CPL @1108 (72.9%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ affecting women" "treatment for various _" "symptom of other _" "prevention of certain _" "_ include rheumatoid arthritis" "_ involving the nervous system" "_ including psoriasis" "treatment for chronic _" "treatment for many _" "complex diseases , such as _" "_ including arthritis" "_ share similar symptoms" "_ affecting the joints" "symptoms of _" "anxiety , stress-related _" "treatment for other _" "_ including diabetes mellitus" "number of systemic _" "_ including multiple sclerosis" "conditions , including _" "_ affecting the nerves" "treatment of inflammatory _" "_ including muscular dystrophy" "prevalence of other _" "syndrome , severe _" "remedy for _" "testing for other _" "symptoms of many _" "treatment for severe _" "_ affecting the musculoskeletal system" "screening for common _" "pathogenesis of many _" "treatment of many human _" "_ involve inflammation" "diagnosis of certain _" "_ including rheumatoid arthritis" "patients with chronic _" "_ have a genetic component" "_ including ulcerative colitis" "system disorders like _" "presence of systemic _" "autoimmune disease characterized by _" "symptoms of various _" "_ are not curable" "treatment of several _" "_ affecting dogs" "therapies for other _" "_ including allergies" "range of serious _" "people with certain _" "patients with various _" "children with other _" "_ including Fibromyalgia" "treatments for other _" "_ include psoriasis" "_ have similar symptoms" "conditions such as _" "_ including high blood pressure" "son developed _" "_ including diabetes" "treatment of various _" "_ including inflammatory bowel disease" "pathogenesis of several _" "you suffer from _" "People with certain _" "patient with chronic _" "patients with such _" "treatment of many _" "_ are diagnosed based on" "number of chronic _" "people with chronic _" "variety of serious _" "_ including Multiple Sclerosis" ] using autoimmune_disorders
CMC @1060 (100.0%) on 24-may-2017 [ CHARS 4.57400 PREFIX=dis 2.67148 PREFIX=diso 2.39895 PREFIX=disor 2.38909 PREFIX=di 2.33076 LASTPREFIX=dis 1.54663 LASTPREFIX=disor 1.48878 POS=NNS -0.97498 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -2.40485 WORDS -6.04157 ] using autoimmune_disorders
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 disease and even arg2" "arg1 disease to arg2" "arg1 and vascular disease and arg2" ] using (heart, autoimmune_disorders)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and swelling associated with arg2" "arg1 from arthritis or arg2" "arg1 and inflammation associated with arg2" ] using (pain, autoimmune_disorders)