CPL @1099 (88.5%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "_ is a common drug" "Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "xanax taking _" "_ is a substance similar" "_ is a powerful central nervous system stimulant" "_ is extensively metabolized in" "_ keeps blood vessels" "_ is a difficult drug" "_ is a stimulant" "_ is a mild stimulant" "_ is the only compound" "drugs like _" "_ 's half-life" "_ is not physically addictive" "Stimulants such as _" "_ 's diuretic effect" "tea does contain _" "_ is sometimes prescribed for" "_ is actually a drug" "_ is a competitive antagonist" "_ is lipolytic" "_ produces physical dependence" "efficacy/toxicity if _" "_ based stimulants" "_ crosses the placenta" "_ is a central nervous system stimulant" "_ is still a drug" "_ is a well-known drug" "_ crosses the blood-brain barrier" "tips were selected for _" "_ is also a stimulant" "_ is a potent chemical" "_ is a wonderful drug" "_ has a stimulant effect" "_ Increased effect" "_ is a DRUG" "_ is highly water-soluble" "_ is the only drug" "_ also has a diuretic effect" "_ inhibits phosphodiesterase" "_ is an addictive substance" "addictive substance like _" "_ is another drug" "_ is a methylxanthine" "_ containing products such" "stimulant effects of _" "stimulant effect of _" "_ 's stimulant properties" "_ containing beverages" "drug called _" "_ is a useful drug" "alkaloids like _" "coffee contains _" "_ is a barbiturate sedative mixed" "_ is the main drug" "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "drugs such as _" "_ is a potent diuretic" "_ is a stimulant drug" "_ is not an appetite suppressant" "Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ containing drinks" "_ is not an antioxidant" "_ is a plant alkaloid" "level quantity of _" "_ is very water soluble" "_ inhibits an enzyme" "_ is a powerful diuretic" "_ inhibits the breakdown" "drinks containing _" "_ is a great drug" "beverages contain _" "stimulants such as _" "teas contain _" "Drug Called _" "_ has stimulant properties" "_ is active ingredient" "_ is the generic drug name" "_ being a stimulant" "_ are both stimulants" "_ is not the right drug" "Avoid excessive amounts of _" "_ is a natural diuretic" "_ is a psychoactive drug" "_ intended purpose uses" "_ is a remarkable drug" "_ is a powerful anti-oxidant" "_ is a cardiac stimulant" "_ is considered a drug" "_ is a vasodilator" "many milligrams of _" "partial course of _" "_ induced psychosis" "reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ is the stimulant" "herbal forms of _" "_ advanced consumer information" "_ is a performance enhancer" "_ is ergogenic" "Stimulants like _" "Drugs , such as _" "_ relaxes the airways" "_ is butalbital" "_ is a strong stimulant" "_ 's stimulating effects" "_ is usually prescribed as" "_ is a Central Nervous System" "_ is an addictive stimulant" "_ is a psychostimulant" "_ is a mild diuretic" "_ is an alkaloid" "stimulant such as _" "_ stimulates the central nervous system" "stimulant like _" "medicine generic _" "_ does pass into" "_ 's stimulatory effect" "_ has a diuretic effect" "_ is a serious drug" "_ relaxes the smooth muscle" "_ is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor" "_ is not an analgesic" "_ is used medically as" "_ is a long-acting drug" "_ is an ergogenic aid" "_ is a habit-forming drug" "_ is a CNS stimulant" "_ is a natural stimulant" "_ is a central nervous stimulant" "_ is physically addictive" "_ is a respiratory stimulant" "_ is a potent central nervous system stimulant" "_ containing medications" "_ is an addictive drug" "_ is not as addictive" "_ is a safe drug" "_ is a powerful stimulant" "studies have not been conducted with _" "_ containing pills" "C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ including potential side effects" "_ is a diuretic drug" "_ does cross the placenta" "stimulants , such as _" "_ is also a diuretic" "_ is a chemical stimulant" "Excess intake of _" "_ containing soft drinks" "_ constricts blood vessels" "_ is a harmful drug" "_ has a longer half-life" "_ improves short term memory" "_ is a pharmaceutical drug" "_ is a known inhibitor" ] using caffeine
