CPL @1097 (95.1%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ including torture" "capital punishment for _" "individuals committed _" "sentencing for _" "I have n't committed _" "_ including kidnapping" "people convicted of _" "_ allegedly committed during" "_ committed in" "he 's guilty of _" "he did n't commit _" "they had not committed _" "drug trafficking to _" "penalties for such _" "real perpetrators of _" "commission of certain _" "court accused of _" "_ ever committed in" "they commit such _" "_ committed outside of" "defendant committed _" "they committed _" "_ committed since" "_ committed abroad by" "_ had been committed by" "fact committed _" "_ allegedly committed by" "people committing _" "_ being perpetrated against" "they have not committed _" "_ including genocide" "_ is rape" "perpetrators of _" "clients charged with _" "persons arrested for _" "sentence for such _" "pleads guilty to _" "parole for _" "_ involving moral turpitude" "_ including rape" "convictions for _" "_ including assault" "_ were capital crimes" "_ committed off" "_ committed anywhere in" "anyone accused of _" "_ perpetrated during" "impunity for such _" "_ committed after" "_ allegedly committed in" "_ including extortion" "persons accused of _" "_ involving guns" "crime , including _" "_ were committed against" "applicant has committed _" "death penalty for _" "someone accused of _" "_ committed by" "person committed _" "_ involving firearms" "_ including burglary" "_ committed under" "Persons convicted of _" "_ perpetrated in" "perpetrators of such _" "penalty for such _" "_ committed between" "People charged with _" "indictments for _" "_ ever perpetrated on" "_ perpetuated against" "prison time for _" "sentence for _" "series of unsolved _" "you have not committed _" "they did not commit _" "you 've committed _" "clearance rate for _" "_ go unreported" "he committed _" "him accused of _" "prosecution for _" "punishment for certain _" "_ including murder" "_ being committed on" "_ committed outside" "_ committed within" "_ involving dishonesty" "she commits _" "_ committed via" "_ perpetrated by" "alleged perpetrators of _" "individuals convicted of certain _" "_ including armed robbery" "she had not committed _" "persons guilty of _" "they commit _" "universal jurisdiction for _" "_ committed aboard" "perpetrators involved in _" "_ involving a firearm" "_ are being committed against" "people charged with _" "citizens accused of _" "_ were committed by" "He 's also charged with _" "_ including domestic violence" "_ carrying the death penalty" "you have n't committed _" "_ were being committed against" "_ being perpetrated on" "_ committed while" "time served for _" "impunity for _" "he had been convicted of _" "I 've never committed _" "_ including robbery" "you have never been convicted of _" "clients accused of _" "prison sentence for _" "_ carrying a penalty" "perpetrator of _" "persons convicted of _" "person accused of _" "_ had been committed in" "_ had been committed against" "they are accused of _" "_ including bribery" "_ are being committed by" "Jesus had committed _" "_ ever committed on" "_ committed against" "_ perpetrated against" "He did commit _" "_ having been committed by" "_ commited by" "_ being committed in" "_ including drug trafficking" "expected punishment for _" "commission of _" "acts constituting _" "_ perpetrated upon" "_ have been committed in" "_ had been committed during" "commission of such _" "_ were committed within" "_ ever committed by" "they have committed _" "_ including money laundering" "juvenile accused of _" "commission of other _" "_ including homicide" "_ including possession" "he has committed _" "_ being committed against" "_ have been committed against" "_ committed during" "_ committed while in" "_ committed on" "punishment for _" "_ including aggravated assault" "_ were committed on" "arrest rate for _" "_ including treason" "_ commited during" "_ being committed under" "_ being committed by" "brothers were charged with _" "criminal acts including _" ] using serious_crimes
CMC @1098 (99.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=crim 2.45485 PREFIX=cri 1.91065 LASTPREFIX=crim 1.61688 LASTPREFIX=cri 1.38641 PREFIX=cr 1.22039 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.07494 SUFFIX=ous 0.83717 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.00893 POS=NNS -1.30716 WORDS -5.38592 ] using serious_crimes
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 convicted of such arg2" "arg1 who are accused of committing arg2" "arg1 convicted of certain arg2" ] using (individuals, serious_crimes)