walnut_vinaigrette (condiment)
literal strings: walnut vinaigrette , Walnut Vinaigrette
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visualizableobject (100.0%)CPL @1107 (86.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "salad dressed with _" "tomatoes with _" "salad with _" ] using walnut_vinaigrette
food (100.0%)CPL @1104 (92.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "salad dressed with _" "salad with _" "salad with toasted _" "green salad dressed with _" ] using walnut_vinaigrette
condiment (99.9%)SEAL @179 (50.0%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using walnut_vinaigrette CMC @883 (99.9%) on 31-oct-2014 [ LASTPREFIX=vin 1.31272 PREFIX=vin 1.10829 LASTPREFIX=vi 1.09656 LASTSUFFIX=ette 1.06309 POS=NN 1.02331 SUFFIX=rette 0.96475 SUFFIX=ette 0.94941 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.44739 CHARS -2.07842 WORDS -5.63359 ] using walnut_vinaigrette