CPL @1115 (92.8%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "movie , directed by _" "film has been directed by _" "films were directed by _" "_ is an amazing director" "movie is directed by _" "Dead , directed by _" "great directors like _" "U.S. named _" "feature film , directed by _" "trailers featuring _" "film is being directed by _" "adaptation was directed by _" "name , directed by _" "film-makers such as _" "_ is a great director" "movie directed by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "adaptation directed by _" "It 's directed by _" "_ 's previous film" "_ is directing the film" "directors such as _" "_ 's upcoming film" "film adaptation directed by _" "same name , directed by _" "fantasy film directed by _" "adaptation , directed by _" "_ is directing the movie" "_ directed this adaptation" "_ directed movie" "version , directed by _" "film directed by _" "film was directed by _" "_ directs the film" "movie was directed by _" "_ 's new film" "film is directed by _" "film version , directed by _" "novel by _" "version is directed by _" "film , directed by _" ] using zack_snyder
SEAL @180 (100.0%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 1234567891011 ] using zack_snyder
CPL @1098 (92.6%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "film adaptation by _" "directors like _" "movie , directed by _" "film has been directed by _" "films were directed by _" "feature , directed by _" "major motion picture directed by _" "_ is an amazing director" "movie is directed by _" "_ is a fantastic director" "_ is a great filmmaker" "_ 's directing" ":Works by _" "_ 's big screen adaptation" "superhero film directed by _" "he was cast by _" "screenplay by _" "Dead , directed by _" "upcoming movie from _" "screen , directed by _" "great directors like _" "flick , directed by _" "better director than _" "U.S. named _" "feature film , directed by _" "_ directs from" "trailers featuring _" "film is being directed by _" "hit movie by _" "adaptation was directed by _" "it was directed by _" "name , directed by _" "_ 's upcoming adaptation" "Directors such as _" "picture directed by _" "film-makers such as _" "film helmed by _" "_ is a great director" "movie directed by _" "It was directed by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "Screenplay written by _" "adaptation directed by _" "_ directed the movie" "_ 's next film" "_ 's film version" "It 's directed by _" "Pictures , directed by _" "same title , directed by _" "_ is the same director" "_ directed the first" "_ 's movie adaptation" "_ is directing the film" "directors such as _" "movie being directed by _" "_ has directed the movie" "_ 's big-screen adaptation" "_ 's epic fantasy" "_ 's war epic" "_ directed version" "screenplay is written by _" "Dead directed by _" "_ 's film adaptation" "film adaptation directed by _" "_ is directing from" "remake was directed by _" "_ directed film" "same name , directed by _" "fantasy film directed by _" "adaptation is directed by _" "_ 's brilliant adaptation" "title , directed by _" "Audio commentary by _" "Miller , directed by _" "previous films by _" "it 's being directed by _" "_ is helming the film" "_ 's cinematic adaptation" "_ 's film interpretation" "adaptation , directed by _" "_ is directing a movie" "_ is directing the movie" "_ directed this adaptation" "_ directed movie" "version , directed by _" "directing , by _" "_ 's epic drama" "film adaptation , directed by _" "film directed by _" "film was directed by _" "Category :Works by _" "fantasy directed by _" "year directed by _" "_ directs the film" "motion picture directed by _" "_ 's first feature film" "audio commentary by _" "movie was directed by _" "director like _" "_ 's new film" "film is directed by _" "film version , directed by _" "animated film directed by _" "Movie is directed by _" "_ is the perfect director" "It is directed by _" "_ 's forthcoming film" "version is directed by _" "it directed by _" "film , directed by _" "_ is an American film director" "_ 's epic adaptation" "_ was given the reins" ] using zack_snyder
MBL @1037 (99.2%) on 25-jan-2017 [ Promotion of director:zack_snyder directordirectedmovie movie:superman ]
SEAL @180 (93.8%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using zack_snyder
CPL @1098 (94.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "directors like _" "movie , directed by _" "film has been directed by _" "films were directed by _" "feature , directed by _" "_ is an amazing director" "movie is directed by _" "_ is a fantastic director" "_ is a great filmmaker" "superhero film directed by _" "Dead , directed by _" "great directors like _" "U.S. named _" "feature film , directed by _" "film is being directed by _" "adaptation was directed by _" "it was directed by _" "name , directed by _" "picture directed by _" "film-makers such as _" "film helmed by _" "_ is a great director" "movie , working with _" "movie directed by _" "It was directed by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "adaptation directed by _" "_ 's next film" "It 's directed by _" "Pictures , directed by _" "_ is directing the film" "directors such as _" "movie being directed by _" "_ 's war epic" "_ 's upcoming film" "_ directed version" "film adaptation directed by _" "_ is directing from" "remake was directed by _" "_ directed film" "same name , directed by _" "fantasy film directed by _" "it 's being directed by _" "adaptation , directed by _" "_ is directing the movie" "_ directed this adaptation" "_ directed movie" "version , directed by _" "_ 's epic drama" "film adaptation , directed by _" "film directed by _" "film was directed by _" "fantasy directed by _" "_ directs the film" "motion picture directed by _" "movie was directed by _" "_ 's new film" "film is directed by _" "film version , directed by _" "animated film directed by _" "Movie is directed by _" "_ is the perfect director" "_ 's forthcoming film" "version is directed by _" "film , directed by _" "_ is an American film director" ] using zack_snyder
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 for director arg1" "arg2 movie from director arg1" "arg2 in DDDD directed by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, superman)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 for director arg1" "arg2 movie from director arg1" "arg2 in DDDD directed by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, superman)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie director arg1" "arg2 film directed by arg1" "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 with director arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, watchmen)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie director arg1" "arg2 film directed by arg1" "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 with director arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, watchmen)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is directed by arg1" "arg2 directed by arg1" "arg2 director arg1" "arg2 remake by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, dead)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie director arg1" "arg2 film directed by arg1" "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 with director arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, watchmen)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is directed by arg1" "arg2 directed by arg1" "arg2 director arg1" "arg2 remake by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, dead)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is directed by arg1" "arg2 directed by arg1" "arg2 director arg1" "arg2 remake by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, dead)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 for director arg1" "arg2 movie from director arg1" "arg2 in DDDD directed by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, superman)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is directed by arg1" "arg2 directed by arg1" "arg2 director arg1" "arg2 remake by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, dead)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is directed by arg1" "arg2 directed by arg1" "arg2 director arg1" "arg2 remake by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, dead)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 for director arg1" "arg2 movie from director arg1" "arg2 in DDDD directed by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, superman)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is directed by arg1" "arg2 directed by arg1" "arg2 director arg1" "arg2 remake by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, dead)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 for director arg1" "arg2 movie from director arg1" "arg2 in DDDD directed by arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, superman)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 movie director arg1" "arg2 film directed by arg1" "arg2 movie directed by arg1" "arg2 with director arg1" ] using (zack_snyder, watchmen)