CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is erectile arg1" "arg2 can lead to erectile arg1" "arg2 can also lead to erectile arg1" "arg2 or erectile arg1" "arg2 and erectile arg1" "arg2 called erectile arg1" "arg2 including erectile arg1" "arg2 can cause erectile arg1" ] using (dysfunction, body)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 absorbs fewer arg1" "arg2 to convert stored arg1" "arg2 by getting rid of excess arg1" "arg2 digest dietary arg1" "arg2 converts carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 ability to metabolize arg1" "arg2 uses to digest arg1" "arg2 with metabolizing arg1" "arg2 to release its stored arg1" "arg2 needs saturated arg1" "arg2 release energy from arg1" "arg2 will start to burn arg1" "arg2 than saturated arg1" "arg2 uses stored arg1" "arg2 than proteins and arg1" "arg2 to release energy from arg1" "arg2 to properly metabolize arg1" "arg2 uses and stores arg1" "arg2 from breaking down dietary arg1" "arg2 in burning more arg1" "arg2 uses blood arg1" "arg2 break down dietary arg1" "arg2 is unable to break down arg1" "arg2 from over consumption of arg1" "arg2 to break down dietary arg1" "arg2 does in fact need arg1" ] using (fats, body)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 manage blood arg1" "arg2 cells to take in arg1" "arg2 is unable to metabolize arg1" "arg2 breaks food down into arg1" "arg2 into a simple sugar called arg1" "arg2 to convert carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 from the high blood arg1" "arg2 is unable to break down arg1" "arg2 is not able to metabolize arg1" "arg2 use or store arg1" "arg2 cells to use arg1" "arg2 converts carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 burns fat and arg1" "arg2 cells burn arg1" "arg2 breaks down food into arg1" "arg2 cells cannot use arg1" "arg2 derives energy from arg1" "arg2 has problems using arg1" "arg2 normally breaks down arg1" "arg2 relies on blood arg1" "arg2 switches from burning arg1" "arg2 stores the extra arg1" "arg2 to store blood arg1" "arg2 uses up all arg1" "arg2 use blood arg1" "arg2 control the level of arg1" "arg2 changes food into arg1" "arg2 to convert blood arg1" "arg2 to properly metabolize arg1" "arg2 to release energy from arg1" "arg2 uses blood arg1" "arg2 needs is called arg1" "arg2 burns fat instead of arg1" "arg2 regulate blood arg1" "arg2 uses fat instead of arg1" "arg2 turns these into arg1" "arg2 to use blood arg1" "arg2 is unable to effectively use arg1" "arg2 cannot regulate the amount of arg1" "arg2 to burn fat instead of arg1" "arg2 convert carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 balance blood arg1" "arg2 breaks down carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 turns carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 cannot use blood arg1" "arg2 has difficulty dealing with arg1" "arg2 cells to absorb arg1" "arg2 in which the amount of arg1" "arg2 stores the excess arg1" "arg2 converts the excess arg1" "arg2 to allow the influx of arg1" "arg2 to handle blood arg1" "arg2 to burn fat rather than arg1" "arg2 utilize blood arg1" "arg2 handles blood arg1" "arg2 cells absorb arg1" "arg2 cannot control the level of arg1" "arg2 uses and stores arg1" "arg2 can be starved for arg1" "arg2 preferentially uses arg1" "arg2 wants blood arg1" "arg2 process blood arg1" "arg2 converts protein to arg1" "arg2 breaks them down into arg1" "arg2 cells to take up arg1" "arg2 switches from using arg1" "arg2 processes blood arg1" "arg2 metabolize blood arg1" "arg2 breaks carbohydrates down into arg1" "arg2 store excess arg1" "arg2 to process blood arg1" "arg2 to break down and use arg1" "arg2 tissues absorb arg1" "arg2 ability to metabolize arg1" "arg2 is unable to properly use arg1" ] using (glucose, body)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 stores the excess arg1" "arg2 and regulating blood arg1" "arg2 turns carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 regulating blood arg1" "arg2 Keeping your blood arg1" "arg2 breaks them down into arg1" "arg2 and use a mix of arg1" "arg2 ability to metabolize arg1" "arg2 must burn more arg1" "arg2 Test your blood arg1" "arg2 uses to digest arg1" "arg2 cannot control the level of arg1" "arg2 cells absorb arg1" "arg2 to process