CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "date first _" "dog first _" "knowledge of first _" "aid , first _" "ethics , first _" "Training in first _" "I have first _" "knowledge in first _" "certification in first _" "emergency first _" "emergency response , first _" "response , first _" "law , first _" "employees in first _" "you begin first _" "members are first _" "topics such as first _" "training in first _" "diving , first _" "instructors are first _" "procedures , first _" "operations , first _" "fitness , first _" "principles of first _" "courses in first _" "lifeguards , first _" "officers , first _" "animal first _" "tips , first _" "injuries , first _" "staff are first _" "wilderness first _" "basics of first _" "Topics include first _" "techniques , first _" "officers are first _" "courses , first _" "firearms , first _" "health , first _" "fire department , first _" "administer first _" "training , first _" "tactics , first _" "safety , first _" "protection , first _" "communications , first _" "fire fighting , first _" "fighting , first _" "skills such as first _" "pet first _" ] using aid_cpr
CMC @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=ai 10.67708 FIRST_WORD=aid 5.97896 SUFFIX=id 5.08588 PREFIX=aid 0.91585 SUFFIX=pr 0.63669 LASTSUFFIX=pr 0.53082 WORDSHAPE=aaa 0.48710 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.88588 FULL_POS=NN -2.70922 WORDS -8.14252 ] using aid_cpr
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CMC @1107 (97.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ PREFIX=ai 9.61468 FIRST_WORD=aid 5.15543 SUFFIX=id 4.49529 SUFFIX=pr 1.55093 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.50928 LASTSUFFIX=pr 1.38150 SUFFIX=cpr 1.18688 FULL_POS=NN -1.23084 WORDS -6.02135 CHARS -7.72068 ] using aid_cpr
CPL @1094 (99.7%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "date first _" "knowledge of first _" "Training in first _" "I have first _" "knowledge in first _" "certification in first _" "emergency first _" "emergency response , first _" "response , first _" "training in first _" "procedures , first _" "fitness , first _" "principles of first _" "courses in first _" "officers , first _" "animal first _" "tips , first _" "staff are first _" "wilderness first _" "basics of first _" "techniques , first _" "courses , first _" "firearms , first _" "health , first _" "administer first _" "training , first _" "safety , first _" "fire fighting , first _" "fighting , first _" "skills such as first _" "pet first _" ] using aid_cpr