CPL @1107 (99.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "farm in eastern _" "Internet options in _" "emigration to _" "County Movers Local movers in _" "farm in northern _" "Movers Local movers in _" "cities of _" "circuit court of _" "Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "trucks dealers in _" "Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "available affordable Internet options in _" "town of _" "housing authorities for _" "family home being established in _" "provider pricing are included if available in _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" "family immigrated to _" "Rent listings found in _" "Face Lift surgeons in _" "county seat of _" "affordable Internet options in _" "cable Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "payment FHA loans in _" "government of _" "Public housing authorities for _" "he emigrated to _" "county town of _" "firms found for _" "capital of _" "local Face Lift surgeons in _" "Saints were driven out of _" "Local movers in _" "service provider pricing are included if available in _" "pricing are included if available in _" "citizens of _" ] using jackson_county
CPL @1100 (90.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "remodeler in _" "farm in eastern _" "_ florida newspaper" "city below in _" "Dealer dealers in _" "Internet options in _" "ex-sheriff of _" "county treasurer of _" "public administrator of _" "LA is located in _" "ex-officio recorder of _" "County Movers Local movers in _" "Face Lift surgeon in _" "PBX Phone System Dealer dealers in _" "KS is located in _" "IL is located in _" "Indiana , settling in _" "county attorney of _" "SD is located in _" "county surveyor of _" "lisitngs in _" "first county seat of _" "_ is a county" "CO is located in _" "county was attached to _" "county clerk of _" "Liposuction surgeons in _" "family home was established in _" "farm in northern _" "Alabama is located in _" "inspector No firms found for _" "foreclosure lisitngs in _" "Movers Local movers in _" "county site of _" "circuit court of _" "county judge of _" "Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "trucks dealers in _" "Lenders are located specifically in _" "deputy county clerk of _" "listings found in _" "late sheriff of _" "jailor of _" "AL is located in _" "post village of _" "court records are in _" "Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "available affordable Internet options in _" "Iowa , settling in _" "local movers in _" "housing authorities for _" "family home being established in _" "local Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "township in _" "Phone System Dealer dealers in _" "provider pricing are included if available in _" "Fork area of _" "they removed to _" "first white child born in _" "Sheriff of _" "Lift surgeon in _" "state legislature from _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" "phone system dealers in _" "guardianship cases within _" "home inspector No firms found for _" "Rent listings found in _" "Face Lift surgeons in _" "county seat of _" "probate judge of _" "affordable Internet options in _" "GA is located in _" "cable Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "payment FHA loans in _" "Indiana is located in _" "Augmentation surgeons in _" "Public housing authorities for _" "sundry inhabitants of _" "white child born in _" "he located in _" "district schools of _" "county , was born in _" "traffic school in _" "active cities in _" "first sheriff of _" "AR is located in _" "OK is located in _" "home being established in _" "company was raised in _" "No firms found for _" "System Dealer dealers in _" "MI is located in _" "Medicare Advantage plan in _" "firms found for _" "honored pioneers of _" "county court of _" "system dealers in _" "FL is located in _" "_ florida free public records" "FHA loans in _" "Advantage plan in _" "local Face Lift surgeons in _" "Local movers in _" "service provider pricing are included if available in _" "pricing are included if available in _" "Lift surgeons in _" "county home inspector No firms found for _" "plate was issued in _" "perfect used car in _" "professional local movers in _" "county created from _" "unincorporated rural area in _" "MS is located in _" ] using jackson_county
Sempasre @992 (75.0%) on 28-apr-2016 [ "Texas ( 1954 ) , arguing before the US Supreme Court for the end of a practice of systematic exclusion of Hispanics from jury service in Jackson County , Texas ." ] using (end, jackson_county)