blood arg1" "arg2 turns these into arg1" "arg2 by raising blood arg1" "arg2 does in fact need arg1" "arg2 burns fat instead of arg1" "arg2 to control their blood arg1" "arg2 breaks food down into arg1" "arg2 breaks down food into arg1" "arg2 burns fat and arg1" "arg2 during the metabolism of arg1" "arg2 is to regulate blood arg1" "arg2 cells to use arg1" "arg2 to regulate levels of arg1" "arg2 to convert blood arg1" "arg2 to properly metabolize arg1" "arg2 to burn fat instead of arg1" "arg2 balance blood arg1" "arg2 to convert stored arg1" "arg2 regulate the blood arg1" "arg2 uses up all arg1" "arg2 cannot metabolise arg1" "arg2 will start to burn arg1" "arg2 uses stored arg1" "arg2 cannot regulate the amount of arg1" "arg2 cells to absorb arg1" "arg2 to store blood arg1" "arg2 converts protein to arg1" "arg2 process blood arg1" "arg2 stores the extra arg1" "arg2 is unable to break down arg1" "arg2 is to keep your blood arg1" "arg2 to burn fat rather than arg1" "arg2 is unable to properly use arg1" "arg2 has low blood arg1" "arg2 for later conversion to arg1" "arg2 is to control blood arg1" "arg2 is unable to metabolize arg1" "arg2 uses and stores arg1" "arg2 converts carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 preferentially uses arg1" "arg2 and stabilizing blood arg1" "arg2 and sweetness as arg1" "arg2 utilize blood arg1" "arg2 wants blood arg1" "arg2 uses blood arg1" "arg2 handles blood arg1" "arg2 to break down and use arg1" "arg2 switches from burning arg1" "arg2 to handle blood arg1" "arg2 make energy from arg1" "arg2 convert carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 and stabilize your blood arg1" "arg2 compensates to arg1" "arg2 include consuming arg1" "arg2 control the level of arg1" "arg2 regulate blood arg1" "arg2 to use blood arg1" "arg2 turns to blood arg1" "arg2 and helps regulate blood arg1" "arg2 cells cannot use arg1" "arg2 in controlling the blood arg1" "arg2 metabolize blood arg1" "arg2 cells to take up arg1" "arg2 use or store arg1" "arg2 breaks down milk arg1" "arg2 is not able to metabolize arg1" "arg2 and aids in blood arg1" "arg2 uses fat instead of arg1" "arg2 changes food into arg1" "arg2 is to store excess arg1" "arg2 processes blood arg1" "arg2 manage blood arg1" "arg2 store excess arg1" "arg2 to crave more arg1" "arg2 cannot use blood arg1" "arg2 to release its stored arg1" "arg2 to convert carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 release extra arg1" "arg2 use blood arg1" "arg2 does not recognize it as arg1" "arg2 starts screaming for arg1" "arg2 may be craving arg1" "arg2 breaks carbohydrates down into arg1" "arg2 begins to crave arg1" "arg2 breaks down carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 weight and high blood arg1" ] using (sugar, body)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 naturally burns arg1" "arg2 burns fat instead of arg1" "arg2 burns fat and arg1" "arg2 to burn fat rather than arg1" "arg2 switches from using arg1" "arg2 to burn fat instead of arg1" "arg2 is unable to metabolize arg1" "arg2 switches from burning arg1" "arg2 uses up all arg1" "arg2 ability to metabolize arg1" "arg2 needs simple arg1" "arg2 begins to crave arg1" "arg2 needs complex arg1" "arg2 usually burns arg1" "arg2 to metabolize fats and arg1" "arg2 uses fat instead of arg1" ] using (carbs, body)
CPL @1104 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 intake to prevent arg2" "arg1 intake so that your arg2" "arg1 intake to control arg2" "arg1 deficit which forces arg2" "arg1 intake that your arg2" "arg1 deficit in your arg2" "arg1 intake to keep your arg2" "arg1 foods cause arg2" "arg1 restricted diet would throw arg2" "arg1 intake causes arg2" ] using (calorie, body)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 breaks down carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 breaks down food into arg1" "arg2 converts carbohydrates into arg1" "arg2 breaks carbohydrates down into arg1" "arg2 changes food into arg1" "arg2 breaks them down into arg1" ] using (simple_sugars, body)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and federal governmental arg2" "arg1 of rest or motion of arg2" "arg1 or local regulatory arg2" "arg1 and federal governing arg2" "arg1 or federal licensing arg2" "arg1 