MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of politicianus:mike_tyson personchargedwithcrime crimeorcharge:rape ] using concept:politicianus:mike_tyson
SEAL @700 (100.0%) on 20-feb-2013 [ 123 ] using rape
CMC @853 (100.0%) on 09-jul-2014 [ LASTPREFIX=rap 3.22100 LASTSUFFIX=ape 3.00551 PREFIX=rap 2.92970 SUFFIX=ape 2.76187 LASTSUFFIX=pe 2.67351 SUFFIX=pe 2.30525 LASTPREFIX=ra 1.59586 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.87516 POS=NN -1.78223 WORDS -2.28149 ] using rape
CPL @1097 (89.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ is an abhorrent crime" "multiple counts of _" "_ is never funny" "_ is rape" "_ is a sexual crime" "_ is a devastating crime" "offenders convicted of _" "_ often goes unreported" "_ remained a serious problem" "_ is a horrific act" "_ includes any act" "_ is any sexual activity" "you know is charged with _" "commission of _" "Sanctions for _" "rape , is _" "children conceived in _" "_ is mostly committed by" "_ is a Crime" "felonies , such as _" "people charged with _" "_ carries a life sentence" "you have been charged with _" "_ committed in" "_ carries serious penalties" "crime except _" "_ is a serious accusation" "you have been wrongly accused of _" "_ is not only a crime" "_ is considered serious" "_ is under-reported" "official accused of _" "_ committed against" "_ was considered a crime" "_ is generally charged as" "_ is never the victim" "sex crimes such as _" "death penalty for _" "client was accused of _" "person imprisoned for _" "serious offenses such as _" "_ carried the death penalty" "_ committed under" "_ is not just a crime" "_ is a criminal offense" "offender has committed _" "_ was not punishable" "Court charged with _" "Coalition Against _" "marital rape as _" "major crimes , such as _" "_ perpetrated in" "man committed _" "outstanding warrant for _" "_ is a horrific crime" "_ is a despicable crime" "chief perpetrator of _" "_ has become a tactic" "crime of _" "indictment for _" "other serious crimes such as _" "_ is often committed by" "_ is never the fault" "_ involves sex" "_ was a capital offense" "assault is _" "crimes such as _" "_ is a crime" "violent crime of _" "Convictions for _" "Arrest for _" "State dismissed _" "_ is a minor crime" "_ is a major crime" "_ committed upon" "_ perpetrated against" "_ is a serious charge" "ACPO lead on _" "Crown Court charged with _" "_ remains endemic" "_ is primarily a crime" "_ is not a sexual act" "accessary to _" "_ is a general intent crime" "_ is only committed by" "offence such as _" "Crimes such as _" "_ is a violent attack" "man was charged with _" "Sexual assault is _" "_ is a capital offence" "man convicted of _" "allegations of _" "single count of _" "he was charged with _" "various charges including _" "female survivors of _" "Crimes , including _" "_ is a violent assault" "Roman legend of _" "Client charged with _" "_ was committed in" "_ is an indictable offence" "_ is endemic in" "_ is any act" "_ is a first-degree felony" "_ was a capital crime" "someone you know has been charged with _" "serious crimes including _" "I be charged with _" "_ committed on" "serious offence such as _" "sentence for _" "such crimes as _" "_ has become so endemic" "_ was committed by" "He was convicted of _" "_ is n't a victimless crime" "you know has been charged with _" "charges including _" "_ is not sex" "_ is a unique crime" "person is guilty of _" "offence of _" "_ is a violent act" "_ is usually committed by" "_ is a terrible crime" "_ is the criminal act" "_ is a hideous crime" "_ is a common crime" "_ is a heinous crime" "_ is routinely used as" "_ is being committed by" "_ is NEVER ok" "_ is generally a crime" "you been charged with _" "pregnancy resulting from _" "felonies such as _" "crimes , such as _" "_ is an underreported crime" "_ is always a crime" "Miller was convicted of _" "_ has been a crime" "conviction is for _" "_ leaves victims" "Adult Survivors of _" "driver accused of _" "criminal charges of _" "prior convictions for _" "_ happens everywhere in" "_ is not romance" "imprisonment for _" "convictions include _" "client accused of _" "he is being charged with _" "_ is a sexual act" "_ is a hate crime" "_ is a difficult crime" "_ is never OK" "multiple charges of _" "offenses such as _" "_ is never the victim’s fault" "_ is a serious crime" "serious crimes such as _" "secondary victims of _" "individuals accused of _" "offender convicted of _" "victim of forcible _" "_ is a class B felony" "Robinson was convicted of _" "victim of _" "_ is committed against" "_ is a premeditated act" "_ is life imprisonment" "consent is _" "original charge of _" "counts including _" "crimes as _" "someone convicted of _" "convictions for _" "Defendant charged with _" "_ is always the fault" "_ is the victim’s fault" "Penalties for _" "defendants charged with _" "crimes – _" "_ is a horrendous crime" "players accused of _" "He is being charged with _" "_ committed by" "_ is sexual intercourse" "suspect is wanted for _" "he was not guilty of _" "_ carries a sentence" "_ carries a maximum penalty" "_ has been committed in" "_ is committed with" "_ is a capital offense" "_ is a capital crime" "_ was the only crime" "Male Survivors of _" "_ is still a crime" "violent crimes such as _" "_ is grossly under-reported" "_ often goes unpunished" "complaint alleging _" "charges of _" "_ is an appalling crime" "_ perpetrated by" "_ constitutes a crime" "shame associated with _" "perpetrator of _" "_ committed during" "_ is the ultimate violation" "_ is a community issue" "_ is the only crime" "_ is perpetrated against" "_ was exceedingly common" "_ is a grave crime" "_ is a preventable crime" "_ is an equal opportunity crime" "_ is a sexual assault" "_ is a horrible crime" "_ is a heinous" "allegation of _" "Crime of _" "you are accused of _" "_ is committed while" "_ is a sex crime" "you are charged with _" "_ has become a weapon" "today pleaded guilty to _" "crimes including _" "prison for _" "_ is considered a violent crime" "multiple charges including _" "Accusations of _" "Rape is _" "Perpetrators of _" "_ is a violent crime" "_ commited by" "_ goes unpunished" "previous charges of _" "serious felonies such as _" "someone you know is charged with _" "_ is any sexual act" "_ is not a capital offense" "_ goes unreported" "subject is wanted for _" "crime called _" "RAPE is _" "Women Against _" ] using rape
Human feedback from bkisiel @720 on 01-apr-2013 [ "mike_tyson personchargedwithcrime rape", Action=(+personchargedwithcrime) (from NELL.08m.720.SSFeedback.csv) ] using rape
Human feedback from bkisiel @720 on 01-apr-2013 [ "mike_tyson personchargedwithcrime rape", Action=(+personchargedwithcrime) (from NELL.08m.720.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (mike_tyson, rape)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was convicted of arg2" "arg1 was found guilty of arg2" "arg1 went on trial for arg2" "arg1 is convicted of arg2" "arg1 was on trial for arg2" ] using (mike_tyson, rape)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 accusation against arg1" "arg2 allegation against arg1" "arg2 charges against arg1" ] using (bill_clinton, rape)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 seed oil and olive arg1" "arg2 oil and sesame arg1" "arg2 with garlic and olive arg1" "arg2 oil or soybean arg1" "arg2 seed and olive arg1" "arg2 oil and canola arg1" "arg2 oil or palm arg1" "arg2 oil or sesame arg1" "arg2 or olive arg1" ] using (oil, rape)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 seed oil and olive arg1" "arg2 or other vegetable arg1" "arg2 oil and sesame arg1" "arg2 oil or soybean arg1" "arg2 seed and olive arg1" "arg2 oil and canola arg1" "arg2 oil or palm arg1" "arg2 oil or sesame arg1" "arg2 oil or canola arg1" "arg2 or olive arg1" ] using (oil, rape)
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was found guilty of arg2" "arg1 has been charged with attempted arg2" "arg1 was convicted of the DDDD arg2" ] using (thomas, rape)