CPL @1097 (89.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ carries a maximum sentence" "_ is a crime" "_ is a serious crime" "I was guilty of _" "_ was not a motive" "_ is a major crime" "you been charged with _" "_ is a class B felony" "_ committed by" "he was charged with _" "other crimes , including _" "_ committed under" "He was charged with _" "Arrest for _" "crimes , including _" "Crime of _" "offence of _" "common-law definition of _" "charges including _" "_ is generally charged as" "crime of _" "you are charged with _" "custody charged with _" "you have been charged with _" "_ is a criminal offense" "_ carries a maximum penalty" "She is charged with _" "federal charges including _" "Program Against _" "_ is a class E felony" "_ is a white collar crime" "_ has been committed within" ] using extortion