or federal regulatory arg2" "arg1 higher education executive arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 or federal governmental arg2" "arg1 and territory registering arg2" "arg1 appraiser regulatory arg2" ] using (state, body)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and federal governmental arg2" "arg1 of rest or motion of arg2" "arg1 or local regulatory arg2" "arg1 and federal governing arg2" "arg1 or federal licensing arg2" "arg1 or federal regulatory arg2" "arg1 higher education executive arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 or federal governmental arg2" "arg1 and territory registering arg2" "arg1 appraiser regulatory arg2" ] using (state, body)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is the systematic study of arg2" "arg1 is the scientific study of arg2" "arg1 which is the study of arg2" ] using (kinesiology, body)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 muscle in your arg2" "arg1 muscles at the front of arg2" "arg1 muscles on the front of arg2" "arg1 muscles in the front of arg2" "arg1 muscles of your arg2" ] using (abdominal, body)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to pump blood throughout arg2" "arg1 and is pumped to arg2" "arg1 of the heart into arg2" "arg1 cannot pump enough blood to arg2" "arg1 pump blood to arg2" "arg1 sends blood to arg2" "arg1 of the heart through arg2" "arg1 to pump blood to arg2" ] using (left_ventricle, body)
OE @809 (98.1%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (left_ventricle, body)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that carry messages between arg2" "arg1 that connect the brain and arg2" "arg1 that send messages to arg2" "arg1 and blood vessels throughout arg2" "arg1 and muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" ] using (nerves, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 cannot pump enough blood to arg2" "arg1 and is pumped to arg2" "arg1 of the heart through arg2" "arg1 of the heart into arg2" "arg1 pump blood to arg2" "arg1 pumps blood to arg2" "arg1 to pump blood throughout arg2" "arg1 sends blood to arg2" "arg1 pump blood throughout arg2" "arg1 to pump blood to arg2" "arg1 pumps blood around arg2" ] using (ventricle, body)
OE @806 (99.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (ventricle, body)
OE @802 (100.0%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (atrium, body)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 flows from the right arg1" "arg2 enters the right arg1" "arg2 returns to the right arg1" "arg2 and enters the right arg1" "arg2 flows into the right arg1" "arg2 to flow from the right arg1" "arg2 entering the right arg1" ] using (atrium, body)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 own immune arg1" "arg2 created to perform delegated arg1" "arg2 parts and bodily arg1" "arg2 and circulatory arg1" ] using (functions, body)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and system of your arg2" "arg1 and cell in your arg2" "arg1 or system in arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" "arg1 or tissue of arg2" "arg1 and cell in arg2" "arg1 and system in arg2" ] using (gland, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 rate up and your arg2" "arg1 to pump blood throughout arg2" "arg1 rate up and arg2" "arg1 pumps blood through arg2" "arg1 pumps blood through your arg2" "arg1 pump blood to arg2" "arg1 rate and relax arg2" "arg1 sends blood to arg2" "arg1 cannot pump enough blood to arg2" "arg1 to pump blood through arg2" "arg1 to pump blood around arg2" "arg1 pumps blood into arg2" "arg1 beating and your arg2" "arg1 contracts and pumps blood into arg2" "arg1 stops pumping arg2" "arg1 is the only organ in arg2" "arg1 rate and relaxing arg2" "arg1 consists of your arg2" "arg1 and is then pumped into arg2" "arg1 that pumps blood through arg2" "arg1 pumps blood around arg2" "arg1 and blood vessels throughout arg2" "arg1 pumps blood to arg2" "arg1 is the organ in arg2" "arg1 to pump blood to arg2" "arg1 to work harder to pump arg2" "arg1 pump blood throughout arg2" "arg1 pumping blood through arg2" "arg1 pumps the blood through arg2" "arg1 attack occurs when arg2" "arg1 to pump blood into arg2" "arg1 is pumping blood to arg2" "arg1 is the toughest part of arg2" ] using (heart, body)
OE @826 (98.5%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (heart, body)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 from attacking the transplanted arg1" "arg2 organs like arg1" "arg2 from attacking the new arg1" "arg2 organs such as arg1" "arg2 from rejecting a transplanted arg1" "arg2 considers the transplanted arg1" ] using (kidney, body)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 by detoxing your arg1" "arg2 organs like arg1" "arg2 rejects the transplanted arg1" "arg2 organs such as arg1" "arg2 from rejecting a transplanted arg1" ] using (liver, body)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 attacking its own arg1" "arg2 attacks its own arg1" "arg2 to attack its own arg1" "arg2 mistakenly attacks its own arg1" ] using (myelin, body)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or tail of arg1" "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 organs like arg1" "arg2 organs such as arg1" ] using (pancreas, body)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 activates the sympathetic arg1" "arg2 and the peripheral arg1" "arg2 called the autonomic arg1" "arg2 stimulates the sympathetic arg1" "arg2 and affect the central arg1" ] using (nervous_system, body)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 that carry signals from arg2" "arg1 to the muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 carries messages between arg2" ] using (spinal_cord, body)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 pumps blood through arg2" "arg1 to pump blood throughout arg2" "arg1 to pump blood around arg2" "arg1 that pumps blood through arg2" ] using (heart_muscle, body)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that carry messages between arg2" "arg1 that connect the brain and arg2" "arg1 that send messages to arg2" "arg1 and blood vessels throughout arg2" "arg1 and muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" ] using (nerves, body)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and your digestive arg1" "arg2 including the digestive arg1" "arg2 via the olfactory arg1" "arg2 and the gastrointestinal arg1" "arg2 as well as the digestive arg1" "arg2 and the respiratory arg1" "arg2 is located in the digestive arg1" "arg2 and the digestive arg1" "arg2 as well as the respiratory arg1" ] using (tract, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 dioxide is released from arg2" "arg1 dioxide arg2" "arg1 monoxide in his arg2" "arg1 dioxide gas from arg2" "arg1 atoms in their arg2" "arg1 dioxide produced by arg2" "arg1 dioxide throughout arg2" "arg1 dioxide in his arg2" "arg1 dioxide and arg2" "arg1 monoxide level in arg2" "arg1 monoxide in your arg2" "arg1 dioxide out of arg2" "arg1 dioxide released by arg2" "arg1 fiber and composite arg2" "arg1 fiber composite arg2" "arg1 monoxide into arg2" "arg1 dioxide from arg2" "arg1 dioxide with arg2" ] using (carbon, body)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as potassium and arg1" "arg2 such as calcium and arg1" "arg2 like calcium and arg1" ] using (magnesium, body)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 into carbon arg1" "arg2 heat and carbon arg1" "arg2 produces carbon arg1" "arg2 and carbon arg1" "arg2 to form carbon arg1" ] using (monoxide, body)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a navy blue arg2" "arg1 and a crop arg2" "arg1 and navy blue arg2" "arg1 and a cropped arg2" ] using (body, sleeves)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a navy blue arg2" "arg1 and a crop arg2" "arg1 and navy blue arg2" "arg1 and a cropped arg2" ] using (sleeves, body)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Christ is His arg1" "arg2 Christ as His arg1" "arg2 Christ is arg1" "arg2 Christ as arg1" "arg2 Christ gave His arg1" ] using (body, jesus)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Christ is His arg1" "arg2 Christ as His arg1" "arg2 Christ is arg1" "arg2 Christ as arg1" "arg2 Christ gave His arg1" ] using (jesus, body)
OE @830 (95.2%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (arteries, body)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in vessels called arg1" "arg2 and is swept into arg1" "arg2 via an intricate network of arg1" "arg2 into the iliac arg1" "arg2 against clogged arg1" ] using (arteries, body)
OE @808 (100.0%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (vessels, body)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 lumens or arg1" "arg2 that narrows blood arg1" "arg2 that narrow blood arg1" "arg2 network of blood arg1" "arg2 arteries are arg1" "arg2 from narrowing the blood arg1" "arg2 on the lining of blood arg1" "arg2 grow blood arg1" "arg2 that relaxes blood arg1" "arg2 occuring outside arg1" ] using (vessels, body)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 color is dark arg1" "arg2 turns dark arg1" "arg2 was steel arg1" "arg2 turned a deep arg1" "arg2 is a beautiful dark arg1" "arg2 glowed bright arg1" ] using (blue, body)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 turned dark arg1" "arg2 color is dark arg1" "arg2 was a mottled arg1" "arg2 had turned a deep arg1" "arg2 turned a dark arg1" ] using (purple, body)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Recipe orange glazed arg1" "arg2 of the coho arg1" "arg2 of the chinook arg1" "arg2 than smoked arg1" ] using (salmon, body)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 or teardrop arg2" "arg1 or oval arg2" "arg1 or rectangular arg2" "arg1 or roundish arg2" ] using (round, body)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and federal governmental arg2" "arg1 of rest or motion of arg2" "arg1 or local regulatory arg2" "arg1 and federal governing arg2" "arg1 or federal licensing arg2" "arg1 or federal regulatory arg2" "arg1 higher education executive arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 or federal governmental arg2" "arg1 and territory registering arg2" "arg1 appraiser regulatory arg2" ] using (state, body)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and federal governmental arg2" "arg1 of rest or motion of arg2" "arg1 or local regulatory arg2" "arg1 and federal governing arg2" "arg1 or federal licensing arg2" "arg1 or federal regulatory arg2" "arg1 higher education executive arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 or federal governmental arg2" "arg1 and territory registering arg2" "arg1 appraiser regulatory arg2" ] using (state, body)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and federal governmental arg2" "arg1 of rest or motion of arg2" "arg1 or local regulatory arg2" "arg1 and federal governing arg2" "arg1 or federal licensing arg2" "arg1 or federal regulatory arg2" "arg1 higher education executive arg2" "arg1 or local governmental arg2" "arg1 or federal governmental arg2" "arg1 and territory registering arg2" "arg1 appraiser regulatory arg2" ] using (state, body)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and improve blood flow to arg1" "arg2 is the limbic arg1" "arg2 that supplies blood to arg1" "arg2 and restore blood flow to arg1" "arg2 that supply blood to arg1" "arg2 organs like arg1" "arg2 that is released by your arg1" "arg2 can reduce blood flow to arg1" "arg2 and your nervous arg1" "arg2 is connected to the right arg1" "arg2 organs such as arg1" ] using (brain, body)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 from attacking the transplanted arg1" "arg2 organs like arg1" "arg2 from attacking the new arg1" "arg2 organs such as arg1" "arg2 from rejecting a transplanted arg1" "arg2 considers the transplanted arg1" ] using (kidney, body)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to pump blood around arg2" "arg1 to pump blood through arg2" "arg1 and gland in arg2" "arg1 circulation throughout arg2" "arg1 or system in arg2" "arg1 and system of your arg2" "arg1 systems in the human arg2" "arg1 repair throughout arg2" "arg1 pumping blood through arg2" "arg1 or system within arg2" "arg1 and cell in your arg2" "arg1 and system in arg2" "arg1 system in the human arg2" "arg1 that pumps blood through arg2" "arg1 or system in your arg2" "arg1 systems of the human arg2" "arg1 or tissue of arg2" "arg1 and gland of arg2" "arg1 is the largest gland in arg2" "arg1 and cell in arg2" "arg1 pumps blood to arg2" ] using (organ, body)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 pump blood to arg2" "arg1 to pump blood through arg2" "arg1 to pump blood around arg2" "arg1 to pump blood to arg2" "arg1 pump blood throughout