CPL @1103 (87.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "jigs tipped with _" "lines baited with _" "blue catfish are good on _" "jig tipped with _" "Channel catfish good on _" "catfish are fair on _" "small jigs tipped with _" "blue catfish are fair on _" "_ fished under" "catfish are good on _" "bottom fishing with _" "Channel catfish fair on _" "Catfish are good on _" "Blue catfish good on _" "catfish good on _" "catfish fair on _" "jig head tipped with _" "head tipped with _" "trotlines baited with _" "catfish are being caught on _" "catfish being caught on _" "rigs baited with _" "anglers fishing with _" ] using cut_bait
CPL @1108 (63.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "jigs tipped with _" "blue catfish are good on _" "catfish are fair on _" "blue catfish are fair on _" "trotlines baited with _" "rigs baited with _" ] using cut_bait
CPL @1103 (92.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "jigs tipped with _" "Channel catfish are good on _" "puppy drum on _" "Catfish fair using _" "Blue catfish are good on _" "black drum on _" "blue catfish are good on _" "Catfish are fair to good on _" "catfish are fair on _" "catfish are very good on _" "blue catfish are fair on _" "_ fished under" "catfish are good on _" "bottom fishing with _" "Catfish are good on _" "Blue catfish good on _" "blue catfish are excellent on _" "drum caught on _" "juglines with _" "nice red on _" "juglines baited with _" "Channel catfish are fair on _" "bottom rigs with _" "Catfish are biting on _" "catfish are excellent on _" "trotlines baited with _" "catfish being caught on _" "rigs baited with _" "_ fished right on" ] using cut_bait
CPL @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are being caught using arg1" "arg2 are good on arg1" "arg2 are biting good on arg1" "arg2 are very good on arg1" "arg2 are being caught on arg1" "arg2 being caught on arg1" "arg2 are fair on arg1" "arg2 are excellent on arg1" "arg2 fair to good on arg1" "arg2 good on arg1" "arg2 are biting on arg1" "arg2 are good on shrimp and arg1" "arg2 fair using arg1" "arg2 which can be caught on arg1" "arg2 fair on arg1" ] using (cut_bait, catfish)
CPL @1098 (99.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are fair on arg1" "arg2 are excellent on arg1" "arg2 good on arg1" "arg2 are good on shrimp and arg1" "arg2 fair to good on arg1" "arg2 are good on arg1" "arg2 being caught on arg1" "arg2 fair on arg1" "arg2 are very good on arg1" "arg2 fair using arg1" ] using (cut_bait, blue_catfish)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey