CPL @1108 (76.5%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "general election of _" "week , beginning _" "funeral services were held _" "earnings report on _" "federal judge on _" "voting ends _" "Originally posted _" "trial is set for _" "decision issued _" "year begins around _" "submission deadline is _" "list retroactive to _" "youmeco wrote on _" "workshop , scheduled for _" "show runs until _" "general meeting on _" "trial scheduled for _" "weekly radio address on _" "— Born _" "Opening night is _" "reply scottishps wrote on _" "week ended _" "Iowa , were married _" "Funeral service was conducted _" "exhibit runs until _" "Democratic primary on _" "report released last _" "sentencing is scheduled for _" "resident , died _" "hearing set for _" "gospel meetings on _" "reply josephalmighty wrote on _" "it 's indexed under _" "service was held _" "essay is due on _" "reply cyfunk wrote on _" "suit , filed _" "board met on _" "City Council voted unanimously _" "memorial service was held _" "funeral was held _" "show runs through _" "public hearing is scheduled for _" "jail since _" "presidential primary on _" "FOMC meeting on _" "disabled list on _" "press release dated _" "member since _" "series beginning _" "existence since _" "elections slated for _" "birthday was on _" "application deadline is _" "sentencing is set for _" "spokesman said on _" "deadline is _" "classes starting _" "funeral services were held on _" "elections , scheduled for _" "Funeral Mass was offered _" "retroactive to _" "elections next _" "doubleheader on _" "document dated _" "Mass was celebrated _" "rain date is _" "Registration deadline is _" "election held on _" "birthday last _" "election is scheduled for _" "hearing , scheduled for _" "Council voted unanimously _" "meeting held on _" "Applications are due by _" "Alumni Association , died _" "disabled list since _" "letter , dated _" "bank said on _" "student , died _" "site beginning _" "Day is scheduled for _" "Correspondence dated _" "registration begins _" "disabled list retroactive to _" "month beginning _" "market opens on _" "subcommittee met on _" "services were held on _" "nomination deadline is _" "City , died _" "election scheduled for _" "central bank said on _" "debut last _" "correct date is _" "commencement ceremony on _" "release issued _" "custody till _" "comment webeditor _" "press service said on _" "half-marathon on _" "Democratic nomination in _" "bankruptcy protection on _" "officials confirmed on _" "Applications are due _" "shareholder meeting on _" "registration deadline is _" "police custody till _" "DD-day disabled list retroactive to _" "Room requests after _" "report , issued on _" "election , scheduled for _" "scottishps wrote on _" "pez wrote on _" "referendum scheduled for _" "afternoon of _" "report , released _" "exhibit runs through _" "case is scheduled for _" "MD , on _" "application deadline of _" "company , said on _" "company announced on _" "award was presented on _" "hearing is scheduled for _" "noon on _" "parliamentary elections of _" "website beginning _" "week ending on _" "company said on _" "court date is _" "election was held on _" "session is scheduled for _" "Reservation deadline is _" "DD-day disabled list on _" "tournament begins on _" "registration ends on _" "press room starting _" "survey released _" "ceremony is scheduled for _" "report released _" "resolution last _" "Bombardem wrote on _" "PDT on _" "awards dinner on _" "Entries are due by _" "letter dated _" "parliamentary election on _" "reply pez wrote on _" "parliamentary elections scheduled for _" "Comments are due by _" "season runs through _" "services were held _" "soldier was killed _" "registration closes _" "paper is due on _" "next meets on _" "month , starting _" "market close on _" "service was conducted _" "public has until _" "Funeral services were held _" "Rain date is _" "primary election on _" "exhibition closes on _" "election slated for _" "case was adjourned until _" "commercial air carriers as of _" "parliamentary elections on _" "paper is due _" "exhibition continues through _" "election is set for _" "Corp. announced on _" "Mass was offered _" "early hours of _" "Republican primary on _" "vote is scheduled for _" "contest deadline is _" "elections are scheduled for _" "next court date is _" "Registration is due by _" "election set for _" "contest ends _" "statement released _" "office beginning _" "exhibition runs through _" "week ending _" "quarterly results on _" "entry deadline is _" "first meeting is scheduled for _" "evening of _" "service said on _" "Visitation was held _" "He was arrested _" "court on _" "midnight on _" "national elections on _" "next meeting is scheduled for _" "report released on _" "report , released on _" "indictment unsealed _" "elections scheduled for _" "Services were held _" "radio address on _" "events of late _" "trial began on _" "Aspiring-screenwriter-pat wrote on _" "week begins on _" ] using may_6
LE @1052 (97.6%) on 24-apr-2017
CMC @541 (98.9%) on 27-mar-2012 [ POS=CD 2.59755 SUFFIX=ay 2.12149 FULL_POS=MD_CD 2.10794 POS=MD 1.78407 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_0 1.25312 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_0 0.78286 WORDSHAPE=Aaa 0.70189 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.81103 WORDS -2.25053 CHARS -2.53465 ] using may_6