arg2" ] using (ventricles, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 come from the spinal arg1" "arg2 such as the spinal arg1" "arg2 surround the spinal arg1" "arg2 outside the brain and spinal arg1" "arg2 or to the spinal arg1" "arg2 via the spinal arg1" "arg2 protects the spinal arg1" "arg2 including the spinal arg1" "arg2 and the spinal arg1" "arg2 that protects the spinal arg1" "arg2 except the brain and spinal arg1" "arg2 including the brain and spinal arg1" "arg2 The spinal arg1" "arg2 and spinal arg1" "arg2 enter the spinal arg1" "arg2 and part of the spinal arg1" ] using (cord, body)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 build its immune arg1" "arg2 mounts an immune arg1" "arg2 natural immune arg1" "arg2 s own immune arg1" "arg2 produces antibodies in arg1" "arg2 and weakens the immune arg1" "arg2 s immune arg1" "arg2 own immune arg1" "arg2 starts mounting an immune arg1" "arg2 develops an immune arg1" ] using (response, body)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or system in arg2" "arg1 or tissue of arg2" "arg1 or system in your arg2" "arg1 or system within arg2" "arg1 systems in the human arg2" ] using (specific_organ, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 begins attacking arg2" "arg1 or tissue of arg2" "arg1 destroys the cells in arg2" "arg1 mistakenly attacks and destroys arg2" "arg1 to keep it from attacking arg2" "arg1 of medicine which stimulates arg2" "arg1 goes awry and attacks arg2" "arg1 and help to detox arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" "arg1 attacks and injures arg2" "arg1 attacks part of arg2" "arg1 attacks his or her own arg2" "arg1 attacks cells in arg2" "arg1 defect that allows arg2" "arg1 is the only organ in arg2" "arg1 to muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 of treatment designed to energize arg2" "arg1 attacks your own arg2" "arg1 attacks parts of arg2" "arg1 normally defends arg2" "arg1 runs amok and attacks arg2" "arg1 pumps blood around arg2" "arg1 mistakenly recognizes arg2" "arg1 attacks the cells in arg2" "arg1 normally protects arg2" "arg1 and progressively destroys arg2" "arg1 and cell in arg2" "arg1 and cell in your arg2" "arg1 mistakenly attacking arg2" "arg1 and gland in arg2" "arg1 mistakenly attacks your arg2" "arg1 that pumps blood through arg2" "arg1 mistakenly targets arg2" "arg1 to mistakenly attack arg2" "arg1 response to a food that arg2" ] using (system, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 begins attacking arg2" "arg1 or tissue of arg2" "arg1 destroys the cells in arg2" "arg1 mistakenly attacks and destroys arg2" "arg1 to keep it from attacking arg2" "arg1 of medicine which stimulates arg2" "arg1 goes awry and attacks arg2" "arg1 and help to detox arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" "arg1 attacks and injures arg2" "arg1 attacks part of arg2" "arg1 attacks his or her own arg2" "arg1 attacks cells in arg2" "arg1 defect that allows arg2" "arg1 is the only organ in arg2" "arg1 to muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 of treatment designed to energize arg2" "arg1 attacks your own arg2" "arg1 attacks parts of arg2" "arg1 normally defends arg2" "arg1 runs amok and attacks arg2" "arg1 pumps blood around arg2" "arg1 mistakenly recognizes arg2" "arg1 attacks the cells in arg2" "arg1 normally protects arg2" "arg1 and progressively destroys arg2" "arg1 and cell in arg2" "arg1 and cell in your arg2" "arg1 mistakenly attacking arg2" "arg1 and gland in arg2" "arg1 mistakenly attacks your arg2" "arg1 that pumps blood through arg2" "arg1 mistakenly targets arg2" "arg1 to mistakenly attack arg2" "arg1 response to a food that arg2" ] using (system, body)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and your digestive arg1" "arg2 including the digestive arg1" "arg2 via the olfactory arg1" "arg2 and the gastrointestinal arg1" "arg2 as well as the digestive arg1" "arg2 and the respiratory arg1" "arg2 is located in the digestive arg1" "arg2 and the digestive arg1" "arg2 as well as the respiratory arg1" ] using (tract, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and gland in arg2" "arg1 and muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 and blood vessels throughout arg2" "arg1 repair throughout