CPL @1104 (98.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "Logo , are _" "misspellings of famous _" "ownership rights in such _" "_ mentioned herein are registered trademarks" "_ referenced herein are the property" "marks are registered _" "_ referenced herein are trademarks" "disputed domain name is identical to _" "_ mentioned are property" "associated logos are _" "items bearing such _" "logo , are registered _" "names mentioned herein are _" "product names mentioned are _" "names used herein are _" "millions of _" "logos , are _" "marks remain _" "Product names are _" "product names are registered _" "_ contained herein are the property" "respective logos are _" "service names are _" "notices associated with _" "names , registered _" "International are registered _" "other identifying _" "services referenced herein are _" "button icons are _" "other marks are _" "Complainant has registered _" "Guide are registered _" "_ are the registered marks" "registration of collective _" "logo are registered _" "_ mentioned herein are the trademarks" "_ requires express permission" "_ mentioned herein are property" "Respondent is confusingly similar to _" "products mentioned are _" "product names mentioned herein are _" "related marks are _" "logos are _" "Acrobat logo are _" "Software logo are _" "Microsoft are registered _" "_ appearing throughout" "reputation attached to _" "products referenced herein are _" "Office are registered _" "domain names consisting of _" "logos , registered _" "site are registered _" "services are proprietary _" "_ appearing herein are the property" "_ mentioned herein are trademarks" "other products mentioned are registered _" "product names are _" "domain names corresponding to _" "indicia are _" "Online are registered _" "copyrights , registered _" "billions of _" "company names are _" "_ mentioned herein are the property" "_ contained herein are the trademarks" "images are registered _" "_ identifying products" "Complainant rights in _" "Site are registered _" "registration of similar _" "infringement of unregistered _" "related logos are _" "_ are proprieties" "products mentioned herein are _" "_ are the properties" "protection of registered _" "marks used herein are _" "third party owner of _" "AMS are _" "Inc. logo are _" "confusing similarity of _" "_ distinguish the goods" "Complainants ’ _" ".com are registered _" "company names mentioned herein are _" "symbol are registered _" "_ depicted herein are the property" "logo are proprietary _" "marks contained herein are _" "_ referenced herein are either registered trademarks" "wordmark are _" "_ shown are property" "_ used are properties" "logo are copyrighted _" "holders of registered _" "logo are protected _" "_ are not inherently distinctive" "names , identifying _" "faith use of _" "symbols are registered _" "Name is confusingly similar to _" "Domain Name is confusingly similar to _" "Complainant registered _" "Site constitute _" "_ are inherently distinctive" "recognition of well-known _" "trademarks , registered _" "service marks , registered _" "infringement of registered _" "device are registered _" "_ contained herein are trademarks" "other trademarks are registered _" "registrability of _" "products bearing such _" "Logo are _" "marks referenced herein are _" "products are registered _" "marks , registered _" "_ used are property" "_ are hereby acknowledged as" "_ used herein are trademarks" "services sold under _" "Device are _" "slogans are _" "Federal registration of _" "logos are registered _" "names are registered _" "logo , are _" "examples of arbitrary _" "products mentioned are registered _" "Site are _" "Software are _" "logo are _" "maker s _" "party owner of such _" "protection of well-known _" "website are proprietary _" "names referenced herein are _" "_ used herein are the property" "acerca de _" "Marks are _" "protection of famous _" "design logo are _" "name are registered _" "_ referenced are the property" "several hundreds of _" "logo are Registered _" "_ used herein are property" "_ used are the property" "figurative elements of _" "Page are _" "TM are registered _" "confusion with Complainant _" "design are registered _" "owners of well-known _" "names incorporating _" "third party owner of such _" "Complainant’s registered _" "herein are _" "Design are registered _" "Life are registered _" "respective owners of such _" "copyright , registered _" "other product names mentioned herein are _" "_ are confusingly similar" "_ had acquired distinctiveness" "Other marks are _" "foreign registration of _" "domain names incorporating _" "web site are registered _" "_ used are trademarks" "_ referenced herein are the properties" "_ referenced herein are either trademarks" "Logos are registered _" "name incorporating _" "owners of famous _" "mark is similar to _" "trademarks are registered _" "_ are protectable" "goodwill associated with _" "_ are certification marks" "_ are the registered property" "Windows are registered _" "_ mentioned are the property" "international registration of _" "website are registered _" "domain name incorporating _" "protection for famous _" "market under various _" ] using trademarks
CMC @1109 (98.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=arks 1.63460 LASTSUFFIX=arks 1.62661 PREFIX=tra 1.50254 SUFFIX=rks 1.41852 LASTSUFFIX=rks 1.21894 FULL_POS=NNS 1.12943 PREFIX=trad 1.05257 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.18577 WORDS -1.95406 CHARS -2.39255 ] using trademarks
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey