CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 emporer arg2" "arg1 empire in the time of arg2" "arg1 emperors such as arg2" "arg1 Emperors from arg2" "arg1 emperors like arg2" "arg1 emperor Caesar arg2" ] using (nero, roman)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 emporer arg2" "arg1 empire in the time of arg2" "arg1 emperors such as arg2" "arg1 Emperors from arg2" "arg1 emperors like arg2" "arg1 emperor Caesar arg2" ] using (roman, nero)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Empire during the reign of arg2" "arg1 emperor arg2" "arg1 Empire under arg2" "arg1 emperor named arg2" "arg1 emperors after arg2" "arg1 empire at the time of arg2" "arg1 emperors arg2" "arg1 emporer arg2" "arg1 empire in the time of arg2" "arg1 Emperors from arg2" "arg1 persecution under arg2" "arg1 Empire after the death of arg2" "arg1 Empire in the time of arg2" "arg1 Empire by arg2" "arg1 empire under arg2" "arg1 emperor Caesar arg2" "arg1 emperors from arg2" ] using (roman, nero)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Empire during the reign of arg2" "arg1 emperor arg2" "arg1 Empire under arg2" "arg1 emperor named arg2" "arg1 emperors after arg2" "arg1 empire at the time of arg2" "arg1 emperors arg2" "arg1 emporer arg2" "arg1 empire in the time of arg2" "arg1 Emperors from arg2" "arg1 persecution under arg2" "arg1 Empire after the death of arg2" "arg1 Empire in the time of arg2" "arg1 Empire by arg2" "arg1 empire under arg2" "arg1 emperor Caesar arg2" "arg1 emperors from arg2" ] using (nero, roman)