beat (crimeorcharge)
literal strings: beat , Beat , BEAT
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey crimeorcharge SEAL @827 (51.8%) on 30-mar-2014 [ 1 ] using beat
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey agentcollaborateswithagent partner CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Rabbit and his arg2" ] using (partner, beat) CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Rabbit and his arg2" ] using (beat, partner)
automodelproducedbymaker chevrolet CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Cruze and arg2" ] using (chevrolet, beat)
bodypartwithinbodypart ears CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 thundering in her arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounded in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" "arg2 pounding in her arg1" ] using (ears, beat)
createdbyagent honda CPL @1109 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Civic and arg2" ] using (honda, beat)
button CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 the Add Video arg1" "arg2 on the Maximize arg1" ] using (button, beat)
inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct egg_whites CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with the salt and arg2" "arg1 with the remaining salt and arg2" ] using (egg_whites, beat)
n4_egg CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 whites and arg2" "arg1 yolks and arg2" ] using (n4_egg, beat)
spices CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and the salt and arg2" ] using (spices, beat)
vanilla CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and the salt and arg2" ] using (vanilla, beat)
oil CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in the butter and olive arg1" "arg2 in olive arg1" ] using (oil, beat)
yogurt CPL @1109 (50.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 and the salt and arg2" ] using (yogurt, beat)
potatoes CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 mashed arg1" ] using (potatoes, beat)
inverseofbeveragecontainsprotein ingredients CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 into the dry arg1" "arg2 into the wet arg1" ] using (ingredients, beat)
inverseofmusicgenressuchasmusicgenres blues CPL @1107 (50.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and rhythm and arg1" ] using (blues, beat)
musicgenreartist michael_jackson Sempasre @976 (75.0%) on 05-feb-2016 [ "He performed Beat It by Michael Jackson on stage ." ] using (michael_jackson, beat)
automodelproducedbymaker chevy CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Cruze and arg2" ] using (chevy, beat)
bodypartwithinbodypart head CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 beating in your arg1" "arg2 pounding in his arg1" "arg2 pounding in my arg1" ] using (head, beat)
inverseofanimalsuchasfish browns CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and cutthroat arg2" ] using (browns, beat)
producedby chevy CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Cruze and arg2" ] using (chevy, beat)