arg2" "arg1 and cell in arg2" "arg1 send messages deep into arg2" "arg1 and lubricating fluids in arg2" "arg1 and system in arg2" "arg1 or system in arg2" "arg1 taken from one part of arg2" "arg1 and system of your arg2" "arg1 systems of the human arg2" "arg1 which spreads throughout arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" "arg1 and cell in your arg2" ] using (tissue, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to attack the cancer arg1" "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 own immune arg1" "arg2 fluids and body arg1" "arg2 is attacked by its own arg1" "arg2 and the endocrine arg1" "arg2 s immune arg1" "arg2 attacks liver arg1" "arg2 damages its own arg1" "arg2 including the immune arg1" "arg2 attacks healthy arg1" "arg2 is rich in stem arg1" "arg2 mistakenly attacks healthy arg1" "arg2 natural immune arg1" "arg2 attacks various arg1" "arg2 from attacking the transplanted arg1" "arg2 to attack healthy arg1" "arg2 to recognize and destroy tumor arg1" ] using (cells, body)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 build its immune arg1" "arg2 mounts an immune arg1" "arg2 natural immune arg1" "arg2 s own immune arg1" "arg2 produces antibodies in arg1" "arg2 and weakens the immune arg1" "arg2 s immune arg1" "arg2 own immune arg1" "arg2 starts mounting an immune arg1" "arg2 develops an immune arg1" ] using (response, body)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and gland in arg2" "arg1 and muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 and blood vessels throughout arg2" "arg1 repair throughout arg2" "arg1 and cell in arg2" "arg1 send messages deep into arg2" "arg1 and lubricating fluids in arg2" "arg1 and system in arg2" "arg1 or system in arg2" "arg1 taken from one part of arg2" "arg1 and system of your arg2" "arg1 systems of the human arg2" "arg1 which spreads throughout arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" "arg1 and cell in your arg2" ] using (tissue, body)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and seeing the surrounding arg1" "arg2 weight or surface arg1" "arg2 to repair the painful arg1" "arg2 weight or body surface arg1" "arg2 was found in a wooded arg1" "arg2 and the respiratory arg1" "arg2 of water on Earth by arg1" ] using (area, body)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 systems of the human arg2" "arg1 to the muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 systems in the human arg2" "arg1 system in the human arg2" ] using (control, body)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 that carry messages between arg2" "arg1 that connect the brain and arg2" "arg1 that send messages to arg2" "arg1 and blood vessels throughout arg2" "arg1 and muscles throughout arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" ] using (nerves, body)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and system in arg2" "arg1 or organ in arg2" "arg1 or any function of arg2" "arg1 or tissue of arg2" "arg1 and cell in arg2" "arg1 or functions of the human arg2" "arg1 or system in arg2" "arg1 and cell in your arg2" "arg1 or function of the human arg2" ] using (structure, body)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and spinal arg1" "arg2 organs like arg1" "arg2 takes calcium from arg1" "arg2 will take calcium from arg1" ] using (bones, body)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 circulation throughout arg2" "arg1 system in the human arg2" "arg1 circulation throughout your arg2" ] using (lymph, body)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of activity is taking arg1" "arg2 for that to take arg1" "arg2 of work taking arg1" "arg2 of work has taken arg1" "arg2 of development taking arg1" "arg2 of action taking arg1" "arg2 function take arg1" "arg2 of the action takes arg1" "arg2 for healing to take arg1" "arg2 of learning takes arg1" ] using (place, body)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Christ is His arg1" "arg2 Christ as His arg1" "arg2 Christ is arg1" "arg2 Christ as arg1" "arg2 Christ gave His arg1" ] using (body, jesus)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Christ is His arg1" "arg2 Christ as His arg1" "arg2 Christ is arg1" "arg2 Christ as arg1" "arg2 Christ gave His arg1" ] using (jesus, body)