CMC @1085 (100.0%) on 08-dec-2017 [ CHARS 4.95001 PREFIX=dis 3.20126 PREFIX=disea 2.66786 PREFIX=dise 2.55859 PREFIX=di 2.13470 SUFFIX=ses 1.67699 LASTPREFIX=disea 1.66587 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.59690 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.20996 WORDS -10.42710 ] using respiratory_diseases
CPL @1098 (83.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "diagnosis of chronic _" "_ including asthma" "_ including bronchitis" "time , chronic _" "range of chronic _" "_ including chronic" "chronic obstructive _" "diagnosis of allergic _" "_ involve inflammation" "aggravate existing _" "approach to chronic _" "_ are treatable" "many patients with chronic _" "patients with long-term _" "patients with pre-existing _" "diagnosis of malignant _" "deaths from chronic _" "epidemic of chronic _" "factors associated with chronic _" "control of chronic _" "diseases such as chronic _" "_ including cystic fibrosis" "transmission of infectious _" "_ including hay fever" "cause of chronic _" "patients with other chronic _" "risk for asbestos-related _" "higher risk for other _" "fibrosis , chronic _" "risk for chronic _" "risk factors for chronic _" "people with pre-existing _" "prevention of pediatric _" "treatment of several _" "variety of chronic _" "increase in chronic _" "asthma , chronic _" "aggravation of pre-existing _" "patients with difficult _" "symptoms are similar to other _" "exacerbation of chronic _" "_ including coronary heart disease" "lower risk of certain _" "patients with various _" "prevention of serious _" "focus on chronic _" "_ cause similar symptoms" "risk for various _" "diagnosis of many _" "children with chronic _" "risk of chronic _" "higher rates of chronic _" "Patients with chronic _" "host of chronic _" "incidence of chronic _" "treatment of recurrent _" "symptoms of _" "_ affecting horses" "children suffer from _" "infections , chronic _" "_ affecting infants" "diagnosis of various _" "development of allergic _" "patients with certain _" "Patients with other _" "risk for certain _" "_ including the common cold" "_ including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" "surveillance of occupational _" "loss , chronic _" "injuries , work-related _" "mortality from chronic _" "types of chronic _" "risk factor for chronic _" "treatment of chronic _" "variety of serious _" "severity of viral _" "_ including colds" "_ are not curable" "factors for chronic _" "prevalence of atopic _" "_ including pneumonia" "allergies , chronic _" "development of serious _" "people suffering from other _" "prevalence of chronic _" "therapies for chronic _" "_ including allergies" "patients with chronic _" "people suffering from chronic _" "severity of infectious _" "patients suffering from chronic _" "treatment of genetic _" "_ including tuberculosis" "spread of infectious _" "_ afflicting children" "_ including chronic bronchitis" "People with chronic _" "cough , chronic _" "cystic fibrosis , chronic _" "cardiovascular disease , chronic _" "children with acute _" "_ including sleep apnea" "children with persistent _" "incidence of infectious _" "people with chronic _" "prevention of viral _" "rate of chronic _" "treatments of chronic _" "severity of other _" "_ including lung cancer" "people with allergic _" "high prevalence of chronic _" "history of infectious _" "important cause of chronic _" "symptoms of other _" "wide range of chronic _" "prevention of _" "congestive heart failure , chronic _" "conditions , including _" "risk factors associated with chronic _" "patients with serious _" "risk of serious _" "symptoms associated with chronic _" "disabilities , chronic _" "development of chronic _" "heart disease , chronic _" "presence of chronic _" "pathogenesis of chronic _" "bronchitis , chronic _" "trauma , chronic _" "treatment for chronic _" "people with other chronic _" "_ including coughing" "_ including asbestosis" "_ including COPD" "adults with chronic _" "risk factors of chronic _" "exacerbations of chronic _" "Individuals with chronic _" "acute exacerbations of chronic _" "symptoms of many _" "diagnosis of other _" "_ including emphysema" "_ including diabetes" "prevalence of allergic _" "adults with pre-existing _" "prevention of certain _" "outbreak of infectious _" "range of infectious _" "outbreaks of infectious _" "high rates of chronic _" "increase in allergic _" "rates of chronic _" "susceptibility to infectious _" "burden of chronic _" "course of chronic _" "treatment of bacterial _" "therapy in acute _" "treatment of allergic _" "different types of chronic _" "liver disease , chronic _" "_ are illnesses" "_ including influenza" "relief of chronic _" "onset of serious _" "people suffering from _" "list of chronic _" "factor for chronic _" "patients with inflammatory _" "infections , severe _" "_ including mesothelioma" "Adults with chronic _" "Individuals with pre-existing _" "symptoms of asbestos-related _" "progression of chronic _" "populations with chronic _" "common symptoms of _" "stroke , chronic _" "importance of chronic _" "occurrence of chronic _" "pneumonia , chronic _" "root of chronic _" "incidence of certain _" "treatments for severe _" "care for common _" "symptom of several _" "etiology of many _" "suffering from chronic _" "people with serious _" "treatments for other _" "treatment for such _" "monitoring of chronic _" "individuals with pre-existing _" "headache , chronic _" "number of chronic _" ] using respiratory_diseases
CPL @1098 (85.6%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "diagnosis of chronic _" "_ including asthma" "cancers , chronic _" "_ including bronchitis" "set of chronic _" "range of chronic _" "_ including chronic" "chronic obstructive _" "diagnosis of allergic _" "_ involve inflammation" "aggravate existing _" "approach to chronic _" "_ are treatable" "you suffer from various _" "many patients with chronic _" "patients with long-term _" "patients with pre-existing _" "_ affecting children" "diagnosis of malignant _" "deaths from chronic _" "epidemic of chronic _" "factors associated with chronic _" "year , chronic _" "control of chronic _" "diseases such as chronic _" "_ including cystic fibrosis" "transmission of infectious _" "patients with common _" "_ including hay fever" "cause of chronic _" "patients with other chronic _" "risk for asbestos-related _" "higher risk for other _" "fibrosis , chronic _" "risk for chronic _" "risk factors for chronic _" "people with pre-existing _" "variety of chronic _" "heart failure , chronic _" "understanding of infectious _" "asthma , chronic _" "aggravation of pre-existing _" "diagnosis of occupational _" "symptoms are similar to other _" "features of chronic _" "exacerbation of chronic _" "they suffer serious _" "_ including coronary heart disease" "lower risk of certain _" "migraine headache , chronic _" "patients with various _" "prevention of serious _" "risk for various _" "diagnosis of many _" "children with chronic _" "risk of chronic _" "higher rates of chronic _" "Patients with chronic _" "host of chronic _" "incidence of chronic _" "symptoms of _" "_ affecting horses" "infections , chronic _" "syndrome , other _" "diagnosis of various _" "diseases , severe _" "risk for certain _" "_ including the common cold" "_ including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" "surveillance of occupational _" "injuries , work-related _" "mortality from chronic _" "types of chronic _" "symptom of chronic _" "risk factor for chronic _" "treatment of chronic _" "variety of serious _" "severity of viral _" "conditions , including chronic _" "_ including colds" "factors for chronic _" "prevalence of atopic _" "allergies , chronic _" "people suffering from other _" "prevalence of chronic _" "diabetes , chronic _" "outbreaks of severe _" "therapies for chronic _" "_ including allergies" "patients with chronic _" "people suffering from chronic _" "patients suffering from chronic _" "treatment of genetic _" "spread of infectious _" "_ afflicting children" "_ including chronic bronchitis" "People with chronic _" "diseases including _" "cystic fibrosis , chronic _" "Patients suffering from chronic _" "_ including sleep apnea" "children with persistent _" "incidence of infectious _" "people with chronic _" "treatments of chronic _" "people with allergic _" "attacks of acute _" "high prevalence of chronic _" "history of infectious _" "important cause of chronic _" "pneumonia , severe _" "symptoms of other _" "syndrome , acute _" "wide range of chronic _" "congestive heart failure , chronic _" "risk factors associated with chronic _" "patients with serious _" "new cases of _" "symptoms associated with chronic _" "disabilities , chronic _" "development of chronic _" "heart disease , chronic _" "presence of chronic _" "occurrence of occupational _" "fight against chronic _" "trauma , chronic _" "treatment for chronic _" "people with other chronic _" "_ including coughing" "_ including asbestosis" "_ including COPD" "adults with chronic _" "disease , chronic _" "risk factors of chronic _" "exacerbations of chronic _" "patients suffering from various _" "Individuals with chronic _" "acute exacerbations of chronic _" "symptoms of many _" "diagnosis of other _" "_ including emphysema" "diseases , including chronic _" "conditions ranging from chronic _" "_ including diabetes" "chronic underlying _" "prevalence of allergic _" "adults with pre-existing _" "deaths from preventable _" "patients with allergic _" "outbreak of infectious _" "range of infectious _" "outbreaks of infectious _" "high rates of chronic _" "increase in allergic _" "susceptibility to infectious _" "causes of chronic _" "chronic diseases including _" "treatment of bovine _" "treatment of bacterial _" "different types of chronic _" "liver disease , chronic _" "_ including influenza" "risk of acute _" "relief of chronic _" "list of chronic _" "patients with inflammatory _" "infections , severe _" "_ including mesothelioma" "Adults with chronic _" "term for chronic _" "symptoms of asbestos-related _" "progression of chronic _" "populations with chronic _" "common symptoms of _" "stroke , chronic _" "factors of chronic _" "occurrence of chronic _" "pneumonia , chronic _" "root of chronic _" "major risk factor for _" "incidence of certain _" "care for common _" "they suffer from _" "symptom of several _" "etiology of many _" "suffering from chronic _" "treatments for other _" "monitoring of chronic _" "individuals with pre-existing _" "headache , chronic _" "number of chronic _" ] using respiratory_diseases
CMC @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ CHARS 3.90381 PREFIX=dis 2.63821 LASTPREFIX=dis 1.83397 LASTPREFIX=disea 1.73840 LASTPREFIX=dise 1.73631 SUFFIX=eases 1.68145 SUFFIX=ses 1.63008 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.82227 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.17505 WORDS -7.91896 ] using respiratory_diseases
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and adults with arg2" "arg1 and adults with chronic arg2" "arg1 dying of preventable arg2" "arg1 and adults who have arg2" ] using (children, respiratory_diseases)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disease and certain arg2" "arg1 disease and childhood arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 disease and serious arg2" ] using (heart, respiratory_diseases)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey