MBL @953 (100.0%) on 09-oct-2015 [ Promotion of archaea:entecavir drugworkedonbyagent biotechcompany:bms ]
CMC @1080 (99.9%) on 30-nov-2017 [ SUFFIX=vir 3.30973 LASTSUFFIX=vir 2.55454 SUFFIX=ir 2.03342 CHARS 1.78083 SUFFIX=avir 1.11932 LASTPREFIX=en 0.93108 LASTSUFFIX=ir 0.89889 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A -0.53437 POS=NN -0.84855 WORDS -4.52616 ] using entecavir
SEAL @209 (96.9%) on 14-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using entecavir
CPL @1100 (84.5%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ is substantially excreted by" "_ related Medications" "action , buy _" "drugs such as _" "_ is an antiviral medication" "_ is an antiviral medicine" "patient leaflet is available with _" "_ has the following structural formula" "_ is a nucleoside analogue" "_ was not mutagenic" "generic name is _" "_ was clastogenic" "I Overdose on _" "_ is a nucleoside analog" "Solution Side Effects of _" "Medical Conditions related to _" "extra patient leaflet is available with _" "_ is an antiviral drug" ] using entecavir
CPL @1098 (96.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ related Medications" "drugs such as _" "_ is an antiviral medication" "patient leaflet is available with _" "_ has the following structural formula" "I Overdose on _" "Medical Conditions related to _" "extra patient leaflet is available with _" ] using entecavir
SEAL @175 (87.5%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using entecavir
CPL @1100 (94.1%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "clinical trials of _" "therapy , such as _" "higher dose of _" "medicines like _" "drug resistance to _" "dosage of _" "_ is excreted in" "dosing of _" "drug like _" "patients receiving _" "Drugs such as _" "you stop taking _" "strains resistant to _" "He was treated with _" "patient was treated with _" "antiviral activity of _" "you are taking _" "Side effects from _" "combination therapy with _" "drugs such as _" "patients treated with _" "low dose of _" "drugs , such as _" "Long-term treatment with _" "treatment with _" "patients being treated with _" "_ has not been evaluated in" "adverse events with _" "coadministration of _" "_ 's side effects" "infection with _" "information comparing use of _" "long-term treatment with _" "side effects of _" "doses of _" "_ were headache" "possible side effects of _" "_ is coadministered with" "FDA also approved _" "drug called _" "therapeutic effect of _" "vitro activity of _" "safety profile of _" "drugs like _" "off-label use of _" "other drugs , such as _" "comparing use of _" "dose of _" "FDA approval of _" "tolerability of _" "average doses of _" "efficacy of oral _" "different doses of _" "co-administration of _" "pharmacokinetic profile of _" "Combination therapy with _" "they stop taking _" "long-term use of _" "therapy with _" "_ is excreted into" "specific information comparing use of _" "monotherapy with _" "_ include headache" "pharmacokinetics of _" "FDA approved _" "_ is indicated for" ] using entecavir