CPL @1099 (91.4%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "_ is a common drug" "Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "xanax taking _" "_ is a powerful central nervous system stimulant" "_ is extensively metabolized in" "_ is a difficult drug" "_ is a stimulant" "_ is a mild stimulant" "_ is the only compound" "drugs like _" "Stimulants such as _" "_ 's diuretic effect" "tea does contain _" "efficacy/toxicity if _" "_ based stimulants" "_ is a central nervous system stimulant" "_ is still a drug" "_ is a well-known drug" "_ crosses the blood-brain barrier" "tips were selected for _" "_ is actually a diuretic" "_ is also a stimulant" "_ is a wonderful drug" "_ is the only drug" "_ inhibits iron absorption" "_ inhibits phosphodiesterase" "_ is an addictive substance" "Tea contain _" "_ is a methylxanthine" "stimulant effects of _" "coffee contains _" "_ is a barbiturate sedative mixed" "_ is a miracle drug" "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "drugs such as _" "_ is a potent diuretic" "_ is a stimulant drug" "Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ containing drinks" "level quantity of _" "_ is a central nervous system" "_ is very water soluble" "_ inhibits an enzyme" "_ inhibits the breakdown" "_ is a great drug" "beverages contain _" "stimulants such as _" "Drug Called _" "_ is active ingredient" "_ is the generic drug name" "_ being a stimulant" "_ is not the right drug" "coffee contain _" "Avoid excessive amounts of _" "_ is a natural diuretic" "_ is a psychoactive drug" "_ intended purpose uses" "_ relaxes muscles" "_ is a powerful anti-oxidant" "_ is a vasodilator" "Addictive Is _" "partial course of _" "_ induced psychosis" "reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "herbal forms of _" "_ advanced consumer information" "_ is a performance enhancer" "Stimulants like _" "Drugs , such as _" "_ 's stimulating effects" "_ is an addictive stimulant" "_ is a psychostimulant" "_ is a mild diuretic" "_ is an alkaloid" "stimulant such as _" "_ is also the active ingredient" "_ based beverages" "_ stimulates the central nervous system" "stimulant like _" "medicine generic _" "_ does pass into" "_ has a diuretic effect" "_ is a serious drug" "_ relaxes the smooth muscle" "_ is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor" "_ is used medically as" "_ is a habit-forming drug" "_ is a CNS stimulant" "_ is a natural stimulant" "_ is a central nervous stimulant" "_ is a potent central nervous system stimulant" "_ containing medications" "_ is not as addictive" "studies have not been conducted with _" "C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with _" "_ including potential side effects" "_ does cross the placenta" "stimulants , such as _" "_ is also a diuretic" "_ containing soft drinks" "_ constricts blood vessels" "_ is a pharmaceutical drug" "_ is a known inhibitor" ] using caffeine
SEAL @213 (75.0%) on 21-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using caffeine
LE @1061 (73.2%) on 28-may-2017
CMC @1052 (100.0%) on 23-apr-2017 [ LASTSUFFIX=ine 2.89819 LASTSUFFIX=ne 2.72283 PREFIX=ca 2.29145 SUFFIX=ne 1.42941 CHARS 0.94350 SUFFIX=ine 0.92855 SUFFIX=eine 0.69334 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.05511 POS=NN -0.33710 WORDS -2.48435 ] using caffeine
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and traces of other arg2" "arg1 or other mind altering arg2" "arg1 and other toxic arg2" "arg1 and other mood altering arg2" ] using (caffeine, substances)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 can increase unwanted arg2" "arg1 including potential arg2" "arg1 patient advice including arg2" "arg1 Solution All medicines may cause arg2" "arg1 has many negative arg2" "arg1 can have some unpleasant arg2" ] using (caffeine, side_effects)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 provides DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 and other drinks with arg2" "arg1 all contain significant amounts of arg2" "arg1 contains theobromine and arg2" "arg1 contains about DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 has about DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 has DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest levels of arg2" "arg1 contains caffeine and arg2" "arg1 has about DD mg of arg2" "arg1 and other beverages containing arg2" "arg1 contains DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains much less arg2" "arg1 to cause symptoms of arg2" "arg1 and medications that contain arg2" "arg1 has mg of arg2" "arg1 milk has less arg2" "arg1 does contain small amounts of arg2" "arg1 contains about DD mg of arg2" "arg1 contains the same amount of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 also contain significant amounts of arg2" "arg1 has DD mg of arg2" "arg1 contains sugar and arg2" ] using (chocolate, caffeine)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 show that a little arg2" "arg1 have shown that too much arg2" "arg1 have shown that ingesting arg2" "arg1 repeatedly demonstrate that arg2" "arg1 show that eliminating arg2" "arg1 show that too much arg2" "arg1 Creatine and arg2" ] using (studies, caffeine)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 content of foods and arg1" "arg2 in common foods and arg1" "arg2 in carbonated arg1" "arg2 content in foods and arg1" "arg2 and avoiding alcoholic arg1" "arg2 content of coffee arg1" "arg2 in cola arg1" "arg2 based carbonated arg1" "arg2 and calorie free arg1" "arg2 in coffee and other arg1" "arg2 content of popular arg1" "arg2 content in food and arg1" "arg2 containing foods or arg1" "arg2 in decaffeinated arg1" "arg2 containing foods and arg1" "arg2 added to foods and arg1" "arg2 content in common arg1" "arg2 and aspartame in arg1" "arg2 free herbal arg1" "arg2 containing carbonated arg1" "arg2 in decaf arg1" "arg2 content of common arg1" "arg2 in tea and other arg1" "arg2 laden soda arg1" ] using (beverages, caffeine)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 as half a cup of arg1" "arg2 content of beverages like arg1" "arg2 than brewed arg1" "arg2 than Arabica arg1" "arg2 is the ingredient in arg1" "arg2 in an average cup of arg1" "arg2 than one cup of arg1" "arg2 or other compounds in arg1" "arg2 as D cups of arg1" "arg2 in my cup of arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" "arg2 than a cup of arg1" "arg2 based drinks such as arg1" "arg2 as a half cup of arg1" "arg2 containing products such as arg1" "arg2 as brewed arg1" "arg2 in coke and arg1" "arg2 per serving as arg1" "arg2 found in one cup of arg1" "arg2 as three cups of arg1" "arg2 in decaffeinated arg1" "arg2 is found not just in arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 is found in regular arg1" "arg2 as DD cups of arg1" "arg2 Caffeine is found in arg1" "arg2 for most adults is arg1" "arg2 free tea and arg1" "arg2 containing foods like arg1" "arg2 per cup than arg1" "arg2 as one cup of arg1" "arg2 in sodas and arg1" "arg2 in starbucks arg1" "arg2 in your cup of arg1" "arg2 per ounce than arg1" "arg2 and acidity than arg1" "arg2 than black tea or arg1" "arg2 as a cup of decaffeinated arg1" "arg2 in tea or arg1" "arg2 from one cup of arg1" "arg2 contents compared to arg1" "arg2 as two cups of arg1" "arg2 while a cup of arg1" "arg2 than tea or arg1" "arg2 all promote modest amounts of arg1" "arg2 containing foods such as arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 and theophylline in arg1" "arg2 found in tea and arg1" "arg2 is in a cup of arg1" "arg2 than regular brewed arg1" "arg2 in both tea and arg1" "arg2 in decaf arg1" "arg2 which is normally found in arg1" "arg2 as a cup of arg1" "arg2 per serving than arg1" "arg2 is in more than just arg1" "arg2 in drinks such as arg1" "arg2 in tea and arg1" ] using (coffee, caffeine)
SEAL @524 (50.0%) on 04-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using (green_tea, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 extract in combination with arg2" "arg1 extract containing arg2" "arg1 sildenafil tadalafil vardenafil com arg2" "arg1 side effects due to arg2" "arg1 extracts contain arg2" "arg1 has about DD mg of arg2" "arg1 catechins and arg2" "arg1 contains relatively large amounts of arg2" "arg1 contains approximately DD mg of arg2" "arg1 contains much less arg2" "arg1 contains mg of arg2" "arg1 and other drinks containing arg2" "arg1 extract compared with arg2" "arg1 suggesting that more than arg2" "arg1 also studied the effect of arg2" "arg1 has about half arg2" "arg1 contains DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 reacts differently than arg2" "arg1 contains about DD mg of arg2" "arg1 but very rich in arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contain about half arg2" "arg1 appear to work with arg2" "arg1 extract because of arg2" "arg1 being spiked with arg2" "arg1 without the trouble or arg2" "arg1 extract combined with arg2" "arg1 extract which has arg2" "arg1 contains half the amount of arg2" "arg1 that is naturally low in arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 contains about half as much arg2" "arg1 extract is a source of arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 is that it does contain arg2" "arg1 Polyphenols and arg2" "arg1 and coffee has arg2" "arg1 conceive as arg2" "arg1 has about DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains the least arg2" "arg1 extract versus arg2" "arg1 with no calories and arg2" "arg1 pills do contain arg2" "arg1 extract contain arg2" "arg1 and metabolife arg2" ] using (green_tea, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 contains half the amount of arg2" "arg1 contains much less arg2" "arg1 is another common source of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 contains tannins and arg2" "arg1 has so much less arg2" "arg1 and coffee have arg2" "arg1 has about half arg2" "arg1 has half the amount of arg2" "arg1 also contains small amounts of arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contains about half as much arg2" "arg1 has about DD mg of arg2" ] using (tea, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 content than green arg1" "arg2 and polysaccharides in arg1" "arg2 than black or green arg1" "arg2 than most green arg1" "arg2 content of the green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 content of traditional arg1" "arg2 than most black arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 free herbal arg1" "arg2 content of white arg1" ] using (teas, caffeine)
SEAL @682 (50.0%) on 11-jan-2013 [ 12345 ] using (cola, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than tea or arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 containing foods such as arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 based drinks such as arg1" "arg2 in drinks such as arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 and phosphoric acid in arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" ] using (cola, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and phosphoric acid in arg1" "arg2 from coffee or arg1" "arg2 content than many other arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 and aspartame in arg1" "arg2 in cola arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in carbonated arg1" "arg2 content of popular arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" ] using (soft_drinks, caffeine)
SEAL @559 (50.0%) on 30-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (black_tea, caffeine)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 than green or arg1" "arg2 than a cup of arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 is in a cup of arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 as a cup of arg1" "arg2 per cup than arg1" ] using (black_tea, caffeine)
SEAL @559 (50.0%) on 30-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (regular_coffee, caffeine)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is in a cup of arg1" "arg2 than a cup of arg1" "arg2 as one cup of arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" "arg2 per ounce than arg1" "arg2 is found not just in arg1" "arg2 as a cup of arg1" "arg2 as D cups of arg1" ] using (regular_coffee, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 has about DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 has mg of arg2" "arg1 contains much less arg2" "arg1 contains about DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains the same amount of arg2" "arg1 has DD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest levels of arg2" "arg1 has DD mg of arg2" ] using (dark_chocolate, caffeine)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 contains about DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains approximately DD mg of arg2" "arg1 has DDD mg of arg2" "arg1 has about DDD mg of arg2" "arg1 containing mg of arg2" "arg1 has about half arg2" ] using (espresso, caffeine)
SEAL @559 (50.0%) on 30-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (espresso, caffeine)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg2 consumption to two arg1" "arg2 intake to two arg1" "arg2 content of two arg1" "arg2 intake to one or two arg1" ] using (cups, caffeine)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and traces of other arg2" "arg1 or other mind altering arg2" "arg1 and other toxic arg2" "arg1 and other mood altering arg2" ] using (caffeine, substances)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 can increase unwanted arg2" "arg1 including potential arg2" "arg1 patient advice including arg2" "arg1 Solution All medicines may cause arg2" "arg1 has many negative arg2" "arg1 can have some unpleasant arg2" ] using (caffeine, side_effects)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and dairy arg1" "arg2 and milk arg1" "arg2 and certain dairy arg1" "arg2 cheese and other dairy arg1" "arg2 or raw milk arg1" "arg2 or tobacco arg1" "arg2 and white flour arg1" "arg2 or use tobacco arg1" "arg2 or dairy arg1" "arg2 and all dairy arg1" ] using (products, caffeine)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 through the breast arg1" "arg2 can pass into breast arg1" "arg2 is excreted into human arg1" "arg2 is found in breast arg1" ] using (milk, caffeine)