CPL @1100 (86.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "pill called _" "online drug information for _" "Online pharmacy products include _" "rx Buy _" "_ is a pain reliever" "sources Buy _" "medications such as _" "CNS effects of _" "medicinal drugs such as _" "_ is a depressant" "_ is a barbiturate sedative mixed" "analgesics containing _" "Prescription drugs such as _" "pharmacy for cheap generic _" "_ is a Schedule III drug" "nursing infants from _" "retail cost of generic _" "prescription drug store for _" "_ is an pacifying" "pharmacy products include _" "quality Medications like _" "relievers such as _" "reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ is a pain medication" "_ is a weak acid" "_ sold online as against" "slight cosmetic differences in _" "important information does not _" "cosmetic differences in _" "multum is _" "Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "Order cheap _" "drugs containing _" "_ is a mitigador" "_ is commonly prescribed for" "manufacturer-sponsored prescription assistance program for _" "acute overdosage of _" "I overdose with _" "drugs such as _" "_ discounted price PS Card members" "_ Prescribed For" "_ slows the central nervous system" "Prescription drugs like _" "fact generic _" "_ be taken exactly as" "medications containing _" "medication containing _" "_ is the FDA-approved generic form" "C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "Drug Interactions with _" "other drugs containing _" "_ is a barbituate" "studies have not been conducted with _" "painkillers such as _" "order generic _" "Information Do not take _" "_ is also a sedative" "_ is also sold under" "discount pharmacy for cheap generic _" "daily price listing of _" "medications , taking _" "obscenely low prices for _" "online drugstores offer _" "prescription assistance program for _" "drug online , buy _" "prescription medications , taking _" "pain relievers such as _" "_ is not a controlled substance" "Notes Do not share _" "Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ has a generic alternative" "_ is sometimes prescribed for" "Medications like _" "Testimonials I have ordered _" "cost of generic _" "Drugs such as _" "drugs like _" "recent prescription of _" "Medicines such as _" "online prescription drug store for _" "generic drug online , buy _" "_ is Dispatched from outside" "_ sold online on" "side effects include sneezing _" "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ is a barbiturate" "high quality Medications like _" ] using butalbital
SEAL @140 (100.0%) on 27-jul-2010 [ 123456789101112 ] using butalbital
LE @1073 (68.0%) on 18-aug-2017
MBL @283 (100.0%) on 04-jun-2011 [ Promotion of drug:butalbital drugpossiblytreatsphysiologicalcondition physiologicalcondition:migraines ]
OE @809 (97.8%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using butalbital
CMC @1072 (99.9%) on 14-aug-2017 [ LASTSUFFIX=al 2.36365 CHARS 1.60308 FULL_POS=NN 1.58578 SUFFIX=bital 0.85625 PREFIX=buta 0.77541 LASTSUFFIX=tal 0.66754 LASTSUFFIX=bital 0.65297 POS=NN -0.81459 WORDS -4.69059 ] using butalbital
CPL @1099 (91.3%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "pill called _" "online drug information for _" "Online pharmacy products include _" "sources Buy _" "medications such as _" "medicinal drugs such as _" "_ is a barbiturate sedative mixed" "analgesics containing _" "Prescription drugs such as _" "pharmacy for cheap generic _" "_ is a controlled substance" "nursing infants from _" "retail cost of generic _" "Overnight delivery of _" "prescription drug store for _" "pharmacy products include _" "quality Medications like _" "reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ is a pain medication" "_ is a weak acid" "_ sold online as against" "slight cosmetic differences in _" "important information does not _" "multum is _" "Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "Order cheap _" "drugs containing _" "_ is a mitigador" "manufacturer-sponsored prescription assistance program for _" "acute overdosage of _" "I overdose with _" "drugs such as _" "_ discounted price PS Card members" "_ Prescribed For" "Prescription drugs like _" "fact generic _" "_ be taken exactly as" "medication containing _" "C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "Drug Interactions with _" "_ is a central nervous system depressant" "studies have not been conducted with _" "painkillers such as _" "order generic _" "_ is also a sedative" "_ is also sold under" "discount pharmacy for cheap generic _" "daily price listing of _" "online drugstores offer _" "prescription assistance program for _" "drug online , buy _" "prescription medications , taking _" "pain relievers such as _" "_ is not a controlled substance" "Notes Do not share _" "Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ has a generic alternative" "Testimonials I have ordered _" "cost of generic _" "drugs like _" "Medicines such as _" "online prescription drug store for _" "generic drug online , buy _" "_ is Dispatched from outside" "_ sold online on" "side effects include sneezing _" "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ is an analgesic" "_ is a barbiturate" "high quality Medications like _" "online pharmacy for _" ] using butalbital
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (86.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, migraines)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is prescribed primarily for arg2" "arg1 had already taken BUTALBITAL for arg2" "arg1 is usually prescribed for arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 had constant arg2" "arg1 is often prescribed for arg2" "arg1 is no longer get arg2" "arg1 is most often prescribed for arg2" "arg1 shuts down his arg2" "arg1 just dulls arg2" ] using (butalbital, migraines)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 had already taken BUTALBITAL for arg2" ] using (butalbital, anxiety)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" ] using (butalbital, butalbital)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain_butalbital)
CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 had already taken BUTALBITAL for arg2" ] using (butalbital, anxiety)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was migraine arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" "arg1 is good for nerve arg2" "arg1 gave joint arg2" "arg1 is employed to relieve arg2" "arg1 could never give up my arg2" "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 is a less potent arg2" "arg1 will relieve migraine arg2" "arg1 is used to relieve arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 might be adversely sensitive to arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 will try to relieve arg2" ] using (butalbital, pain)
OE @809 (89.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (butalbital, pain)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 had no trouble controlling arg2" "arg1 is commonly used to relieve arg2" "arg1 could also take ibuprofen if arg2" "arg1 was expecting a lot of arg2" "arg1 is in there to enhance arg2" "arg1 will BUTALBITAL is that arg2" ] using (butalbital, butalbital)