CMC @935 (99.6%) on 25-jun-2015 [ PREFIX=an 1.68932 PREFIX=andre 1.55387 PREFIX=andr 1.39693 PREFIX=ni 1.33291 PREFIX=and 1.24534 PREFIX=nic 1.18506 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 0.97736 SUFFIX=ol -0.95180 CHARS -1.50813 WORDS -2.96227 ] using andrew_niccol
CPL @1098 (93.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "It is directed by _" "new film by _" "_ directs from" "U.S. named _" "_ wrote the screenplay" "_ featuring Al Pacino" "film di _" "thriller directed by _" "films directed by _" "movie directed by _" "_ directs with" "Time , directed by _" "film written by _" "_ 's screenplay" "movie was directed by _" "_ 's new film" "spec script by _" "_ 's directorial debut" "_ 's black comedy" "_ directed the film" "film , written by _" "film , directed by _" "movie , directed by _" "_ 's upcoming Lord" "screenplay was written by _" "version , directed by _" "commentary track by _" "_ Writing Credits" "War , directed by _" "movie is directed by _" "_ Get Email Updates Email" "Story , directed by _" "film is directed by _" "sci-fi thriller directed by _" "_ 's second feature" "wonderful script by _" "Screenplay written by _" "_ is directing the film" "original screenplay by _" "screenplay by _" "_ is directing the project" "film directed by _" "It was directed by _" "movie , written by _" "film was written by _" "It was scripted by _" "film version , directed by _" "_ directed movie" "film scripted by _" ] using andrew_niccol
MBL @1079 (99.9%) on 28-sep-2017 [ Promotion of director:andrew_niccol directordirectedmovie movie:gattaca ]
SEAL @179 (99.9%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 12345678910 ] using andrew_niccol
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is a film directed by arg1" "arg2 was written and directed by arg1" "arg2 Written and directed by arg1" ] using (andrew_niccol, war)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is a film directed by arg1" "arg2 was written and directed by arg1" "arg2 Written and directed by arg1" ] using (andrew_niccol, war)