CPL @1115 (70.6%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "target date is _" "company said on _" "materials are due by _" "tournament begins on _" "exhibition runs through _" "domain names since _" "event begins on _" "hearing was set for _" "letter , dated _" "exhibition continues until _" "sale beginning _" "flight is scheduled for _" "general meeting on _" "reconvenes on _" "contest deadline is _" "list , retroactive to _" "Funeral services were held on _" "Wall Street Journal reported on _" "officer , effective _" "funeral was held _" "it 's indexed under _" "week ending _" "study published online _" "Registration is due by _" "Application deadline is _" "retroactive to _" "appointment is effective _" "full council meeting on _" "exhibition continues through _" "Completion is scheduled for _" "Rain date is _" "news agency reported on _" "hearing was scheduled for _" "afternoon of _" "Show runs through _" "Entry deadline is _" "Day is scheduled for _" "next meeting , scheduled for _" "Blog Last updated _" "Comments are due by _" "meeting held on _" "Applications are due _" "session is scheduled for _" "submission deadline is _" "next meeting is scheduled for _" "Bombardem wrote on _" "it was only last _" "statement released _" "event is set for _" "agency reported on _" "Street Journal reported on _" "Inc. said on _" "Services were held _" "sentencing is set for _" "Reservation deadline is _" "memorial service was held _" "nationwide strike on _" "list as of _" "Pre-registration required by _" "show closes on _" "deadline is _" "students have until _" "annual shareholder meeting on _" "place last _" "term ended on _" "Donate Archive Columns Links Blog Last updated _" "Voting ends on _" "cut-off date is _" "shareholder meeting on _" "comment period ends _" "donations as of _" "letter is dated _" "case is scheduled for _" "exhibit runs through _" "quarter ended _" "classroom closes on _" "deadline has been extended to _" "applications begins _" "funeral service was conducted _" "officials said on _" "It is dated _" "application deadline is _" "registration deadline is _" "Council voted unanimously _" "quarterly results on _" "same venue on _" "services were held _" "gospel meetings on _" "interview broadcast _" "head last _" "site beginning _" "Funeral services were held _" "Registration is open until _" "period runs through _" "year ends on _" "trial is scheduled for _" "second-quarter results on _" "It was dated _" "public comment period ends _" "Center beginning _" "Nomination deadline is _" "Abbas said on _" "Moon occurs on _" "letter dated _" "awards luncheon on _" "trial is set for _" "spring game on _" "awards dinner on _" "RSS Mobile Archive Following _" "Entries are due by _" "Archive Columns Links Blog Last updated _" "early hours of _" "earnings report on _" "case was adjourned until _" "abstract deadline is _" "doubleheader on _" "quarter earnings on _" "graduation date is _" "letter sent on _" "survey released _" "report , released _" "memorial service was held on _" "show runs through _" "correct date is _" "commencement ceremony on _" "employee , died _" "disabled list on _" "Submit RSS Mobile Archive Following _" "Deadline extended to _" "game is scheduled for _" "disabled list since _" "contest ends _" "arraignment is set for _" "Subscribe Advertise Sample Donate Archive Columns Links Blog Last updated _" "midnight on _" "Links Blog Last updated _" "judicial custody till _" "funeral services were held _" "correspondence dated _" "shooting last _" "evening of _" "trial date was set for _" "custody till _" "cabinet meeting on _" "War began in _" "operations last _" "services were held on _" "service was held _" "quarter ending _" "application deadline was _" "registration begins _" "report released _" "applications are due by _" "minister said on _" "hearing is scheduled for _" "registration ends _" "court on _" "Reservations made after _" "disabled list , retroactive to _" "_ is the final day" "last modified on _" "monthly meeting on _" "he is sentenced _" "awards banquet on _" "survey released on _" "sentencing is scheduled for _" "entry deadline is _" "Registration deadline is _" "noon on _" "company , said on _" "registration closes _" "Submissions are due by _" "Applications are due by _" "Contact Subscribe Advertise Sample Donate Archive Columns Links Blog Last updated _" "report released on _" "report , released on _" "services were conducted _" "Year Ended _" "voting begins _" "trial was adjourned until _" "comment period ended _" "opening is scheduled for _" "rain date is _" "workshop , scheduled for _" "Iran said on _" "Columns Links Blog Last updated _" "Mobile Archive Following _" "Council met on _" "court hearing is scheduled for _" "hearing till _" "event runs through _" "letter was dated _" "rule is effective on _" "show continues through _" "public has until _" "service was conducted _" "rate decision on _" "Registration is requested by _" "early registration deadline is _" "annual general meeting on _" "teacher , died _" "DD-day disabled list , retroactive to _" "House floor on _" "Sample Donate Archive Columns Links Blog Last updated _" "month , starting _" "he is sentenced on _" "case was adjourned to _" "Funeral services were conducted _" "Exhibit runs through _" "week ended _" "Ministry said on _" "regular monthly meeting on _" "auction ends on _" "windstorms of _" "Due date is _" "exhibit continues through _" "opportunities as of _" "paper is due _" "Advertise Sample Donate Archive Columns Links Blog Last updated _" "decision released _" "match next _" ] using april_28
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey