pints of _" "gnocchi with _" "spaghetti with _" "_ garnished with" "drizzle of _" "zucchini with _" "drizzle with _" "_ topped with" ] using walnut_sauce
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey