CPL @1096 (95.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "He was originally charged with _" "Arrest for _" "County warrants for _" "juveniles were charged with _" "he was convicted of _" "offences of _" "conviction for _" "crimes – _" "She was charged with _" "felony conviction for _" "other crimes , such as _" "parole for _" "two-year sentence for _" "sentence for third-degree _" "_ involving theft" "defendant is not guilty of _" "someone accused of _" "_ committed within" "multiple counts of _" "_ is a first-degree felony" "crimes are classified as _" "complicity to _" "men were arrested for _" "person is convicted of _" "previous conviction of _" "criminal offense of _" "perpetrator of _" "custody charged with _" "client was accused of _" "_ was a capital offense" "Anderson was charged with _" "_ suspects arrested after" "DD-year sentence for _" "juvenile was charged with _" "someone you know is charged with _" "convictions for _" "felony charges including _" "_ carries a sentence" "_ carries a maximum penalty" "serious crime of _" "brothers were charged with _" "I got charged with _" "DDD-day sentence for _" "offence of _" "address , was charged with _" "_ is always a crime" "_ is a rape" "original charge of _" "felony offense of _" "They were arrested for _" "_ is often a crime" "felony charge of _" "_ is a property crime" "Client arrested for _" "such crimes as _" "He is being charged with _" "crimes , such as _" "He pled guilty to _" "Davis is charged with _" "individual arrested for _" "charge of Attempted _" "felony of _" "imprisonment for _" "crimes include _" "reduced charge of _" "He was charged with _" "crimes are defined as _" "prison for _" "resident was arrested for _" "_ is a terrible crime" "property crimes such as _" "sentence for _" "_ is not only a crime" "He was convicted of _" "male was charged with _" "multiple charges , including _" "he was arrested for _" "_ is a serious criminal offense" "Client charged with _" "crimes such as _" "victim of _" "Smith was charged with _" "several charges including _" "several charges of _" "crimes including _" "felony charges such as _" "he was charged with _" "He is accused of _" "someone you know has been charged with _" "charges , including _" "man charged with _" "_ requires the intent" "misdemeanor charges including _" "offenses including _" "minimum sentence for _" "clients charged with _" "client was charged with _" "crimes as _" "Charges of _" "I was charged with _" "teenager was charged with _" "counts including _" "crime such as _" "fixed address , was charged with _" "_ committed in" "felonies , including _" "_ is a despicable crime" "_ is not a violent crime" "various charges including _" "Report taken for _" "Man charged with _" "suspects were charged with _" "Center , charged with _" "Defendant charged with _" "individuals accused of _" "_ is a crime" "felony charges of _" "additional charges of _" "robbery , aggravated _" "defendant is guilty of _" "various offenses including _" "charges ranging from _" "Penalties for _" "suspect was arrested for _" "He was also charged with _" "charges of _" "Smith has been charged with _" "property crimes of _" "criminal attempt at _" "he was being charged with _" "he was found guilty of _" "_ is a serious crime" "property crimes , such as _" "offenses such as _" "_ is a major crime" "person convicted of _" "_ is a specific intent crime" "individuals charged with _" "offences ranging from _" "convictions ranging from _" "accomplice to _" "Arlington , was charged with _" "Crime of _" "five-year sentence for _" "crime of _" "you have been arrested for _" "_ suspect dead" "jail charged with _" "_ was committed in" "_ is a horrible crime" "suspects were arrested for _" "you are charged with _" "plea of guilty to _" "you know is charged with _" "she was found guilty of _" "prior felony convictions for _" "_ aggravating circumstance" "crimes like _" "offenses of _" "charges including _" "he is wanted for _" "arrest for _" "Jones was charged with _" "_ is a serious charge" "commission of _" "mandatory minimum sentence for _" "person is guilty of _" "person commits _" "you are guilty of _" "_ is not just a crime" "Client was arrested for _" "you are convicted of _" "_ is an insidious crime" "charges of Attempted _" "_ Occurred at" "you 've been charged with _" "you 're arrested for _" "you know has been charged with _" "you 've been accused of _" "numerous counts of _" "you have been charged with _" "several counts of _" "unrelated charge of _" ] using burglary
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was later convicted of arg2" "arg1 was charged with first degree arg2" "arg1 were both charged with arg2" "arg1 was convicted of arg2" ] using (clark, burglary)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey