CPL @1096 (73.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "car last _" "applications are due by _" "officials said on _" "It started back in _" "Voting ends on _" "Pranab Mukherjee said on _" "Marion , died _" "It was completed in _" "edition , published in _" "election last _" "contract ended in _" "party last _" "testing in early _" "services since _" "church last _" "campus last _" "counsel since _" "company was established in _" "presidential elections in _" "price is offered through _" "service ended in _" "property last _" "recession began in _" "information available as of _" "firms as of _" "first release in _" "graduation date is _" "investigation began in _" "forces as of _" "heavy equipment operator , died _" "funeral was held _" "lawsuit filed in _" "mid-April through _" "trial started in _" "It was retired in _" "Friday evening through _" "Mass was celebrated _" "Funeral services were held on _" "date in early _" "Club was formed in _" "Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on _" "Fair held _" "sale was completed in _" "record as of _" "same court on _" "arrival in early _" "place in late _" "opening is scheduled for _" "I was diagnosed in _" "Agency reported on _" "Board met on _" "Ministry said on _" "It is dated _" "FOMC meeting on _" "Office beginning _" "It was founded in _" "Ltd was established in _" "Nominations are due by _" "Committee was formed in _" "STS-DDD in _" "Afghan capital on _" "I was completed in _" "_ was a bad month" "calendar flips to _" "Bank said on _" "Tsunami of _" "She passed away _" "Peak season is _" "Contest deadline is _" "World opened in _" "Christmas season of _" "Applications are being accepted through _" "death last _" "company was founded in _" "term ends on _" "fiscal third quarter ended _" "festivities begin on _" "existence since _" "developer since _" "Agency said on _" "Council voted unanimously _" "deal ends on _" "comment late _" "It 's dated _" "Act enacted in _" "He retired in _" "Center , died _" "Financial Times reported on _" "surgery in early _" "study is scheduled for _" "successful IPO in _" "registrations as of _" "provider , said on _" "level since last _" "jury last _" "it was released in _" "memorial service was held on _" "affidavit filed _" "Day falls on _" "Funeral service was held on _" "I left in _" "Company was established in _" "registration ends _" "rehearsal dinner was held _" "project started in _" "season is late _" "proposal released _" "mail in early _" "machines as of _" "existing contract expires _" "decision issued _" "emergency meeting on _" "auction is scheduled for _" "affidavit released _" "original deadline of _" "secretary , died _" "baby in early _" "accounts as of _" "_ excluding holidays" "father passed away in _" "poll published on _" "period ending _" "birthday was on _" "_ was a busy month" "mid-May to _" "clerk , died _" "deal , announced _" "contract awarded in _" "chairman said on _" "Group , established in _" "Asian tsunami of _" "Proposals are due by _" "Resurrection was celebrated on _" "House voted _" "Festival runs from _" "Poll released _" "Application Deadline is _" "DD-month period beginning in _" "cut-off date of _" "operations as of _" "report due in _" "officer , effective _" "title game on _" "U.S. citizen in _" "Registration closes on _" "House ceremony on _" "Funeral was held _" "Ltd. was founded in _" "U.S. theaters on _" "licenses expire _" "landslide victory in _" "issue is scheduled for _" "article dated _" "burial were held _" "I have been unemployed since _" "Registration deadline is _" "Ariz. , died _" "Monroe , died _" "Routledge in _" "Hill , died on _" "program ended in _" "Inc. was established in _" "I graduated last _" "Day weekend through _" "candidates have until _" "coaching since _" "Smoot , born _" "Trial is set for _" "Board meeting is scheduled for _" "Year ended _" "department was created in _" "engineer since _" "exhibit opens _" "media day on _" "market is held _" "applications are due on _" "annual event held _" "house was completed in _" "elections were scheduled for _" "findings were presented _" "leaders last _" "party in late _" "nurse , died _" "show runs through _" "information last updated _" "cancer last _" "day last _" "business last _" "commencement ceremony on _" "York Times reported in _" "I retired in _" "New York Times reported in _" "sanctions imposed in _" "Meeting scheduled for _" "registration closes _" "soldier was killed _" "practice squad on _" "interview published _" "website late _" "Inc. announced on _" "Mineral Wells , was arrested _" "Next meeting is _" "second-quarter results on _" "Funeral Mass was celebrated _" "Service was held _" "Profile Founded in _" "attack in late _" "shareholder meeting on _" "analysts said on _" "weekend of D-D _" "time since late _" "trial has been set for _" "Classes are held _" "record , set in _" "post last _" "trial is scheduled for _" "Comments are due by _" "Labor Department said _" "Production ceased in _" "Inc. was founded in _" "Cherry Hill , died on _" "service was held _" "quarter ending _" "Funeral services are _" "It opened in _" "last updated in _" "government fell in _" "he resigned in _" "untimely death in _" "it has not been updated since _" "letter was dated _" "student , died _" "year , in early _" "same venue on _" "services were held _" "priority deadline is _" "season runs through _" "awards banquet on _" "knee surgery in _" "issue was published in _" "hearing , scheduled for _" "game is scheduled for _" "voting ends _" "week in mid _" "tentative release date of _" "tax years beginning after _" "year ends on _" "police last _" "government last _" "early hours of last _" "farmers as of _" "trial is set for _" "term expires on _" "soldiers were killed _" "tentative trial date of _" "year starting on _" "first time in early _" "federal judge on _" "general elections were held in _" "Next meeting is scheduled for _" "trial began on _" "blog last _" "day off on _" "review was completed in _" "recession started in _" "test is scheduled for _" "vote is scheduled for _" "first meeting is scheduled for _" "high season from _" "feast is celebrated on _" "fiscal year ends _" "Titusville , died _" "Last modified _" "Burial was celebrated _" "areas as of _" "date is slated for _" "database as of _" "class in early _" "agreement expired in _" "place last _" "shoot last _" "practice last _" "awards luncheon on _" "appointment was effective _" "paper last _" "position beginning _" "national elections in _" "Mass is celebrated _" "Christian Burial was held on _" "family in early _" "federal lawsuit filed _" "earnings report on _" "trial date is set for _" "bankruptcy protection on _" "available end of _" "community since _" "second weekend in _" "lake elevation , as of _" "thru mid _" "they married in _" "financial year ended _" "employees as of _" "platforms as of _" "Group said on _" "case was adjourned to _" "resident , died _" "season usually runs from _" "presidential election scheduled for _" "monthly meeting on _" "period ending in _" "funeral service was held _" "institutions as of _" "first class graduated in _" "Preview performances begin _" "She graduated in _" "Burial was held on _" "month , beginning _" "next deadline is _" "filing deadline is _" "election scheduled for _" "vote scheduled for _" "She retired in _" "Visitation was on _" "Christian Burial was celebrated _" "Department said on _" "Funeral Service was held _" "Premier Wen Jiabao said on _" "Police said on _" "_ was a great month" "accounting since _" "new report released _" "referendum scheduled for _" "opinion issued _" "government said on _" "next meeting was set for _" "study was published online _" "I have been married since _" "Creditors have until _" "Report published in _" "Classes begin _" "Program , launched in _" "Championships held _" "Rain date is _" "It was released in _" "general election held in _" "funeral is scheduled for _" "comment period ends _" "donations as of _" "subscribers as of _" "trial date was set for _" "study , published online _" "Funeral Mass was offered _" "Journal reported in _" "Symposium held _" "Festival runs through _" "Visitation was held on _" "contest runs until _" "Sarkozy said on _" "_ 'DD edition" "Haikuist Network appears _" "Wall Street Journal reported on _" "Inc. founded in _" "business since _" "home stand on _" "County , died _" "Museum opened in _" "Force was formed in _" "I have been blogging since _" "Iraq expires on _" "Democratic primary on _" "report released _" "resignation last _" "court date is scheduled for _" "next meets on _" "lawmaker said on _" "project due on _" "re-election in _" "injury last _" "exhibition closes on _" "election slated for _" "event begins on _" "fiscal year begins _" "funeral mass was held _" "company was incorporated in _" "change , announced _" "lawsuit was settled in _" "mid-June through _" "husband passed away in _" "law was passed in _" "post back in _" "current position since _" "entire month of _" "years ended _" "lease ends in _" "launch attempt on _" "exam next _" "fiscal year ended in _" "I said back in _" "Heritage list in _" "Reservation deadline is _" "Contract expires _" "series beginning _" "schedule in late _" "contest deadline is _" "area last _" "release issued _" "rules as of _" "scholarship application deadline is _" "plan announced _" "graduating in _" "Treasury Department said on _" "Christmas Day falls on _" "Conference action on _" "Fund was established in _" "DVD was released in _" "Ltd was founded in _" "Festival is scheduled for _" "agreement expires in _" "submission deadline is _" "term expired on _" "Bedford , died _" "DD-month period ended _" "Due date is _" "meeting held on _" "office closed in _" "Applications are due by _" "Submissions are due by _" "Commerce Department reported _" "he launched in _" "he married in _" "forms are due by _" "week ending _" "agreement , announced _" "show closes on _" "market close on _" ] using dec_
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of planet:visit atdate date:dec_ ] using concept:planet:visit
MBL @1102 (99.2%) on 22-feb-2018 [ Promotion of museum:first_home atdate date:dec_ ]
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DD board arg2" "arg1 D commission arg2" "arg1 DD summit arg2" "arg1 DD council arg2" "arg1 DD chapter arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Directors arg2" "arg1 D council arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD annual arg2" "arg1 D faculty arg2" "arg1 DD school board arg2" "arg1 DD committee arg2" "arg1 D at the annual arg2" "arg1 D Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD city council arg2" "arg1 D annual arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Trustees arg2" "arg1 DD town hall arg2" "arg1 DD at the annual arg2" "arg1 D town hall arg2" "arg1 D school board arg2" "arg1 D city council arg2" "arg1 DD regular arg2" "arg1 DD faculty arg2" ] using (dec_, meeting)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 DD board arg1" "arg2 DD commission arg1" "arg2 D commission arg1" "arg2 DD summit arg1" "arg2 DD council arg1" "arg2 DD chapter arg1" "arg2 DD Board of Directors arg1" "arg2 D council arg1" "arg2 DD town council arg1" "arg2 DD at their arg1" "arg2 DD Board of Education arg1" "arg2 DD shareholders arg1" "arg2 DD annual arg1" "arg2 D faculty arg1" "arg2 DD board of education arg1" "arg2 DD school board arg1" "arg2 DDDD town arg1" "arg2 DD committee arg1" "arg2 D at the annual arg1" "arg2 D Board of Education arg1" "arg2 DD city council arg1" "arg2 D annual arg1" "arg2 DD Board of Trustees arg1" "arg2 DD town hall arg1" "arg2 DD at the annual arg1" "arg2 D town hall arg1" "arg2 D school board arg1" "arg2 D city council arg1" "arg2 DD regular arg1" "arg2 DDDD SCOUG general arg1" "arg2 D board arg1" "arg2 DD faculty arg1" ] using (meeting, dec_)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 DD at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at his arg1" "arg2 DD near his arg1" "arg2 D from his arg1" "arg2 DD in her arg1" "arg2 D at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at her arg1" "arg2 D at his arg1" "arg2 DD at their arg1" "arg2 D at their arg1" "arg2 D at her arg1" ] using (home, dec_)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 appearance since arg2" "arg1 defeat since arg2" "arg1 game is set for arg2" "arg1 game is scheduled for arg2" "arg1 game will be arg2" "arg1 game will be on arg2" "arg1 game since arg2" ] using (first_home, dec_)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to Tennessee on arg2" "arg1 to North Carolina on arg2" "arg1 against Buffalo on arg2" "arg1 to Texas on arg2" "arg1 to Dallas on arg2" "arg1 to Arizona on arg2" ] using (loss, dec_)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 against Chicago on arg2" "arg1 against Dallas on arg2" "arg1 against Cleveland on arg2" "arg1 against Detroit on arg2" "arg1 against the Giants on arg2" ] using (half, dec_)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 to Illinois on arg2" "arg1 to North Carolina on arg2" "arg1 to Michigan State on arg2" "arg1 to Minnesota on arg2" ] using (visit, dec_)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 season beginning arg2" "arg1 commencement on arg2" "arg1 solstice occurs on arg2" "arg1 solstice occurs around arg2" "arg1 solstice on arg2" ] using (winter, dec_)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 DD board arg1" "arg2 DD commission arg1" "arg2 D commission arg1" "arg2 DD summit arg1" "arg2 DD council arg1" "arg2 DD chapter arg1" "arg2 DD Board of Directors arg1" "arg2 D council arg1" "arg2 DD town council arg1" "arg2 DD at their arg1" "arg2 DD Board of Education arg1" "arg2 DD shareholders arg1" "arg2 DD annual arg1" "arg2 D faculty arg1" "arg2 DD board of education arg1" "arg2 DD school board arg1" "arg2 DDDD town arg1" "arg2 DD committee arg1" "arg2 D at the annual arg1" "arg2 D Board of Education arg1" "arg2 DD city council arg1" "arg2 D annual arg1" "arg2 DD Board of Trustees arg1" "arg2 DD town hall arg1" "arg2 DD at the annual arg1" "arg2 D town hall arg1" "arg2 D school board arg1" "arg2 D city council arg1" "arg2 DD regular arg1" "arg2 DDDD SCOUG general arg1" "arg2 D board arg1" "arg2 DD faculty arg1" ] using (meeting, dec_)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 DD at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at his arg1" "arg2 DD near his arg1" "arg2 D from his arg1" "arg2 DD in her arg1" "arg2 D at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at her arg1" "arg2 D at his arg1" "arg2 DD at their arg1" "arg2 D at their arg1" "arg2 D at her arg1" ] using (home, dec_)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DD board arg2" "arg1 D commission arg2" "arg1 DD summit arg2" "arg1 DD council arg2" "arg1 DD chapter arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Directors arg2" "arg1 D council arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD annual arg2" "arg1 D faculty arg2" "arg1 DD school board arg2" "arg1 DD committee arg2" "arg1 D at the annual arg2" "arg1 D Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD city council arg2" "arg1 D annual arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Trustees arg2" "arg1 DD town hall arg2" "arg1 DD at the annual arg2" "arg1 D town hall arg2" "arg1 D school board arg2" "arg1 D city council arg2" "arg1 DD regular arg2" "arg1 DD faculty arg2" ] using (dec_, meeting)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DD board arg2" "arg1 D commission arg2" "arg1 DD summit arg2" "arg1 DD council arg2" "arg1 DD chapter arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Directors arg2" "arg1 D council arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD annual arg2" "arg1 D faculty arg2" "arg1 DD school board arg2" "arg1 DD committee arg2" "arg1 D at the annual arg2" "arg1 D Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD city council arg2" "arg1 D annual arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Trustees arg2" "arg1 DD town hall arg2" "arg1 DD at the annual arg2" "arg1 D town hall arg2" "arg1 D school board arg2" "arg1 D city council arg2" "arg1 DD regular arg2" "arg1 DD faculty arg2" ] using (dec_, meeting)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DD board arg2" "arg1 D commission arg2" "arg1 DD summit arg2" "arg1 DD council arg2" "arg1 DD chapter arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Directors arg2" "arg1 D council arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD annual arg2" "arg1 D faculty arg2" "arg1 DD school board arg2" "arg1 DD committee arg2" "arg1 D at the annual arg2" "arg1 D Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD city council arg2" "arg1 D annual arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Trustees arg2" "arg1 DD town hall arg2" "arg1 DD at the annual arg2" "arg1 D town hall arg2" "arg1 D school board arg2" "arg1 D city council arg2" "arg1 DD regular arg2" "arg1 DD faculty arg2" ] using (dec_, meeting)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DD board arg2" "arg1 D commission arg2" "arg1 DD summit arg2" "arg1 DD council arg2" "arg1 DD chapter arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Directors arg2" "arg1 D council arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD annual arg2" "arg1 D faculty arg2" "arg1 DD school board arg2" "arg1 DD committee arg2" "arg1 D at the annual arg2" "arg1 D Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD city council arg2" "arg1 D annual arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Trustees arg2" "arg1 DD town hall arg2" "arg1 DD at the annual arg2" "arg1 D town hall arg2" "arg1 D school board arg2" "arg1 D city council arg2" "arg1 DD regular arg2" "arg1 DD faculty arg2" ] using (dec_, meeting)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 DD board arg2" "arg1 D commission arg2" "arg1 DD summit arg2" "arg1 DD council arg2" "arg1 DD chapter arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Directors arg2" "arg1 D council arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD annual arg2" "arg1 D faculty arg2" "arg1 DD school board arg2" "arg1 DD committee arg2" "arg1 D at the annual arg2" "arg1 D Board of Education arg2" "arg1 DD city council arg2" "arg1 D annual arg2" "arg1 DD Board of Trustees arg2" "arg1 DD town hall arg2" "arg1 DD at the annual arg2" "arg1 D town hall arg2" "arg1 D school board arg2" "arg1 D city council arg2" "arg1 DD regular arg2" "arg1 DD faculty arg2" ] using (dec_, meeting)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1098 (98.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 DD at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at his arg2" "arg1 D at the funeral arg2" "arg1 DD at her arg2" "arg1 D at his arg2" "arg1 D at her arg2" ] using (dec_, home)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to Tennessee on arg2" "arg1 to North Carolina on arg2" "arg1 against Buffalo on arg2" "arg1 to Texas on arg2" "arg1 to Dallas on arg2" "arg1 to Arizona on arg2" ] using (loss, dec_)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 DD at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at his arg1" "arg2 DD near his arg1" "arg2 D from his arg1" "arg2 DD in her arg1" "arg2 D at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at her arg1" "arg2 D at his arg1" "arg2 DD at their arg1" "arg2 D at their arg1" "arg2 D at her arg1" ] using (home, dec_)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 DD at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at his arg1" "arg2 DD near his arg1" "arg2 D from his arg1" "arg2 DD in her arg1" "arg2 D at the funeral arg1" "arg2 DD at her arg1" "arg2 D at his arg1" "arg2 DD at their arg1" "arg2 D at their arg1" "arg2 D at her arg1" ] using (home, dec_)